Mistweaver Monk Mythic+ Guide (2024)


Mistweaver Monk Mythic+ Guide

Last Updated: August 11th 2024

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11.0.1 - The War Within

Welcome to the Mistweaver Monk Mythic+ guide for World of Warcraft patch 11.0.1! Here, you find tips and tricks to maximize your output and ensure your character is ready to top the charts. But first, let’s give you a brief glimpse of what you signed up for.

As a Mistweaver Monk in Mythic+, you are primarily a melee healer, but have the option of casting powerful healing spells from ranged when necessary. You optimize around Renewing Mist to set up big heals with Vivify, that causes Invigorating Mists to splash healing onto all allies with Renewing Mist. But in Mythic+ you mainly utilize the talent Jadefire Stomp and Ancient Teachings, to heal your party by doing damage.

In this patch specifically, you benefit greatly from your 4pc tier set: Soulfang Vitality, increasing your Renewing Mist and Vivify healing by 40% for 6 seconds after drinking a Tea such as Mana Tea.

The following sections contains a deep dive into strategies and techniques to help you excel as a Mistweaver Monk in patch 11.0.1. Prepare to master this powerful healing spec and make a significant difference in your dungeons!


Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

Mistweaver Monk Mythic+ Guide (1)Mistweaver Monk Mythic+ Guide (2)

Mistweaver MonkMythic+

Overall Healing










  • Mistweaver Monk is a solid choice for a dungeon environment due to its strong healing and survivability performance compared to other healing specs.
  • Additionally, Mistweaver Monk has constant high throughput healing through Jadefire Stomp which gives you Ancient Teachings, making your damage abilities provide healing.
  • Furthermore, Mistweaver Monks have incredibly strong spot healing potential. If there ever is an ally in danger, rest assured a Mistweaver Monk can heal them through even the most dire situation.
  • While these aspects are all excellent, they come at a cost. Mistweaver Monk has strong mobility, but relies on melee uptime and cooldown management. Despite these challenges, with good foresight and effective use of your abilities, Mistweaver Monk can perform exceptionally well in dungeon environments.


Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

When to use this Spec

This is the default loadout going into any dungeon. You have to adjust the class talent tree based on the utility needed for the affix and dungeon combo. To make your life easier, Dungeon specific talent loadouts are available in the Dungeons section.

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Rising Mist
    • This is the core talent for your build, it makes your Rising Sun Kick heal all allies with your Renewing Mist and Enveloping Mist and extends those effects by 4 sec, up to 100% of their original duration.
  • Ancient Teachings
    • The buff from casting Jadefire Stomp which makes your Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick and Rising Sun Kick heal up to 5 injured allies for 170% of the damage done for 15 seconds, split evenly. You also gain 5% stamina while this buff is up.
  • Ancient Concordance
    • Your Jadefire Stomp also makes Blackout Kick strike 3 total targets and have higher chance to reset Rising Sun Kick. This synergizes with Ancient Teachings to do a lot of healing.
  • Awakened Jadefire
    • Provides a higher chance of a reset on Jadefire Stomp, and it makes your Tiger Palm strike 2 times and give 2x stacks of Teachings of the Monastery. Additionally, it makes your Spinning Crane Kick heal 3 nearby allies for 70% of the damage done, spin to win!
  • Pool of Mists
    • This gives you an extra charge of Renewing Mist, up to 3 charges, and reducing the cooldown of Rising Sun Kick by 1 second. It also makes Rising Sun Kick reduce the cooldown of Renewing Mist by 1 second.
  • Chi Harmony
    • Gives your target that you cast Renewing Mist on 8 seconds of 50% healing taken increase from you, also preventing Renewing Mist from bouncing to a new target.
  • Rapid Diffusion
    • Rising Sun Kick and Enveloping Mist applies Renewing Mist with a 6 second duration to random ally. Giving you extra Renewing Mist for free basically, and you get a lot of them with this spec due to casting Rising Sun Kick on cooldown.

Class Tree

  • Improved Detox
    • Your Detox also dispels all Poison and Disease effects.
  • Vivacious Vivification
    • Making your Vivify sometimes an instant and does more healing, very good for healing when you have to dodge mechanics.
  • Save Them All
    • When you heal an ally lower than 35% hp, you gain a nice 10% healing increase for the next 4 seconds.
  • Yu'lon's Grace
    • A passive magic absorb shield that refreshes every 2 seconds to a maximum of 10% of your max health.


Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

Tier Set

  • (2pc): Renewing Mist Soothing Mist , and Enveloping Mist healing increased by 12%.
  • (4pc): Drinking a Tea gives you the buff Soulfang Vitality, increasing the healing of your Vivify and Renewing Mist by 40% for 6 seconds.

This powerful set boosts your ‍Renewing Mist and makes ‍Vivify and ‍Invigorating Mists do significantly more healing on demand. It lets you control the buff, ensuring you have it whenever you need to deal major healing with ‍Vivify.

Priority List

General rotation

  1. Apply Mystic Touch to all enemies by doing any damage to them.
  2. Cast Jadefire Stomp and maintain the buff.
  3. Spin to win with Spinning Crane Kick if there are 4+ enemies and you can heal the damage intake with it.
  4. Cast Renewing Mist so you never reach 3 stacks.
  5. Cast Sheilun's Gift whenever there's a large amount of healing needed.
  6. Cast Thunder Focus Tea and use it on either Rising Sun Kick for damage or Enveloping Mist for instant cast spot heal.
  7. CastRising Sun Kick on cooldown.
  8. Cast Blackout Kick when you have any stacks of Teachings of the Monastery.
  9. Cast Tiger Palm to gain Teachings of the Monastery stacks.
  10. Try to cast Mana Tea before casting any Vivifies to gain your 4pc:Soulfang Vitality.
  11. Cast Vivify to heal an ally and the party.
  12. Cast Soothing Mist on an ally then cast Enveloping Mist and Vivify if they need serious spot healing.

For Damage

  1. Cast Jadefire Stomp and maintain the buff.
  2. CastRising Sun Kick on cooldown.
  3. CastBlackout Kick on cooldown.
  4. Cast Tiger Palm.
  5. Cast Spinning Crane Kick only if there are 4 or more enemies.


Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane

  • Your main healing cooldown as a Mistweaver Monk summons an effigy of Chi-Ji, that shields allies with Celestial Harmony, and your damage abilities reduce the cost and cast time of Enveloping Mist by 33% (up to 3 stacks) making it 100% free and instant cast.
    • Celestial Harmony gives a shield to 5 allies, and also makes your Enveloping Mist apply an extra HoT and 10% heal increase with Enveloping Breath.
    • Gift of the Celestials reduces the cooldown by 2 min, making it a 1 min cooldown, but decreases duration to 12 sec.
    • Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane kicks upMastery: Gust of Mists, which is your Mastery, whenever you use Rising Sun Kick, Blackout Kick and Spinning Crane Kick, which can be big heals when used well.
  • Before summoning Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane you should get 4x stacks of Teachings of the Monastery. This makes your next Blackout Kick hit 5 total times. You can cast Enveloping Mist after your first Blackout Kick or your 2nd Rising Sun Kick, it depends if you need to spot heal from the instant cast Enveloping Mist or not.

Sheilun's Gift

  • Sheilun's Gift is a powerful cooldown due to its super strong heal, you can treat this as a cooldown by itself when it's at 10 stacks. If used well, this can be a lifesaver for your party in many situations.

Thunder Focus Tea with Secret Infusion

  • Using Thunder Focus Tea with Secret Infusion provides both the empowerment and a 15% secondary stat buff, depending on the next spell cast. Generally, use Rising Sun Kick for a cooldown reset and 15% Versatility from Secret Infusion. You can also use it on Expel Harm for a heal absorb from Chi Cocoon for survivability.

Life Cocoon

  • A high absorb external, Life Cocoon, can be a lifesaver for both allies and yourself. You can use it before a high damage event to save some personal cooldowns on your allies, or so you can entirely focus on healing the rest of the group.

Deep dive

Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

These are the rotational mechanics you need to execute correctly to maximize your output as a Mistweaver Monk in Mythic+.

Min maxing your Tier Set 4pc Soulfang Vitality

  • To get the most out of your 4-Set Soulfang Vitality buff, make sure to drink any Tea (Mana Tea or Thunder Focus Tea). Always have the Soulfang Vitality buff active before casting Vivify for a huge 40% healing boost. This buff also enhances Renewing Mist, so keeping it up as much as possible significantly increases your Renewing Mist coverage. Drink at least one stack of Mana Tea when you have the stacks and before using Vivify.

Spin to win or Ancient Teachings for healing?

  1. If there are 7+ enemies, then spin to win with Spinning Crane Kick and Awakened Jadefire for the most healing.
  2. On 4-6 enemies then keep casting Spinning Crane Kick for damage, but only if you can heal through the damage intake.
  3. If there are 1-3 Jadefire Stomp and Ancient Concordance with Ancient Teachings is by far more healing and damage. Even with 4-6 enemies, this is generally better than Spinning Crane Kick for healing, it can depend on how much damage the tank is taking, and the pattern of damage intake.

If you can't do either of the above to sustain enough healing for your group, then you need to start using cooldowns. Activate Sheilun's Gift to top the group when health bars are going low, Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane is a huge boost to your healing especially with Blackout Kick during Jadefire Stomp with the talent Ancient Concordance.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

  • Pandemic
  • Spell Queue Window
  • Stat Diminishing Returns


Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

← Scroll for more Dungeons →

Algeth'ar Academy

Brackenhide Hollow

Halls of Infusion


Ruby Life Pools

The Azure Vault

The Nokhud Offensive

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

Boss Tips


  • General Tips
    • Always prioritize casting Detox on cooldown whenever no Mana Bomb is active.
  • Output Cds
    • Use Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane as often as possible on each set of Mana Bombs.
    • When the group isn't sufficiently healthy, cast Revival right before Mana Bomb explodes.
  • Personal/External
    • Whenever you are targeted by a Mana Bomb, use Fortifying Brew if there is an overlap with Arcane Fissure.
    • Do not hesitant to use Life Cocoon on anyone just make sure to use it as soon as the Mana Bomb spawns to get the most use of it.

Overgrown Ancient

  • General Tips
    • Always prioritize dispelling your tank on cd!
  • Output Cds
    • There's very little healing to do on this boss besides during Burst Forth and the DoT, you can save Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane and Sheilun's Gift for this.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure to use Fortifying Brew on Burst Forth. On higher keys, this can easily one shot you, especially if the small adds are running around hitting you. Life Cocoon can be used right before the explosion happens if you see someone is at very low hp from the small adds hitting them.


  • Output Cds
    • Use Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane on the Deafening Screech for the group absorb from Chi Cocoon.
    • When the tank gets Savage Peck you need to heal them, if your tank doesn't have a personal you may need to use Life Cocoon.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure you only use a personalafter 2+ stacks and‍Life Cocoonafter 4+ stacks of‍Sonic Vulnerability when Deafening Screech is happening. Deafening Screech is cast every 23 seconds so you have to cycle through your defensives when stacks get high.
    • Keep an eye out on your tank and use Life Cocoon when they have the Savage Peck DoT.

Echo of Doragosa

  • Output Cds
    • There is very little to heal on this boss so use Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane on the pull in simply for the Chi Cocoon incase someone gets hit by an orb.
  • Personal/External
    • Use one of your defensives every time you have Energy Bomb. Use Life Cocoon only on Energy Bomb targets if you can't top them before the debuff ends.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • The mobs in Crawths Area do not do group dmg so be sure to not sit on your cds and use them for damage instead.
  • Personal/External
    • Preemptively use Defensive Cooldowns when in combat with Aggravated Skitterflys or Arcane Foragers since they jump and damage random people in combat with them. While initially it does not seem needed, you can prevent an unlucky case of being focused by multiple enemies at the same time.
    • When you get hit by a Spectral Invoker's Arcane Missiles you should use a strong defensive as well in case your Group did run out of stops!
  • Utility
    • While fighting the Guardian Sentry be ready to use Ring of Peace to interrupt them and other spellcasters in the dungeon.

Boss Tips

Hackclaw's War-Band

  • General Tips
    • Make sure to Dispel your tank as the highest priority.
    • Kick the boss if Greater Healing Rapids looks like it's going to go off.
  • Output Cds
    • Use both Revival and Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane whenever you don't have Sheilun's Gift to counter the Gash Frenzy dot.
  • Personal/External
    • Use Fortifying Brew on Gash Frenzy, also make use of Life Cocoon as this can get out of hand rapidly if you can't heal them up quickly.


  • General Tips
    • You can use Leg Sweep to stun the Decaying Slimes that spawn from Decay Spray before they complete their Gushing Ooze cast.
  • Output Cds
    • Use all cooldowns you have to heal the person soaking the boss for the Grasping Vines mechanic.
  • Personal/External
    • Use Life Cocoon as needed to deal with Grasping Vines.


  • Output Cds
    • Maximize your DPS but be ready to use Revival if someone randomly drops low.
  • Personal/External
    • No planned uses, use your Life Cocoon freely if things go wrong.

Decatriach Wratheye

  • Output Cds
    • Generally save Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane if Rotburst Totem goes through, as it's the most common wipe reason with the DoT ticking hard if you somehow manage to live the explosion.
  • Personal/External
    • Use Life Cocoon/wow-spell] on the tank for Decaystrike when needed.
    • Use Fortifying Brew for Withered Eruption.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Have your group use personal defensive abilities while fighting Bonebolt Hunters if your output cooldowns are unavailable.
    • If your group is unable to stand on the avoid spots while fighting Wilted Oaks, your party takes very heavy, nearly unhealable damage. Make sure to use your entire defensive spell book there, because the upcoming boss, Treemouth, does not require any of those.
    • When fighting any Vile Rothexer, your top priority is to immediately dispel the disease caused by Withering Contagion, as it results in a one-shot kill.
  • Personal/External
    • When you have Bleeding press at least one of your bigger defensives.
    • If multiple party members have Withering, prioritize dispelling your highest DPS first. Use defensive abilities to mitigate the debuff on yourself, as it causes the least amount of time lost if you are affected.
  • Utility
    • You can Ring of Peace to interrupt many spellcasters in the dungeon, or to stack up some crossbow trash mobs.

Boss Tips

Watcher Irideus

  • Output Cds
    • Use Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane on Static Surge because on higher keys a 10 stack Sheilun's Gift may not be enough.
  • Personal/External
    • Always ask for personal cooldowns for Static Surge because, at higher key levels, no one can survive this with just healing.
    • Make sure to have Fortifying Brew or Life Cocoon ready for Static Surge.
    • Use Potion of Withering Dreams and Healthstone as defensives in this fight, and plan ahead.

Gulping Goliath

  • Output Cds
    • Use your Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane for the group wide absorb for Overpowering Croak. You can use Revival and Sheilun's Gift for Toxic Effluvia, as this event is survivable by just healing through it, even at the highest key levels.
  • Personal/External
    • Split up your defensive arsenal to counter Overpowering Croak. Communicate this with your group beforehand as one personal might not be enough on the highest key levels.

Khajin the Unyielding

  • Output Cds
    • You want to spread your cooldowns on this boss as it's the same output all the time, save up to 10 stacks of Sheilun's Gift, and when that's on cooldown fill the throughput gap with either Revival or Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, and then personals.
  • Personal/External
    • Since the damage on this fight is constant throughout the fight you should aim to get as many uses as possible of all defensives and externals, preferably when you have gaps in your own healing.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams.

Primal Tsunami

  • Output Cds
    • Maximize your DPS, be ready with Life Cocoon if anyone drops low randomly.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure to use Fortifying Brew for Tempest's Fury, and remember to use Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane before the cast for the group wide absorb Chi Cocoon.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams if you are not at 100% HP before Tempest's Fury.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Plan ahead for multiple sets of Deep Chill from the Glacial Proto-Dragons. If someone won't be able to remove it, you need to have an output cooldown ready to heal through the debuff.
  • Personal/External
    • Always press one of your personals when targeted by Containment Beam.
    • While fighting Shocktroopers, use a defensive cooldown when you lose health, as Lightning Blast might kill you.
  • Utility
    • You can use Revival to remove Deep Chill from the Glacial Proto-Dragons.

Boss Tips

Chargath, Bane of Scales

  • Output Cds
    • Wait to use an efficient Sheilun's Gift when your group breaks the chains, as this is the highest group damage intake.
  • Personal/External
    • If your group does not have a bleed removal for Dragon Strike, have someone tanky bait it, as it targets the furthest player. You could tank it with one of your defensive trinkets or Life Cocoon.
    • Make sure to rotate between your defensives when your group is breaking the chains.
    • Use Tiger's Lust which removes Grounding Spear snare.

Forgemaster Gorek

  • Output Cds
    • Use a 10 stack Sheilun's Gift after Might of the Forge to heal the initial damage and the subsequent Blazing Aegis easier to heal.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure to have a defensive up as Might of the Forge is about to happen, otherwise the initial hit might kill you.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams.


  • Output Cds
    • Use a 10 stack Sheilun's Gift when Magma Eruption explodes, and use Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane whenever you don't have 10 stacks of Sheilun's Gift.
  • Personal/External
    • Use Fortifying Brew to reduce the initial hit of Magma Eruption every time.
    • You also have to pop a personal defensive when you are targeted by Lava Spray. Use Life Cocoon whenever you or someone else does not have a personal left.

Warlord Sargha

  • Output Cds
    • Use Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane when the boss is about to cast Magma Shield, you should also have a 10 stack Sheilun's Gift if you take some ticks before the shield breaks.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through defensives when you get Molten Gold. Use Life Cocoon on a person when Magma Shield is about to happen.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • When fighting Apex Blazewings, make sure to plan ahead and have one of your output cooldowns ready for Candescent Tempest. If you don't, ask for personal defensives.
  • Personal/External
    • When you get the bleed of Bold Ambush while fighting Qalashi Hunters make sure to use Fortifying Brew.
    • When a Qalashi Blacksmith is casting Forgestomp, and you are not topped off or are simultaneously fighting mobs that do group damage, use a defensive cooldown.
  • Utility
    • You can Ring of Peace to interrupt many spellcasters in the dungeon, but also to knock in all mobs within the range of the chain breaking stun.

Boss Tips

Melidrussa Chillworn

  • General Tips
    • Always cast Detox on your Tank when he has multiple stacks of Primal Chill. It can not ever reach 10 stacks.
  • Output Cds
    • Use Sheilun's Gift before Chillstorm is about to explode and you have high stacks, if not you may need to pre ramp some Enveloping Mist to be able to heal through it.
  • Personal/External
    • You need to use a defensive for every single Chillstorm, regardless of whether you are the target or not. On the highest keys, you might also need to use one during the intermission.
    • Make sure to have Life Cocoon ready if a Chillstorm is about to explode and someone is not topped.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams if you are not at high health before Chillstorm explodes.

Kokia Blazehoof

  • Output Cds
    • Use your Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane and Revival to heal through the Inferno DoT.
  • Personal/External
    • Make sure to have a personal active when an Elemental is about to finish its Inferno cast if possible.
    • Your tank might need your Life Cocoon as Searing Blows is one of the most vicious tank mechanics this season, especially if your group is lacking an Evoker for bleed removal or your tank is not a Dwarf.

Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein

  • Output Cds
    • In Phase 1, you won't need any healing cooldowns, so save them for Phase 2.
    • In Phase 2, use your Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane and Revival on different sets of Flamespit, as it now affects multiple people.
  • Personal/External
    • Use Life Cocoon to save someone that has Flamespit.
    • Use Fortifying Brew whenever you are targeted by Flamespit.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams when there is a potential overlap of Interrupting Cloudburst and Flamespit.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Plan ahead for each Blazebound Destroyer in the area before the second boss, as you need a cooldown for each Inferno cast.
    • When fighting Flamegullet, make sure to use your cooldowns after it hits 50% HP because Molten Blood starts dealing damage at that point.
    • While fighting a Tempest Channeler or High Channeler Ryvati in the third boss area (no matter if it's Fortified or Tyrannical) these mobs hurt a lot, so make sure you rotate your cooldowns for their AoE.
  • Personal/External
    • Plan ahead for each Blazebound Destroyer in the area before the second boss. Your group always has to press a defensive on each Inferno.
    • When fighting Thunderhead, make sure to dispel Rolling Thunder as soon as possible. The damage from the explosion is easily mitigated by defensives, while the DoT from the debuff is the lethal part. Using Revival together with preemptive defensives is a great solution for one set of Rolling Thunder.
  • Utility
    • Use Ring of Peace to interrupt and group up many spellcaster mobs in this dungeon.

Boss Tips


  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns to quickly top off your group after Explosive Brand so they are prepared for the incoming Consuming Stomp. A 10 stack Sheilun's Gift should do the job here.
  • Personal/External
    • You need to use a personal or one of your defensive on-use items for each Consuming Stomp.
    • If a tree gets consumed by Consuming Stomp, make sure to use Life Cocoon on the weakest ally in your group, as they would get one shot.


  • Output Cds
    • Use all your cooldowns during the intermission, as constant high HPS is needed for an extended period of time.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through your defensive arsenal during the intermission, as your HPS won't be enough for your group to stay alive.

Telash Greywing

  • Output Cds
    • You want to use your Sheilun's Gift in this fight to top off the group from Frost Bomb and to have everyone healthier for when Icy Devastator happens afterward.
    • Use Life Cocoon on Icy Devastator if the ally it's targeted on is not healthy.
  • Personal/External
    • Use a personal defensive every time you are targeted by Icy Devastator.
    • When Absolute Zero is happening and you do not have a major cooldown ready, make sure to use a defensive as well.


  • Output Cds
    • Save and use all cooldowns for when a Hardened Crystal is up, besides that it's only tank healing that needs attention.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through defensives and Life Cocoon, while a Hardened Crystal is active.
      • The crystals spawn at 75%, 50%, and 25% boss hp.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams when a Hardened Crystal is active.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • The only trash mobs that deal group damage, if everything goes right, are the Drakonid Breakers. So make sure to have your cooldowns ready for those.
  • Personal/External
    • When targeted by Shoulder Slam, you must use either a defensive ability or an on-use defensive item.
    • Sometimes Shoulder Slam is quickly followed by Bestial Roar which can be very deadly.
  • Utility
    • You can use Revival if Mystic Vapors goes off from the Conjured Lashers at the beginning of the dungeon.

Boss Tips


  • Output Cds
    • Make sure to use Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane before Shards of Stone for the absorb Chi Cocoon.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate between personals and your Life Cocoon to survive Shards of Stone. Since it has a ~30-second cooldown, you need to make use of your entire defensive arsenal.

The Raging Tempest

  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns during Electrical Storm, as this is the most deadly part of the encounter.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives on Lightning Strike if you feel in danger, otherwise it's a good use during Electrical Storm.
    • Make sure to keep an eye out as someone may need Life Cocoon on Lightning Strike.

Teera and Maruuk

  • Output Cds
    • Use Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane before Gale Arrow for the absorb from Chi Cocoon as Teera rapidly starts to use Quick Shot again and may kill someone.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives every time Gale Arrow happens.
    • Be aware of getting hit by Quick Shot back to back. Be sure to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams.

Balakar Khan

  • General Tips
    • In Phase 2, always make dispelling Conductive Strike from your tank your highest priority.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams during the intermission. Make sure your group has the same mindset here.
  • Output Cds
    • In Phase 1, use your Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane on the Iron Spear if needed, but make sure to have one ready for the start of the intermission.
    • Do not hesitate to use either a Healthstone or a Potion of Withering Dreams during the intermission. Make sure your group has the same mindset here.
    • In Phase 2, use your Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane also for the Iron Spear.
  • Personal/External
    • When you are targeted by Iron Spear, make sure to use Fortifying Brew.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Make sure to use your output cooldowns when fighting Nokhud Warspears and Longbows in Granyth's area, as they deal significant group damage.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives without hesitation while fighting Nokhud Warspears and Longbows, as it is very easy to be overwhelmed by their attacks.
    • Use your Fortifying Brew or one of your defensive items when targeted by Chain Lightning from a Primalist Thunderbeast.
    • When Totemic Overload is happening and you are not at 100% HP, use a defensive without hesitation.
    • When Shatter Soul is happening and you are not at 100% HP, use a defensive without hesitation.
  • Utility
    • You can use Ring of Peace to knock in the crossbow range mobs in the first area so they stack up better.

Boss Tips

The Lost Dwarves

  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns during the ultimate longboat raid.
  • Personal/External
    • When targeted by Ricocheting Shield.


  • Output Cds
    • Use your cooldowns separately on as many Quaking Totems as possible.
  • Personal/External
    • Use a defensive when Quaking Totem is active, as it is the only damage event in this encounter.

Sentinel Talondras.

  • Output Cds
    • Use your Life Cocoon to save the person with Earthen Shards before the AoE Crushing Stomp.
    • You can also use Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane just before the Crushing Stomp for the absorb shield to your party.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through your entire defensive arsenal whenever you are targeted by Earthen Shards.
    • Make sure to have a personal active whenever Crushing Stomp is cast.


  • Output Cds
    • Use Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane on cooldown on this boss, as there are many different damage events.
    • Cast Revival to get rid of Burning Heat.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate through your defensives when Unstable Embers happens, as this can likely kill you.

Chrono-Lord Deios

  • Output Cds
    • This fight has very high HPS requirements, so we need to maximize the value from our Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, in combination with using its absorb to save someone from getting one shot by Wing Buffet.
  • Personal/External
    • Rotate your defensives for every single Wing Buffet as this can kill you on higher keys.
    • Dispel Time Sink off a different member and use Tiger's Lust to get rid of it from yourself.

Trash Tips

  • Output Cds
    • Runic Protectors deal intense group damage when they channel Earthquake, so make sure to have at least one of your cooldowns ready.
    • When fighting Infinite Timereavers, make sure to have healing cooldowns ready.
  • Personal/External
    • When fighting Leapers, make sure to use a personal defensive preemptively, as their Ambush might one-shot you.
    • When fighting Earthen Weavers, if their Hail of Stone gets to channel, do not hesitate to use a defensive.
    • When fighting Runic Protectors and they channel Earthquake make sure to rotate through your defensives.
  • Utility
    • You can use Revival to get rid of Burning Heat.


Learn how to effectively handle various Mythic+ Affixes as a Mistweaver Monk. Depending on the level of the Mythic+ Dungeon, you contend with up to two additional Affixes alongside Fortified and Tyrannical.

  • Entangling
    • Tiger's Lust
      • Tiger's Lust removes all snares, you have this for every single Entanglement.
  • Incorporeal
    • Paralysis
      • You can quickly Paralysis an Incorporeal since it's instant cast, making it easier for the rest of the group to take care of the 2nd one that may spawn.
  • Afflicted
    • Detox
      • Make sure to always Detox one afflicted and if you see the 2nd one is not getting a dispel, you can heal it up but it requires some effort.
  • Spiteful
    • Ring of Peace
      • You can Ring of Peace the spiteful instead of running from it. Use this to help the others in your group as well even if you are fixated yourself.
  • Bursting
    • Revival
      • Be aware when the stacks get out of hand to use Revival as it dispels all Bursting stacks and debuffs.

Stat Priority

Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Mythic+ Dungeons as a Mistweaver Monk. For more detailed information, visit theStats and Attributesguide.

The conclusion here is that you want to equip the highest item level generally.

Blizzard introduced Stat DRs that you need to be aware of. To get to know what those are and why you have to care about them click here to get to our detailed stat DR resource post!


  • Avoidance - Reduces damage taken from AoE effects.
  • Leech - Returns a portion of your damage and healing done as healing to you. (Excludes self healing).
  • Speed - Increases movement speed. (Does stack with other movement speed abilities).

The only time you should think about picking a lower item level is if it has Leech or Avoidance. Speed is nice to have, but you should generally ignore that stat.

Here is a showcase of how powerful Leech is for a Healer:

Mistweaver Monk Mythic+ Guide (3)


Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

Best in Slot

Farmable Alternatives

Due to the way stat weights work for Mistweaver Monk, there isn't a strict best-in-slot list. Although it is theoretically possible to obtain items with all the correct Tertiaries, doing so requires extraordinary luck or several human lifespans because of the weekly reset system in World of Warcraft.

HeadGaze of the Waking FistTier / Catalyst
NeckElemental LariatCrafting
ShouldersMantle of the Waking FistTier / Catalyst
CloakDecorated Commander's CindercloakEranog
ChestAllied Heartwarming Fur CoatCrafting
WristNeedlessly Complex WristguardsCrafting
GlovesPalms of the Waking FistTier / Catalyst
BeltElder's Volcanic BindingRashok
LegsLegguards of the Waking FistTier / Catalyst
BootsTreads of Restored OrderHalls of Infusion
Ring 1Circle of Ascended FrostHalls of Infusion
Ring 2Seal of Diurna's ChosenEranog
WeaponVakash, the Shadowed InfernoFyrakk
Off-HandThadrion's Erratic ArcanotrodeForgotten Experiments
Trinket 1Fyrakk's Tainted RageheartFyrakk
Trinket 2Ward of Faceless IreNeltharion

Authors Note

This list shows the best items for healing in dungeons from all sources. Keep in mind that getting different tier pieces with Leech / Avoidance changes which off-piece is best for you. Likewise, any other non-trinket item with Leech / Avoidance replaces the one suggested here.

Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadVision of Foreshadowed EndsUldaman
NeckBromach's Disentombed LocketUldaman
ShouldersAncient Hornswog SpauldersNeltharus
CloakCloak of Lost DevotionThe Azure Vault
ChestTunic of the Eternal HuntThe Nokhud Offensive
WristFrenzyroot CuffsAcademy
GlovesBlightweaver's ClutchesBrackenhide
BeltCinch of Forgotten DutyUldaman, Legacy of Tyr
LegsLegguards of Adamant RuleThe Nokhud Offensive
BootsTreads of Restored OrderHalls of Infusion
Ring 1Unstable Arcane LoopThe Azure Vault
Ring 2Circle of Ascended FrostHalls of Infusion
WeaponInfinite DragonspireUldaman, Legacy of Tyr
Trinket 1Spoils of NeltharusNeltharus
Trinket 2Ruby Whelp ShellRuby Life Pools


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the scenario.

Active Trinket alternatives

  1. Belor'relos, the Suncaller
    • Large on demand damage, good in dungeons like Brackenhide Hollow.
  2. Iceblood Deathsnare
    • Strong on-use AoE damage in big trash dungeons.

Passive Trinket alternatives

  1. Ominous Chromatic Essence
    • Strong stat stick, and very good if you get all stats out of it from people in your party.
  2. Tome of Unstable Power
    • Use this when you feel like you don't need more healing to do extra damage. Note that this trinket you cannot loot by yourself and you need to have it traded to you, and you need to use the talent Chi Wave when playing this trinket to trigger it more easily.


Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

Get to know your best Embellishments for Mythic+ dungeons as a Mistweaver Monk, including QoL Embellishments and the optimal slots for crafting them!

Best in Slot

  • Elemental Lariat
    • Strong Stat Stick: Duration scales with equipped sockets.
  • Allied Heartwarming Fur Coat
    • Strong Stat Stick: Buffs you and your group on a very high uptime.

Remaining Sparks

  • Make sure to apply Alchemical Flavor Pocket if you have an additional crafted item equipped.
  • Crafted items are 525 item level and regular items are 528 on max item level, therefore, it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

HeadIncandescent Essence
NeckTiered Medallion Setting 3x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Graceful Avoidance
ChestEnchant Chest - Waking Stats
WristEnchant Bracer - Devotion of Avoidance
BeltShadowed Belt Clasp
LegsFrozen Spellthread
BootsEnchant Boots - Watcher's Loam
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Devotion of Versatility
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Devotion of Versatility
WeaponEnchant Weapon - Sophic Devotion

If you reach 20% avoidance make sure to swap avoidance for leech enchants: Enchant Cloak - Regenerative Leech and Enchant Bracer - Devotion of Leech


Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

To further improve the performance of your Mistweaver Monk during Mythic+ Dungeons you need to have the proper Consumables in use.


  • Phial of Tepid Versatility -- Generally the best
  • Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage -- For maximum Output


  • Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak
  • Deviously Deviled Eggs

Combat Potion

  • Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power -- Generally the best
  • Potion of Shocking Disclosure -- AoE damage potion
  • Aerated Mana Potion -- When stuff goes wrong

Health Potion

  • Potion of Withering Dreams -- Big Burst of healing, but leaves a dot behind.
  • Dreamwalker's Healing Potion -- Less healing upfront but an additional small heal overtime.

Weapon Rune

  • Howling Rune -- Default
  • Buzzing Rune -- If you have reached haste stat dr

Augment Rune

  • Dreambound Augment Rune -- Requires Reputation
  • Draconic Augment Rune


  • Resplendent Illimited Diamond -- Unique, made by work order
  • Energized Malygite


Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

For min-maxing a Mistweaver Monk in Mythic+ Dungeons, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your characters. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.

  • Stoneform -- Dwarf
    • Removes all magic, bleed, poison, and disease effects and reduces physical damage taken
    • Use-cases:
      • Bursting stacks.
      • Splinterbark on Overgrown Ancient (Algeth'ar Academy).
      • Deep Chill from Glacial Proto-Dragons (Halls of Infusion).
      • Withering from Fetid Rotsingers and Brackenhide Shapers (Brackenhide Hollow).
      • Earthen Shards from Sentinel Talondras (Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr).
      • Stolen Time from Infinite Timereavers (Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr).
      • Dragon Strike from Chargath (Neltharus).
      • Bold Ambush from Qalashi Hunters (Neltharus).
  • Shadowmeld -- Night Elf
    • Turns you invisible, any action, damage taken, or movement breaks this effect.
    • Use-cases:
      • Cast Shadowmeld when Forgemaster Gorek (Neltharus) targets you with Blazing Aegis, this completely negates the mechanic for you and the rest of the group.
      • Run past basically any mob and then cast Shadowmeld to make them reset. It even works on mobs that have stealth detection if you get enough distance before you Shadowmeld.


I recommend playing Night Elf this season! The higher the keys you run, the more essential Shadowmeld becomes in certain dungeons where you can ignore certain mechanics.


Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

Discover recommended macros for Mistweaver Monk during Mythic+ Dungeons and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video

Mouseover Macros

All spells in this Mistweaver Monk Mythic+ Guide are available as mouseover macros for your convenience!


/cast [@mouseover, help] Vivify; Vivify

Enveloping Mist

/cast [@mouseover, help] Enveloping Mist; Enveloping Mist

Renewing Mist

/cast [@mouseover, help] Renewing Mist; Renewing Mist

Soothing Mist

/cast [@mouseover, help] Soothing Mist; Soothing Mist

Sheilun's Gift

/cast [@mouseover, help] Sheilun's Gift; Sheilun's Gift

Life Cocoon

/cast [@mouseover, help] Life Cocoon; Life Cocoon


/cast [@mouseover, help] Detox; Detox

Recommended Macros


Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Mistweaver Monk, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Mythic+ Dungeons to make your life easier.

Mistweaver Monk Mythic+ Guide (4)



Changes this Patch

Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

Patch 11.0


Patch 11.0.1 - The War Within

Mistweaver Monk

Q: Why do I keep dying?

Q: Why do I keep running out of Mana?


Written By: Velo

Reviewed By: Thaner

Mistweaver Monk Mythic+ Guide (2024)


What is the best looking race for Mistweaver Monk? ›

Best Mistweaver Monk Races

I highly recommend choosing the race you like the most, aesthetically speaking. The best races to go for as a Mistweaver Monk are: For Alliance: Dwarf, Pandaren, Night Elf and Void Elf. For Horde: Pandaren and Blood Elf.

What is the best profession for Mistweaver? ›

It goes hand in hand best with Blacksmithing, Engineering and Jewelcrafting for crafting purposes, making armor, gadgets and gems to name a few. Due to the nature of these professions and their usefulness, especially Jewelcrafting, Mining can become quite a profitable profession.

What weapon should Mistweaver use? ›

Mistweavers essentially have two weapon options: a two-handed staff, or a caster weapon and an off-hand. They won't be able to heal with Agility weapons (the monk will have no spellpower) and may not even be able to dual wield (since you can't dual wield caster weapons).

What is the best gem for Mistweaver monk Dragonflight? ›

Best Mistweaver Monk Gems in Dragonflight

You'll want to socket a Fierce Illimited Diamond at all times, with any other sockets you have on your gear filled with gems that give Haste as the primary amount, which will be Crafty Ysemerald.

What is the main stat for Mistweaver? ›

As a Mistweaver, our primary stat is Intellect. Most of our spells use Spell power as their coefficients, and Intellect has a direct relationship with Spell power, meaning for every point of Intellect, your Spell power goes up by the same amount.

Does Mistweaver give mystic touch? ›

A beneficial passive for all dungeons and raids, providing a 5% damage increase to an enemy for the whole group when you strike them using your physical attacks, which you usually would. Your damage weakens the target, increasing Physical damage taken by 5%.

Is Mistweaver Monk a healer? ›

Mistweaver Monks are versatile healers that can cover both the single target and AoE healing roles. Mistweavers are peculiar in that they can also heal by dealing damage, sometimes referred to as fistweaving.

Does Mistweaver use chi? ›

While chi was utilized by all specializations of Monk from Mists of Pandaria to Warlords of Draenor, since Legion it was removed from Brewmasters and Mistweavers.

What is the best Monk subclass? ›

1 Way Of The Open Hand Is The Strongest Monk Subclass

Without a doubt the most classic and reliable subclass, Way of the Open Hand is pretty much the first thing people imagine when they think of a fantasy monk. Open Hand Technique enhances Flurry of Blows with ways to knock back, knock down or prevent enemy reactions.

What race goes best with monk? ›

Goblin is one of the best D&D 5e Monk races because of Nimble Escape. This gives bonus action Disengage and Hide for free, with no limits on their use. Notably, you don't want to be using Nimble Escape every turn.

Can you level as a Mistweaver monk? ›

Mistweaver Monks won't level quite as quickly as monks that specialize into Windwalker, nor are we as resilient to multiple enemies as Brewmasters are, but for those that do prefer to level as healer specializations, completing quests goes at a leisurely pace.

What is the best Monk character in wow? ›

For Alliance, there is no better monk than a big Kul Tiran, which helps them regenerate 2% of damage taken over four seconds, and they also gain 1% versatility. Haymaker racial also helps provide additional cc, which is always welcome.

Who is the best shaman in wow? ›

Shaman is unique in that the class is only available to the Horde, and limited to three races: Orcs, Tauren, and Trolls. Orc the best choice for Shaman in all content, as Axe Specialization, Blood Fury, and Hardiness provide great benefits in PvE and PvP.

Why play Mistweaver Monk? ›

Mistweaver Monks are versatile healers that can cover both the single target and AoE healing roles. Mistweavers are peculiar in that they can also heal by dealing damage, sometimes referred to as fistweaving.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.