The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

545 APARTMENTS. F. 545 APARTMENTS, S.F, 545 HOUSES FOR RENT 510 GUEST HOUSES S45 APARTMENTS) SJ. 590 COMMERCIAL too BUSINESS OFFERS 600 BUSINESS OFFERS PAGE 40 UN FRANCISCO EXAMINER Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1969 INVESTIGATE The business of a lifetime! Use No barrier Memuneration Plenty) Work Short hours Equipment Trouble free Locations Furnished THE GROWING FAMILY OF VENDORS.

NEEDS YOU! $2500 to $5500 puts you in the swing. Write Ventrend Inc. 550 El Camino Belmont Calif 54002. call Mr. James (415M 593-0349 or visit our display anowrooms, IRON Ornamental Good fco.nid bus.

Incl. 3 bdrm. home wdbiel garage plus rental unit. KeaUn forces sale. Ontn.

Watsonvilid loc. (408) 722-092CH itivELRY Store 1 owner, liv, qtrs. Exc. loc. See to apprec, or best 775-4900.

JEWELRY Tco Bay Area store! central invest. UN 3-bZSZ. LAUhiORETTE. Downt'n Oakland grossing $72 per day. 834-59181 bet.

9 a.m. or aft. 7 p.m. LAUNDRETTE Sunset. IllnoSaj forces saie.

lo-p-7891 eves. LIQUOR STORE IN SAN MATEO Established in busy El Camind Snooping Center next to! QFI Ample Parking Mod-I ern Fixtures Short Hours. I Bargain $42,500 PLUS INVEN-I 1UKY. San Mateo Investment Co. 4100 S.

El Camino. San Mateo (Closed Sunday) 349-2121 LIQUOR store Sunset $16,500. Dntn. O'Farreil $14,500. ON OFF SALt LICENSES.

FIRESIDE REALTY 922-3315 LIQUOR STORES Martell Si breaking up chain. Call 664-3722 in A.M. LIQUOR License Off-sale, clean Best offer takes. 897-1776 LIQUOR store. $11,000 inven tory.

S.F. 585-6b57. LITHO-SHOP Local co. will fi nance right party. Small invest- ment required.

ZBZ-5J58. MARKET, Concord, wwine, meat den, parking. oB-3uu. MEAT Market section in Sunset! District grocery store tor lease Call 661-1323. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

MEN'S CLOTHING STORE. Ex elusive. East Bay 483-4975 NOMOGRAPHIC Charts. Service! developed for fastest solution of vour common, I mathmatical formulas. i i- mize anv company overhead costly error.

Neat. Expert, High-I ly accurate work. POOR MAN'Sl IBM. 4bl-4Zl. PARTNER or joint venture.

Newl national chain operation. Must! have business background and cash for investment. Active or inactive. PO Box 4972. S.F.

PAWN SHOP Only one in town. Real gold mine. Illness forces sale by owner. Please no pnone cans, ai pawn snop, western Petamma, calif. PIZZA oarlor with beerwine lie Kit.

fac. for sale or partner. 661-13ZZ aft. 4 P.m. Or 697-719Z.

PIZZERIA Good location. Rea sonable price. AT 2-050M RAISE Red Fishworms! Profitable, fascinating home business Full or part time. You raise, we buy! Free Picture Folderl Cal- Bait. 8616 Fair Oaks Car- (916) 944-3734 RESORT Restaurant to lease.

Seasonal. 2 hr. drive from Bay Area. Opening date 4169. Excel, terms.

conds. P.O. Box 589. Lafayette. REST, for lease.

EZ terms. Full equipt. Est. 9 yrs. $140,000 gr.

'68. 1 mi. So. of Dunnigan (nr. Woodland) at Sands Motel.

Call thru Operator, request 2281 City; ot uunnigan or (415) Z3J-b8 1 1 RESTAURANT, beaut. Self serv-j ice in tast growing industrial area, principles oniy please (40B) 73B-135. REST, beer wine, busy ind cor. seats 40. ed lease, low rent, short hours $7000.

MET! INVEST. 606 EDDY. PR 5-80401 RESTAURANT Bar "Korea House." For Info, call SEN0R Campos Rest, franchise! avail. Marcn i Manteca, cant. Mexican-Amer, food, draft beer Best season ahead.

Owner will carry 2nd. Mail inq. 515 Main, Manteca, Calif. SERVICE Station lease. Ask yourself.

Are you satisfied with your income? Are you satisfied with your work? Are you satisfied with vour future outlook? Phillip's Petroleum Co. offersi vou the opportunity to own your own business in the ever-expanding Concord-Walnut Creek area. Paid training. Financing avail. National advertising, retirement plan.

Info call 522-8221 or 228-8133 eves. SERVICE STATIONS TEXACO, INC. The nation's leading gasoline! marketer nas gooa locations available in san Francisco Pen insula. Call DAVE WALLACE, JB3-ZJ9U SERVICE STATIONS FOR RENT BAY AREA LOCATIONS By Independent Company. Me- cnamc welcome, small invest- ment.

pnone (415) 653-7875 SERVICE station lease. S.F. and Peninsula areas. DO 2-2793 SNACK BAR FRANCHISE Local company with snacx bars! in dept. stores, office buildings, industrial plants.

No cooking on uisiiwasning. rieasant occupation for persons seeking lo own their own business, 'nvestmenti secured. $7900 full price. Fi-! nancing avail. bbB-6iib.

SPORTING Goods bus. Heart ofl tisning, nunting, growing com munitv of 10.000. 1515 Citv Cen- ter McKinleyville (707) 839-38381 TV STORE service short. Well estab. rental bus.

Main street! good resio. neighborhood. Reas. rent. Test fixtures.

$10,000. Sac. $5500. Fxc t. Owner-service man.

ramuy relocation torces sale, wr. tnis paper, box 35337 VARIETY STORE DaiV titv Low rent. Ideal for couple, TJjuu. 3o-zy aner vending 6 new oai wstands access. 656-4272.

VENDING rts. supplies. 5215 12th OAKLAND. 261-9037. VENDING Route old estab Keas.

tor quick sale. 6Z1-5899. JOINT VENTURE Ground fir. opportunity with computer or iented social service. Must! nave casn for investment.

ACTIVE OR INACTIVE. Huge returns either way. HDR, P.O. Box 4869 S.F. 94101.

OWNER RETIR: Lighting Fixture tamp business, tsi. Z4 yrs, Exc. Profit. Fast grow indust. area.

N.W. Wash. Box No. 37446 tnis paper. SANTA ROSA wholesale milk route.

Give age and prev. exp. write tnis paper box sb40. YARN Shop. Will finance right person, lentrai, mi j-b3Z Wanted 600-1 LADY has $5,000 to invest going business.

Prefer Import Export or reiateo areas zja-nui. MANAGER DrugSundrv Dept. Over 20 yrs. exp. Would like to invest or buy Sundry Dept, Write this paper 38534.

PARKING lot or cigarmag stand. Wr. this paper Box 35131, WHOLESALE Meat Plant or Retail Shop with Ige. cooler wanted to lease or rent in So. S.F, or Daly City.

Call 349-2559. 605 MOTELS FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE Motel 25 units $73,000 gross. Koom to aad. excellent loca. as tha gross indicates.

Readv for expansion. Also has Restaurant-leased out. WESTERN MOTEL BROKER 1510 150 san Leanoro 278-6510, eves. 531-1020. 32 MOD.

UNITS. AAA. Located in mi r.nilNTRY. Rnori jrnss. 1280 Great Highway SE 1-66441 (ur see your oroker) Swain Motel Investment Co.

Motel Brokers Assn. of America 3623 Buchanan, S.F. 922-1880; so aaa Units. s.F. Bav Area $141,620 gr.

$100,000 casn o. trds. Hi Net. NMB 349-1234. RENT, SELL, TRADE WITH WANT ADS Furnished 545-1 $17.50 wk.

$75 mo. Up FtKrtCT DN In. LOCATION Beaut ful fum. 1-rm. units.

New oar, lri. Maid serv. TV avail. 490 GEARY $18 WK. UP MOD WVY carpet dr.

drapes. trig, oar. i-rm. studio. Linen, util.

Ph. serv. Maid. TV avail. 245 POWELL, Apt.

202 $18.50 WK. UP NOW RENTING UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Beautifully furn. rm. studios. TV avail.

Ww carpets, frig. Jumbo closets. Ph. cry. Eiev.

Convenient Dntn. Loc. 312 MASON STREET $18.50 WK. UP MODERN APTS. 1 RM.

UNITS Fna. Maid. Phone. TV avail. DNTN.

325 SUTTER. APT. 202 $19 WK. UP DNTN Push pvt. entr.

ww car, eiv. l-rm. unit. Linen, utn. oh.

serv. Maid. TV avail. 240 O'Farrell, Apt. 201 $19.50 WK.

UP NEWLY DECORATED Quiet bldg. 1 m. unit. Jumbo closets, ww carpet, or. drps.

Phn. srv. Maid. TV avail. 587 EDDY, APT.

105 $20 Wk. Up. Ideal Loc. Modern furn. JUMBO CLOSETS.

ww carpets, 1-rm. unit. Prions maid. TV avail. 585 GEARY, APT.

101 $24.50 wk. up, like new Deluxe modern, draw drapes, 1-rm. unit, trigcar, linens, elevator. Phn. serv.

Maid TV avail. 580 GEARY, APT. 204 $26.50 Studio rms. 100 bate. ryaio, linens.

Trig. aw jones $40 wk. $150 mo. Choice loc. inci.

notei racu. Hotel. 1315 Polk. Leland Apt. 776-9690 45 Wk.

and up Really a wet. Kitchen double bed. compi. furn. and all utiis.

inc. FREE GARAGE! 6843 MISSION Daly City. 755-6161 $48.50 up. Wkly. inc.

prkng. At- tract. ontn. moiei. some maid service.

776-0195 or 621-6511. $55 up Pick what suits you. Many places, come inopen 9-8 $10 Fee 1929 Lombard. 921-2408 $60 close-in 2 rm. infant, pet 863-4090 agt.

Mil tee Util PD. 2 $85, Lg. 3. ita rc. tit.

s. sbs ramuy j. Rental Center Fee OR 3-4440 $751 rm. apt View. Util.

inc. Empi. man or pensioner, pvt. entr. 584-8907, $75 Lovely studio, niceiy furn.

Large ciosets. Apt. iuu. 34bJONtSST. $75 GARDEN STUDIO Rosalie.

$10 fee. 1929 Lombard. 921-2408 130, Studio, 1 Hayes Valley Apts. Electric Kitchen, ww carpets, draDes. ultra modern furniture.

Open 522 Hayes St. 861-3339 $85 up Many areas. Some chil dren. Agent, fee. lauu Market.

861-3839 $85 Cute duplx, TV, cat. $90 Country Home. Fee. 2 BR. Rosalie, 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $85 Studio nr.

Civic Center. KQOI. no Pet. B61-Z085. DOWNTOWN very modern spacious rms.

Huge ciosets. 2 eiev. PR 6-9630 $903 rm. No children. No pets.

Trans, at dr. 587-0272, Nudec. 2-rm. apts. Eiev.

uci. iransp. mo Turk. $92-COZY COTTAGE VVW RUfS. $92- -3 PORCH.

PRV. ENTR. Fee. Agt. 1929 Lombard.

921-2408 $95 up. Hills. Others. S.F. RENTALS.

FEE PR 6-3911 $35 Very CI. 2, $95. Rental center Fee Dn. Town 2 OR 3-4440 20 Attrac. mod.

stu-751-9266 aio, well turn. $100-140-Lg. mod. 2-3 ritv. wanoeo.


No Fee: Agt. Come in or phone and tell us WHAT YOU NEED 1410 LOMBARD at VAN NESS OR 3-7340 OR 3-4440 1 00 Clean furn. apt. Rosalia $100 Bin garden 3. util.

Dd. $10 fee. 1929 Lombar 921-2408 $105 Nr. Park. 3.

$115. Rich. 4 Rental Center Fee OR 3-4440 $no Kicn. sunny. Quiet 2, $120 Pac.

3 Jr Marina 3 Jr. RENTAL CENTER FEE OR 3-4440 $110 NOB HILL 2. Marine View. Quiet. Trans.

Woman. 885-0067 $1102 rms. Utiis. included. 625 layior St.

near rosi. $110 Spacious studio. Manas- er, 773 Cole. Apt. 4.

387-4413 $110 2 rooms, utiis. included, 625 Taylor St. near Post. $115 FRPL. NICE 3.

Rosalie. 110 Cottage 4 garden, tot. pet. $10 fee. 1929 Lombard 921-2408 Studios $150 3 rm.

apt. rm. apts. 771-2444 $119.50 up, clean 155 Haight, Apt. 101.

studios 626-3040 $120 VIEW NUDEC 3. GAR. $130 SWIM POOL. WW RUG, fee agt, 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $1203 clean, sunny rm. Mkt cnurcn st.

Adits, ma wujj $120-3165 Studio 1 BR. Vw, Good loc. Adults. 474-7743. $125 All util.

inc. Lg. 2, beaut, dec. new ww carpets, drapes, Western Add. 567-5267 12 to 5.

$125 Polk apt. Nice furn. Fee. 135 Modern 3. colored tile.

Rosalie 1929 Lombard 921-2408 Pac. pet. Fee Realtor Hght. 2-Jr. 3 922-1040 $125 up PERMANENTS.

See ad CiaSS HU. MAYrLUWtKHUItL, $125 up Remod. 2-3-4S. New furn. Ww crpt.

Util. 416 Turk, $125 Pc. Ht. Gar. Rental Center 2 Util Pd.

Fee OR 3-4440 $130 Marina 2 patio! Realtor. 922-1040. gar. 457-0216 Victorians 922-3819 $1304 rm. Tots OK! Fplc.l 2465 LomDaro.

pee. Keaitor. $1353 rm. 1 BR. 4th fir.

Eleva tor. steam heat. Clean. Close to everything. 850 Geary S135 Rich Dist.

3 rms. Like 661-9240 new. Fee. $135 NOB HILL SUNNY 3. $140-Nob H.

rmbd. Maid. TV, fee agt. 1929 Lombard 921-2408 135 New Bide. 3 Nice Furn.

RENTAL CENTER FEE OR 3-4440 $135 up Mod, studios, clean Close to Union Sq. 362-3436 $135 Studio. Mission Cist. Elec. kit.

Ww cprts. 648-2121 $140 Telegraph Hill, nr. dntn, view, free to likable yng. lady exen. n.

neip to pror. man, aai-juz, ext. a or 39Z-0581. $140 Sunst. 4View Twn.

Pk. 4. $150 Store frnt liv. ats. Agt.

fee. 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $1404 rms. 2 bdrm. Buena Vis ta PK. Trans.

863-1406. $140 Daly City. 3 rms. Mod. turn, oar, ju 7-0850: ju 7-9047 $145 Sunset26 Ave.

3 rooms, Adult. No pets. LP 6-9920, $150 Russ. Hill. Lg.

3 nudec. $165 Rich. Deluxe 3. Nice furn. rental center fee or 3-4440 $1503 rm.

Apt, Haight St. nr, Stanyan. Z54-B463 Eves, $150 UD. 3'S. 4's.

Hills. Aves S.F. RENTALS FEE PR 6-3911 Take the burden out of selling your car let the Want Ads do it for you! Dial 777-7777 Unfurnished 565-2 $125 Let. nouse 3 rm. nuoec gar, ree.

Hitr. z-sca Lombard $170. Sunset 3 rm- cottaee. stvfng. SE 1-7424 $175 5 rm.

Ideal for cole. Nr. city con, view, car. sagtii $10 oouon. 2 storv 2 bath.

View. As is 712 Lockhaven. westview. Pscifica. Avail 2 10.

421-7584 $2005 rooms, children. Many otners. Agent, ree. 1800 Market 861-3839 $200 Ke 6 rm. View! Folc! Family, pets CK.

yd. gar. fee. Keaitor Z4bb Lomoara. $200 Det Br.

Visitation Vai Good toe, carpet, he. 3-Z495. $200 Full 5. ww drapes. Aouits.

Daiy city, swoo. $200. Pacifica. 3 BR Rancher Frplc. Fence.

Patio. 359-3031. $225-5250 Dm. duplex. Daiv Citv.

3 4 2 ba. Carpets, cranes, no pets, mz-sm $2253 Br. rm. dn. Sunset StV.retrig.

388-5844. $225 Sunset 21st Ave. Judah fuii 5. Nr. trans, jvi-vni.

$225 Geneva Terr. Full 5. all tieC. MI. BQUUS, Jbb-4bt.

$225 Dol. Hts. View, charm. 1 bedrm den. Adults.

621-4858 $240 46th Ave.Pacheco 3 Bd- m. mod. kit. LO 6-9990 2502 BR. New kit, bath.

Pan oramic vw. sunny, t-ai-wn. $2504 BR, 2 AEK. St. Fran cis Daiy City 871-9966 $250 Victo ria 5 I paths, yard.

Adults. Z377 Busn. $300 Twin Peaks 2 bath. carpets, drapes. 826-8799 570 PENINSULA RENTALS Apts.

570-1 S185 Ud. 1-2 bedrms. fireplaces. pooi-patio. tl Lamino snoo ping.

GO DIRECT 1212 Whipple. Redwood City, 365-4305 $170 Up. New Serramonte 1 2 bk. open M-i-r iz-s, s-a 595 Clarinada Daly City. THE GLEN DORA APARTMENTS EXQUISITE 1 and 2 BR Suites The Perfect setting for carefree Peninsula Living 1 BR, 1 Bath $190 Up 2 BR.

1 Bath $250 Up 2 BR. 2 Baths $285 Up Ldrne ratios or Balconies 2 Blocks to Shopping Center. Cor. Glendora Overland Drives. Manager: 341-1838 or SAN MATEO INVESTMENT 4100 E.

El Camino, San Mateo 349-2121 The FRANCISCAN -6 beautiful acres 1, 2, 3 bdrm. units patios, fireplaces pool, plus saunas 25 min. to dntn. S.F. FROM $175 883 Foster City San Mateo 349-1083 RENT FURNITURE see classification 595 CUSTOM FURNITURE RENTAL HILLSDALE Gardens Studios.

2 bedrooms. 3421 Edison Street, San Mateo. 345-4852 SINGLE, 1 2 bdrm. furn. unfurn.

apts. Just for sjnlge people. (415) 3b4-i5Si Mt. view SPACIOUS 3 BR. 2 bath.

D.R pool, locked bldg. Adults. See, 210 Mt. Diablo. S.M.

344-2353 Houses 570-2 BURLINGAME, new deluxe du Dlex few min. to Airot. 2 BR AEK gar. $240; 3 bdrm. I-V2 bath 2 car gar.

$290. Fur add $60. Adults only. 345-6917 FAIRMONT, Pacifica. unfurn.

family rm. Lease. $200 mo see dv appt. 49-B9, I IKina Mar 3 7 car ear. Nr shps.

No pets. $195 341-7737 575 EAST BAY RENTALS Apts. 575-1 Nr. Dntn. San Leandro 424 CALLAN AVE.

Creekside Apts. nix. bk. (some wz Central vacuums. saunas, swimming.

Plush shag rugs, beaut drapes. Security garages, balconies, westing hniica nnnlianrpQ. Furn. or unf. BRAND NEW Now renting to adults.

357-8058 Houses 575-2 BERKELEY Hills home, 4 bedroom contemporary. Stove, laipma, uiomcs, ucy view. $325mo. Lease to family only. Avail.

Mar. 1. By appt. 652-3473 580 MARIN RENTALS Apts. 580-1 $160 to $2751-2-3 2 Bath TIBURON VIEW APTS Unfurn.

Pool. No pets. 388-3220 $175 Saus. Unfurn. 2 Br.

con- temp. Great bay view. 332-5420 EDEN ROC Soac. 2 BR. aots.

welevator. $275. Also 2 BR. indiv. town-houses $260.

Enter Ebb Tide Ave. at north end of Bridgeway immea. oetore Hwy. iui. Sausalito Mgr.

332-1001 CASA MAR IN WOOD Larse beauviful townhouses. All amenities $275 to $325. Miller creek Koad and Mann wood. San Rafael. 479-9661 BON AIR APARTMENTS IN BEAUTIFUL GREENBRAE 1-2-3 Bedrooms 1 2 Baths MANAGERS 461-0435; 461-0434 STRAWBERRY.

$240 unf. 2 BR Pool. Sa una. Elegant. 383-1189 Houses 580-2 ARCHITECT'S Own 3 bdrm.

unf, home with pool view in exclusive Kent Woodlands. $500, Refs. red. Miss O'Hara. 421-8657 between 9 a.m.

4 p.m BY OWNER. Pt. Tiburon 2 BR. 2 ba. Frplc.

Patio. Garden. View. SF. Raccoon Strait, GG Bridge, yacnt naroor.

jbbo mo. yr, $500 mo. 2 yrs. 435-4705, PEAco*ck Gap 4 Bdrm. Golf course view, unfurn.

S395. Im mac. 453-2524 MILL VALLEY 3 BR, 2 ba. pool. Furn.

$450. Agt. 474-4232. SAUSALITO Unf. 2 IV2 ba.

wfrplc. View. 33Z-lbbS. 585 VACATION RENTALS AL Tahoe-studios, 1 2 BR apts. $12 nite up.

415-479-7777, BLUE Lake Serines mt. home sips. io. wk. or wkno.

793-847 LAKE Tahoe Incl. VII. Heart of ski area. bk, pa. cona.

Sleeps 8, NO Pets. 321-5394. MAGNIF, Monterey Bay view Privacy. 2 BR. aot.

fully furn (old world). pool, beach. Gar. Util. incl.

$425 3 mo. or more. 408) 45-3298 NORTH Shore Tahoe. Beaut Lake front Ski House. 7 4 bathS.

$3S0 Wk. 751-04b4 SERENE, private, fully fur nished. Architect designed beach homes available week or weekends on Monterey Bay at Pajare Dunes. Call Hare, Brewer Kelley. 327-5700 SOUTH Shore 3 BR, frpl.

Compl. eqpt. 697-6764 or 589- 31Z. TAHOE Homewood. 4 BR2 ba.

Balance ski season. 392-3313 SKIERS Beaut Donner Lake cnaiet. sips, tiec. kit, ww cpts. Breathtaking view, $100 week, bu wnno.

ijojxb $65 Mo. Ranch cottage 65 ml. norm, qzwbua: 34Z-51P9. Furnished 545-1 $150 OLDEST 25 YRa. Budget tee places oa.iy y-e Kosane.

19 Lomcara. vti-iiv $153 Frpic. Arty. Fac. Hts.

S15S MARINE VIEW 3. GARDN. fee agt. 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $155. Jr.

BR. children. nr. an pus, wi 8-34P 1M up. NCB HiLL ciean 3 rms.

IJZr leavenwortn 4-5ysa. $1Ct Up. Artistic luxury 1 2 odrm. tio direci-un PRFMISFS. ldfi Garden Lane na.

Millbrae Ave. 697-1199 $16u Pac H2ts 3 rm. nudec. yo. fee.

Heaitor $165 3 rm. new tivgh closets Gar. Nr. seaciif 3B-33JU (KU1U IIP Fmntixn flornr Civic wenier. 1J3 uuiuen uaie Ave.

4-5 rms. Color TV, frig stm. gas lights incl. up to $5. Adits.

For appt. 346-5232 $1 65 Cottage, clean 5. totoet $195 Russ. Ht, nice furn S. Agt $175 Marina huge arty studio.

$10 fee. 1929 Lombard 921-2408 I1C Klioa 4-n flmr 1 as tea Hlfiu rmi. 9 IWfl TM 1410 Lombard AGT. OR 3-0570 $1752 BDRMS. GEARY BLVD.

GOOD TRANSP. QV t-PZ17. S175 Tel. Hill 2 rmL. oatio.

sin gie. no per. Lse. xz-mjyi S175-S200 Tw. Pks.

1 br. utii. inc. quiet, cnarm. po-uyij $1753 rms.

Nr. shops Trans, 3565 Sacramento, e-ai am. to $160 Family OK 5 rm. gar. Vw Yd.

tee. Realtor Z4ba Lomoara $185 UP JUST BUIIl! Studio and 1-Bedrooms. MikI rolaypfl htiilriine in S.F.! HUGE POOL! 387-3330 $185 New luxury 3. No fee. $235 New Bids.

2 Br. Many more NO FEE COME IN WE SHOW 1410 Lombard AGT. OR 3-0570 $185 Buena Vista Hts. View ex tra by Ddrm. i or 2 aouits utiis.

incl. 664-9119. $200 Mod. 2 BR. Eiec jrogeary.

Avail, zia, 31-BJQ6 $215 Deluxe 2 Bedrms. Gar den, uastro Market. 8b3-9USb $230 MARINA 2 BATH 2 BR. Fee agt. 19Z9 Lombard.

9ZI-Z4ua $235 Family, pets OK! 6 rm, nuoec. viewi roc varo. ree. Realtor 2465 Lombard $240 Pac. Ht Luxury view.

sum Minna Dr. izs. new a No Fee Come In We Show 1410 Lombard AGT. OR 3-0570 $250 2 at Ocean Beach. Gar.

MQd. 5bb-Zb7 Or 6bl-5944 S2GD Beautifully furn'd 2 bdrm. Class A eiev. oiog. Kicnmona Dist.

Elec. frplc, pking. incl. 387-4545 $275 UP 1-2 bedrms. Russian Hill, i-inest view in s.r.

eaico- nv Poo All utiis. included. NEW HIGH RISE! 387-3330 $275 Marina new 5 rm. View. Fireplace, an conv.

Fee Realtor. 567-5322 eilC Mau, n- DD 14 lien lyiaiiiia uia eiev. s-bBj $295 Presidio Hts. 2 baths. Frplc.

Luxury, 2 fcV7-4H58 $300 Pac. Hts. ELEGANT 2 i pains, new trpic, eiev. Adits. Lse.

ab3-nzoa. S3S5 Luxurv Presidio Hts. uuiiii.ii i 4 kiakiia, uiiiiiiB fin. Frplc. Patio.

View. EV 7-4958 IH.m 1 1 r- HIHihf, $4503 2Vz baths, newly dec, new furniture, carpet. Jackson near Gough. Phone 362-8154 wkdays. tor appt.

S450 Custom furnished I a ree 5. Lease. Z3b0 3B-i3Ub $450 2 Br. on Pacific Ave. Door man.

3b-Bua. $650 ud Elegant all new tradi tional furnishings, eearm. baths. Pac. Heights hirise.

3 apts. per floor. Uniform doorman. Parkins Utilities includ ed. 771-1676 RENT FURNITURE see classification 595 CUSTOM FURNITURE RENTAL Unfurnished 545-2 $10 Small fee must place you, rvanv acescome inouen -o, Rosalie 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $60 Studio.

Lite cook. Empl lady, upper Mkt. szb-i84 $68-480 Nr. Town 3'S. $86.

Lg. 2. CQt iMeuv pmnr 7 r.arnen. .4. RENTAL CENTER FEE OR 3-4440 $70 2 utiis.

sunny, nu. aec, sxove aiso furn. $77.50. EX 2-8224 $70 up. Many others.

All AKtAS. some cnnaren. fee. 1800 Market. 861-3839 $75 up Hard-to-get fee apts.

$95 Big 4z or. $100 uoitage. Kosa lie. 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $82.50 2 rm. gard.

apt. Richmond est. pt. turn. utn.

1-1133 $83 Noe vaucy, a Fee 661-9240 uus po. $87 Pac. Hghts. 2 rm. remod.

utn. tee. Realtor. sb-s3zz, $902 stv. refrig.

Bayview. single oniy. obwio Pets. 2-3 rm. Jr.

gar. Fee, Realtor. 2465 Lombard. $92 up Applications being taken for future rentals. Studios, 1 and bedroom apartments.

WESTLAKE Country Club Apts. WESTLAKE SHOPPING CENTER PL 5-8133 $95 FRPL. BIG SUNNY 4. $105 Close-in 2 bdrm. Rosalie.

$10 fee. 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $95 Huge studio. Utiis. incl Empl. man.

Gd. trans. 431-4129. $100 Pac. Ht.

Gar. 3. $125 Lg. 5. $105 Nr.

Park. Family 3. Yr. Rental Center Fee OR 3-4440 $100 APT. TAKES TOT PET, fee $115 Nob HI.

Sunset 3. Rosalie 1929 Lombard 921-2408 aiuu uu. nina, ni, S.F. RENTALS FEE PR 6-3911 $1004 rms. Children OK.

Fee. Agent. 618 Shreder. 387-4Z14 t115 mod. 1 Bdrm.

elec. kit. Adults nr. G.G. Park, before p.m.

aft, p.m. bzb-wj. $115 Rich Utiis. pd. Dist.

Ex. Fee 3 rms 661-9240 S115 Panhndle 4 rm. 2 br. tot stv. agt $10 fee 863-4090 $115 Pac.

Ht.SunstRich 3'S. fee agt. 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $120 FURNISHED STUDIO $1853 BR TOWNHOUSE Heated pool, play area 15 min. from San Francisco CAMINO EAST APTS. fftfR Antoinette Lane.

So. S.F. 589-2909 Open Daily 9-6 $1203 rms. Dolores Street Child OK Fee 661-9240 $120 Sunset. 3 rms.

WELLS Fee Like new 661-9900 $125 BIG 4 nr. TEL. gar. R117 S. $125 Huea.

Fee 6, Rosalie 1929 Lombard 921-2408 1125 Richmond 2 folc tiRn Richmond 4 rm. View! fee. Realtor. 922-1040 $125 Russ. Hill 4.

$135 Big 5. U3; Rich New Bids. 3 wwd RENTAL CENTER FEE OR 3-4440 $1254 rms. gas. 761-1959.

Stv refrig. Free 1 3 rm. Stvfrie. Frc Gene va shops, trans. 333-3708 tine Da Ulahte RR luur i w.

i lots, ree. Kitr. giba mmuaiu. $135 Rich Apt.flt. 2 br, ti4n Sunst.

cottaee 3 Porch. Rosalia 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $135 OLDEST AGENCY, 25 YRS Rnriept fee olaces dailv 9-8 om Rosalie 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $135 MOD. 3 RMS Upper Mkt, Stv, frig 863-3939 $135 4, nice fire piace. stv. rrig.

386-7174 $139 Lk. upper 3 rm. Close in Richmond. Responsible tenants only. Nr.

irans. Z3i-333i tllfl Darl.eiHA mnH 3 rmc Alar Kit. single miooie age woman SAXE REALTY LP 4-3717 sun 3 rm. Ww drapes. 7 i xl.

noq new Mi.uain. coc-ufu on. $1403 large rooms, iv. ia.i nowa. rirs.

5b -911b $142 UP NEAR COW PALACE Geneva lowers 2 3 bedrm. View Balconies Drapes, elec. kitchens, utilities, garage, children's nursery available. 15 min. dwntn.

S.F. Playground for children. Adult and family floors 1001 Sunnydale 10-5 daily Phone 5H6-4881 Marine vw 3S125 3 br. $150 2 tot pet. Fee agt.

1929 Lombard 921-2408 $145 3 rm. ant. Elec. Kitchen. carpets, drapes.

LO 4-6839 betw. 10 noon. $1454 rm, 31st Calif, gar, arms, vt 3-jbbi UNSURPASSED Post Residence Club 2 BLOCKS to L'NON SQUAPE FOR CHtC DOWNTOWN LIVING. beaut, mod. rooms, cs'iy ma a service.

Kecreatton. Color TV. Lounger. Sundeck. hairdryer.

Excei ent food. So convenient. 620 Post St $25 up PR 5-9793 THE CORNELL BEST DONWTCWN LOCATION Cleanest Rooms. French Chef TV ROOM 715 Bush 421-31? PINK PALACE Weeklv and Monthly Rates Scert 346-3717 BAKER ACRES Weekly and Monthly Rates 2201 Baker WA 1-33E8 LE MONTESQUIEU 977 Pine. PR 6-3811 Nob Hill Genuine Fr.

cuisine. Wk. mo. rates. TriE NEW majestic New dec.

for young adults. Exc. food. maid, best loc $90 mo. UP.

TV. 1505 butter. 76-1S3U CHARMING. Scenic, parking, tennis, exc food. Reas.

101 Buena Vista Av. East MA 1-9177 515 ROOM BOARD wk. comfy, homelike. Gd. ceais.

Nr. ul. t4-iu3. PVT. semi-pvL rm.

Eideny welcome. 237 food 664-9897 520 HOTELS MOTELS $1.99 dav ud. Wkivmo. St. heat.

ASCOT HUItL lbb WftKKtl WEEK NEWLY PAINTED Kfcx nu I fcl, Z36 aro ST. $8 day. Next to air terminal. weekly mommy. 411 rarreii $12 WK.

UP COMPLETELY re- novatea ana turn, iv loopy, no aicononcs. please. 62 TURK ST. nr. MARKET ST.

$12.50 Det. bathi S18.50 wbatn HYLAND HOTEL 111 layior $15 WEEK UP FINANCIAL DIST. Maid Service and TV Lobby TEMPLE. 469 PINE off Mntgmy, $15 WK. Shwrs.

Nice safe hotel for respectaoie peopie uinlt, JEFFERSON HOTEL 440 EDDY nr. HYDE TU 5-5052 $16 WEEK! MAID SERV. LOBBYCOLOR TV RESTAURANT BAR-SAUNA MISSION HOTEL 520 SO. VAN NESS MA 1-4422 16.50 wk. up.

Private bath. Eleva tor 4b5 tins st, $18.50 wK. Private bath and frig. TV avaiiaoie. Z4i Jones $19 wk.

or $25 wuth. Hollywood Deo, okcase, aesK. utsr aula. 589 Post St. near Taylor St.

Built-in New Kitchens LARGE WALK-IN CLOSETS WITH DRESSING TABLES WEEKLY-MONTHLY WSERVICE GAYLORD HOTEL 620 JONES 775-6262 MAYFLOWER APT. HOTEL NEW OWNEROPERATOR Completely Refurnished Studios-Kitchen buffets -Pvt. baths. $125 up. Downtown.

375 BUSH ST. OR-3-7010 EL DRiSCO. Best address in S.F. More prestige without extra cost. Attract, rates.

Day. wk. month. 2901 Pacific. 346-2880 LELANO HOTEL-APARTMENT TV, maid, phone.

$15 week up 1315 Polk nr. Dntn. 776-9690 MODERN rooms, radio, TV, phone every room. $28 wk. up.

Hotel David 480 Geary SF MOTEL 1750 LOMBARD Prkg. $35 wk. up 2 3 rms. Kit. 525 ROOMS FOR RENT $10 up BACHELORS QRTRS.

1226 grant, bus, mn. sauna pa. TV, kit. clean, 621-9473 quiet, respectable. $12.50 up Maid serv.

VINCENT HOTEL avail. 459 TURK $18 up for young adults. 21-35 in tne neart ot Town at union Square. Phone, maid room service. Recreation Room, Pool Table.

Color TV lounge. HOTEL STRATFORD 242- Powell 5-S65 Furn. rooms. BEST LOC. $65 UP 2-3 rm.

apts. $10 fee. iaiu Lomoaro. ngx. uk 3-444U $50-55 mo.

Kitchen pnv. wasner. dryer. cieam va 4-1203 $50 UP Decor. Com.

kitch. prv, tsa. avail. iwn California (pqikj. $60 Sunny rms.

Victorian bldg. nr. Goioen Gate Park. 387-2435 $60 up. NOB HILL.

clean. ni Leavenwortn. 474-5998. $68 Emp. man only.

Kitchen pnv. Negro home, bzi-6742 evs. 70 Nicely furn. large to 771-6956 empl. man.

Refs. $75 Up. Showers, Stm. Heat. Clean, uuiet wa z-1243 $75 Nice home.

kit. pnv. 6 Av. Geary. Garage.

Lady. OV 1-5043 75 Mo. Clean, ww carpets, Laoy oniy. jtj iviission $80 STUDIO RM. Elec.

kitch. young man oniy. AT 5-2619 $85 up. Pac, Hts, Girls only Nudec. kit priv.

2137 Pacific $150 Luxurious, priv. Refs. Private batn. 771-7157 2 rms. furn.

in priv. home, kitch. priv. uui. inci.

Z8Z-U13 eve, 530 HOUSEKEEPING RMS. $7.50 wk. Clean, sunny, quiet rms. sorjer men. Jib atn st.

$10 week up CLEAN, QUIET. 629 Golden Gate at Van Ness. $10 WK, UP Quiet, steam heat, elevator. 465 Ellis $10 wk up Also sleeping apts. linen furn.

Near shops, trans. Apply 640 Eddy. $11.25 wk. up. 2 rm.

apt. $18.50. Utiis. 835 Octavia nr. GG.

$12 wk. up. Frig. Utiis. Dntn.

Adits. 539 Octavia nr. Hayes. $56 UP Residence Club. Emoy living.

SE 1-4559 535 SHARE RENTALS Women 535-1 $62.50 Gril 24-30 share Marina apt. wz same. 673-9361. i'O Girl, 24 367 "ApT, w3 same, rac, Hts 921-4354 $8821. Sh.

wsm. Ocean view. 771-5200 ext. 253: 851-7166. $93.751 girl sh.

2 2 ba. apt. 21-23, Pac. Hts. 931-8338, MOTHER will share home wsme.

Baby-sit, av DE 3-1635 GIRL sh. Ige. apt. wsame. Own rm.

Over 21. 921-9069, aft. 6. NEED A ROOMMATE? Roommates Bureau. Fee.

S.F 861-1388 Men 535-2 $72.50 Man, sh. 1 br. apt. nr. S.F.

State. 739-3490. $d0 2 straight yg. men shr, w1 same, own rm. bhs-ibj.

$85 Man sh house w2 sa. Own BK. Nr. b.f. State.

584-1667. BERNAL Hgts. $85. Util. incl.

Yg. man to share 3 bedrm. 2 bath home with 2 same. 285-4948. YNG.

prof man share wsame, Own rm. Dolores Hts. AT 5-2619 NEED A ROOMMATE? Roommates Bureau. Fee, S.F, 861-1388 MAN 21-35 to shr. lux.

3 Br. Twin Pks Flat Ref. 648-6361 eves MAN to share Pac. Hts. house wsame.

own br. 567-7075 MAN. 34. Sh. wsame 2 BR Home.

Mill Valley. 383-2192 545 APARTMENTS, S.F. Furnished 545-1 10 smll iff must Dlace vou Many piacescome inopen Kosaiie 19 Lomnarq $16 WK. UP DNTN. )r.

drapes. Ww crpts.frig., ph. srv. 1-rm. unit.

Maid. TV avail 335 Stockton, Apt. 202 $17 $67.50 mo. up. cln.

Dra drapes, phone, utiis. 1 rm. unit. Frigbar. Prkg, TV.

washer dryer, maid avail. 14fl? SUTTER 435 SPORTS IMPOSTS rVW "66 se luxe sedan, rad $199S5 down 6, monthly pay ment $43-20 on approval of ereait. no. rwp 2ta. Tax li cense included.

EO NORRIS 756-0202 6918 Mission, Da)y City Open Eves. Sl Sunaay VW '61 A-1 Buy (NKA75C) $5j5. No cash dn. on OK credit. Hughson Ford iz50vart wess TU 5-0154 VvV Dune body Any Co, or izi.

moo panel, tops ana ac cessories. ALAMEDA FIBER uLAaS. Z956 tiement Avenue, Aiameda Sil-iiwo open bat uroays. VOLVO Sales-Parts Service Leasing all '69 Mode European Tourist Delivery Large Stock Used Volvos ROYAL VOLVO SAN FRANCISCO'S ONLY DEALER LARGEST BEST Factory Voivo Dealer in America 280 SOUTH VAN NESS MA 6-2171 VOLVO LARGEST FACTORY DEALER ALL MOOELS-WLL COLORS SAVE NOW ON '68 MODELS Open 7 Days and Nites 342-7018 DON WILHEIM Imported Motors VOLVO'S Largest Show Room NINSULA HEADQUARTEI PREMIER SAN CARLOS 593-1411 VOLVO '68 4 sp air cond. radio.

VOLVO '62 1800, 4-sp. SWEDISH MOTORS MILL VALLEY 383-2770 VOLVO '68 144S. Low mileage. ike new vxw 352). szbb.

WILHELM MOTORS 342-7018 VOLVOS. Berkeley McKEVITT 2611 Shattuck. TH 8-2206 VOLVO '67 122S 4 dr. stick. 17, 000 mi.

557-1526. 621-7177. VOLVO '68 144 4 spd. RH. air cond.

sac. $2595. 897-6454 eve. VOLVO '65. P5444 $1250.

After 6, Call 654-1833. VOLVO '69 4 dr. auto. 200 mi. 53150.

843-6599. VOLVO '62. 544, $775. 752-5954 VOLVO '59 S500offer. 871-7308 VOLVO '68.

$2850 off. 643-5796 440 HOT ROD COLUMN CHEV. '67 Camaro. 427 4 Exc. cond.

344-1409. spd Mags. '55 Chev. Nomad. Ofr, 585-6695.

CHEV. '61 new 427. 467-3199 CHEVY, engs. gd. cond.

873-7320 CHEV. '55, 427 Tube. 334-9377 EL CAMIN0 59 Ex. cond. $850 bs-4bzz FORD '57 428 RACER.

LOADED. MAKE Or-FtK. 34b-bJU. FORD 4 spd. trans.

431-7379 HEMi Head engines. Offer. 873-7320. (2). Exc.

cond. SHELBY '67. 425 HP. 321-3073. VW damagd, extra parts: Reblt.

eng.trans. 386-2907 873-7320 NEW mags and tires. 585-8522 445 COLLECTORS' CARS CHRY. '41 Roval CDS. 6 cyl.

Spit- fire eng. Gd. $395. 588-1779 CHRYS. '50.

Good cond. 841-1691 LINCOLN Continental 1948 con vertible witn MarK engine. Will trade for late Cougar, Camaro- or Firebird. G. F.

Hill, (415) 681-1580, eveinings. JAGUAR '37 SS Salon Classic. 825-1S53 ba. origin, cond. MODEL 1914, $2500.

751-1975 ROLLS ROYCE 1936 limousine. 254-1583 $2800. STUPE Gldn. Hawk. 845-8090 ev.

1958 Edsei Ranger Club Cpe. Excellent condition. Best offer over $550, (702) 738-3147. Box 1390, Elko, Nev. 1948 type Rolls Bentiey.

Nice motor, tags. iouu. aacio. (91b) 131-6BB. 1927 Lincoln lock roadster.

Pro fessionally restored, call 295-5770 or 356-8490. Wanted 445-1 WANT Classic t. Antiques. All mdls. Consignment cars sold free.

Towne Country Motors, 13950 E. 14. S.L. 357-5800. 500 RENTALS WANTED HOUSE Secluded, but within a 50-mi radius or s.h.

3 gd. heating system, electric pre ferred, win pay to $2uo mo. Please Call 327-0526 GOVT, exec. 10 yrs. S.F., top needs S.F.

1-bdrm. un- furn. Marin Hill view. Hope for omer oiag. Mb-buuj.

a to 4 wkoays. (ino rusn; LARGE studio apt. with view Furn. or unfurn. For employed professional woman, to $zuq.

Call before 3 p.m. 921-5669. 922-1040 567-5322 Home Rentals Realty NO CHARGE FOR BEST TENANTS Roashe 1929 Lombard 921-2408 SmAUGHNESSY Rentals REAL Estate. Free 1800 Market. serv.

Landlords. 861-3839 FLAT unf. 5-6 rms. To $150. working motner ot J.

Govt. sub. sidy wlse. 931-3144. PERSONALLY qualified tenants TU OWNERS REQUIREMENTS NO Charge WELLS 661-9900 HOUSE unf.

3 2 gar. Lease. 3 adults. 775-2907. GARAGE WANTED.

VIC. 14TH-DOLORES STS. 626-3988. GARDEN apt. or rm.

Bachelor WaOg, IQilZi. Bft. 6. ATTORNEY, 2 children wants unt. fiat, apt, nse.

221-5012. ICPL. seeks 1 or 2 BR unfurn. apt. or flat in Sunset.

564-4266. IS ML. House, vard. PacificaMa rinsrcerKeiey. aay.

505 REST HOMES BEAUT, rm, 24 hr. care, oatio. Amb. lady, $350 mo. AT 2-8700 FIRST class rest home vac for man, woman or epi, urt 1-Z591 510 GUEST HOUSES $113-5123 Pvt.

wph. Maid erv. meats aavs wk. A ages. Wklv.

rate 781-6941. NAVARRE 417 StocktonSutter $27.50 Weak Up SINOLt YOUNG ADULTS Live Where the FUN Is THE KENMORE 1570 Sutter PR 6-5815 THE MONROE 1870 Sacramento GR 4-6200 $27.50 wk. up w2 meals 6 days THE MOST-E-S-T FOR LEAST-E-S-T Hearty meals. New furniture and carpets, ntw oeds. new eiev.

24 hr, PBX, maid service. Ssldbl. Close to downtown. HARCOURT Sutter Larkln THE ANSONIA 711 Post St. 673-2670 $27.50 Ans.

Scv. 4. Fo Plaza wan Address. PT ofc. all otc.

sctv. loouy Listings. W3I-JB5 $45 Mod. partition ofc. ans.

c9i warnet. urn, loss. ssb-435i8 ANSWERING service desk space. u. up.

1 month free, secre- tary answer service, su 1-8390. FINE OFFICE SPACE Extremely Well Located in PfKt Jt SttttAr LEO ABEL. REALTOR 421-3351 OFFICES New bldg. incl. and parking.

3000 sq. ft on 1 floor. Or Penthouse of 1200 sq. ft. view.

Nr. r.sherman's Wharf R. C. AMORE YU 6-4988 OFFICES Fabulous view wnarf. Ghirardelli Sq.

Low rent Makx oiog. witn old s.F. brick timber. Charm. WHARFS, DF 689 Beach at Hyde.

474-0500 OFFICES 2 Floors 2800 sq. ft. $700. Newly remodeled, air cond, carpets. Vic.

Kearny suiter svi-nsd. OFCS. dntn. Mkt. st.

Ampl. Prkg. )Hl up. un j-iyi; yn 3-lbtB OFFICEstore 1000 sq. ft.

$125 woe vaney pus stop. 587-1966 OFFICE or small store Corner. Sunset Dist. $75 mo. 681-4579.

OFFICES. LOFTS. 5 dntn. Locs Easy park. Reas.

421-6178 OFFICE. FOX PLAZA. VIEW. 861-3987 FROM $145. OFFICE 2nd floor $75.

3 rooms. Mission St. 681-8312 OFFICE or store. Geary Bivd. 00 sq.

tl. tl3. SZ-B9U0. SF WHITE Front Shopping Cen ter 1000 to 5000 ft. Excl.

Art. RUSSELL REALTOR 474-4232 SHOP It. mfg. office fiat. 3jo0 sq.

ft. i. All or part, sen or lease. 755-1573 STORE Lse. 20x66' bsmt.

Total 3440 comm. zone. 580 Valencia see Owner, 584 Va lencia. 431-7203 STORE Polk St. Ls.

3 rm. iiou. ga5wtr. pp. b-u43 STORE w3 rm.

apt. Exc. Loc. visitation valley. $175.

781-1615. STOREoffice, $S5. 377 6trt nr. Harrison. 44-Z911.

982-4471. WAREHOUSE or factory space. xb.uuu sq. tt. uttice parts storage areas, fenced yard.

SINGLE office. Top Montgomery f-. 1 -in. M.i ai. iuu.

mo. oi-ooy. FOR LEASE. Retail Stores, 420 Mendocino Ave. Santa Rosa.

1-20'xlOO' W20 X50' Mezzanine. $600 Mo. 2-14'x70' w30'x30' Stor. area. Available $350 Mo.

3-30'xl20' w5000 sq. Ft. Parking area available $720 Mo. Any como. or tne aoove may be leased as 1 unit (408) 294-1468 55 Tully Rd.

San Jose, Calif. Wanted GARAGE wanted vie. Mission- Ocean Ave. 586-3837 595 OTHER RENTALS RENT FURNITURE DIRECT TO TENANT MONTH TO MONTH. 3 PER MO.

CUSTOM FURNITURE RENTAL 285-7880 1501 VERMONT S.F. 1336 Marsten Burlingame 347-6631 FURNITURE RENTAL Rite-Now. Rentals 334-3636 GARAGES Close in, for storage cars or hobby shp. 552-1876 600 BUSINESS OFFERS AGENT. You can own your own burglar alarm ous.

tor a total investment of $400. Earn from a year, in your spare time. Mr. Gary, 3b-ooj AUTO REPAIR SHOP (Volkswag en), equipment property for a 1 e. wen-estaonsnea.

uays, 368-9406; eves. 368-1135, BAIT Tackle Shop. 13 yrs same location, striper stur geon fishing. 1 blk. from free Launching Ramp.

Low rent, eood lease, good gross. Will sell for $20,000 cash. Write this paper, box 3S3iB. BAR Gd. neighborhood spot! Bar.

S.F. action spot, very beautiful, see to appreciate. Bars. 2 of them. $18,000 M.O.

RESTAURANT S.F., most unique, gd. loc. and potential terms. COFFEE SHOP Auto, row, action, nice equip, only, $7500. COIN-OP launderettes.

Good! Manyoth. TIVON, Agt. 621-5577 BAR on and off sale, will split ii desired. Owners with other in terests. Welcome Inn, in heart of fishine and tourist.

Rov Ket- ti, 321 Corry Fort Bragg, Calif. BAR "JOKER'S WILD" Most Beautiful in S.F. Absent owner. Only $5000 cash dn! See Mgr. after 5 P.M.

4th Ave. Geary Blvd. or call 387-2524. BAR Corner downtown. Owner retires $15,000 handles.

CHASE 712 Larkin OR 3-0232 BAR Restaurant, industrial area. Good gross. Short hours Owner. 559 2nd S.F, BAR Restaurant, San Mateo. $55,000 plus inventory.

Call before 9ajru 345042. BAR hotel for sale. Make of fer. s.F. UN-l-b4Z3 art, p.m.

BAR Downtown Santa Cruz, Cal. (408) 4Zb-b5; BEAUTY Salon. 4-station, So. San Francisco, excel, loc. Call 589-679fL dcaiitv Rhnn.

attractive, well established, S.S.F. Call 349-4852 after 7 P.M. BEAUTY SALON Marina. Make Offer. 921-4007-931-0547.

BEER Wine Bar Haight nr. G.G. Park. Z54-B4b3 eves, RILLIARD family center. Min.

in vest. Max. return. Illness forces sale fixt. like new.

Joe uurem. 3c-3ti. BILLIARD Parlor, 8 tables. Days, 586-6903, Ev. 661-5132, BILLIARD Parlours for lease or sale.

Rest in Sonoma County Doing good busness. Ideal for couple or retired man. $3500 handles, 775-854Z. BODY shoo Completely equip pedBear frame rack Spray Booth compressor work benches paint dept. office furn.

Auto kow area ouuu cash or will trade. TU a-55bb BROILER-SHORT OROER-BEER On El Camino Real in San Mateo Co. Gross $8500 month. Net ptners, easy $25,000 vr. Easy to run seller will teach.

Top equipmt. Lots ot parking. uniy req. NORTH BEACH MARKET 6 DAY And no nights, close 6 P.m 10 low rent lease. All like new eauio.

fixtures Average vol. over $18,000 month. Net ptners. or epie $20,000 yr. $8500 plus stock.

RFD CARPFT REALTORS. 4992 Mission St. 586-7820 BOWLING Alley, co*cktail a e. Coffee ShoD. excel business.

East Bay, Real money maker! Principals only. Write this paper Box 35208. BUS. RES. ANTIQUES INCLUDED.

Lg. bsmt. Hist. loc. 24,500.

$5000 dn, $150 mo, Own. trans. Santa Rosa, Calif. 539-1903 CAFE, by owner. Industrial Dist.

5 days. 6 a.m. -2, $3000 cash. HE 1-9320, UN 3-3421. CAR WASH Finest In area.

Grossing over yr. casn flow in excess of $100,000 annually. For details contact: McCARNEY RLTY. 444-6824 CIGAR Store Sunset dist. New.

owner ill. pocketbooks of an kinas. ssuuu. lerms mv, Aft. 3 p.m.

756-6936. CLEANING, Laundry Agency plus man's wear. 12 vrs. same loc. Owner ill.

994-0964. 431-4139 CLEANING LAUNDRY Bis income 1500 Chase 712 Larkin. OR 3-0232 COFFEE Shop to lease in Busy Bowling center, seating capacity 100, Modern equipment, going business. Reasonable rent based on percent of volume. Excellent opportunity for couple.

Call Mr. Taylor 365-2856. COFFEE SHOP day, short hrs. can oper. art, ok j-bzss, COFFEE SHOP will finance rite person, central, un a-bz AnA.r.

UnfumisheJ 5452 $1451 siovetni. cpu urps uar. kquiis. bo. fansp.

iiiia jyo. van riess. t48-5453. $145 Marina 3. $150 Ma'ina 5.

$145 Family 4. vd. Manv more, RENTAL CENTER FEE OR 3-4440 pirfV ivtW (III. aoiviia ren nr.

park. sq. Aduiis. $150 Twin Peaks, if. 4 Fabulous view.

Fee. 661-9240 $150 up. Hill. Dntn. S.F.

RENTALS FEE PR 6-3911 $155 Pac Hts. Iwr. 5, 2 bf. S140 Sunst 2 br; Manna 3. art.

$10 fee. 1929 Lombard 921-2408 fivtiuu nni a uwiiii. view. cicc KiAk unique bachelor apt. ww cpt.

crpb. oer. xu a.m. $165 Pac. Hts.

New 1 Bedroom. 2315 Divisadero 03 3-6671 $175 Pac. Hts. Delx. 1 BR.

Eiec. kitch. with marble counters. Drps.crptng. Parking.

Avail. Z'15. 9Z1-0431. $175 12th Clement New dlx. BR.

Ail eiec. kit. trpic, cots drps. Adults. Trans.

$175 New decor, elec. kitchen. 2 bedrooms. Monterey Blvd. Ad ults.

Refs. Agt. 334-0200. $1754 rooms, garage nr. UC Med.

4Z5 Hugo. 433-0175 $180 5 rm. w.w. cot.dros. Liec.

kit. Garage. 648-3292 $160 LAUREL HTS. DELUXE Lg. i stoveTrtg.

3ab-33z $185 new 2 bdrm. unit Kit. qinnette. lu 4-9ZZ4 an. p.m $1852 Bdrms.

wshr.dryer. ww cpts. 1731 Noe sr $190 Daiy City 2 ww orps. Gar. view.

tiec. Kit. Call after 6. 781-3452. $190 Rich.

Dist 2 CrptS, urps. fc. ram. Bzo-iib tve. $190 2301 Broadway.

1 Bdrm Eiec. Kit, orps. azi-b333 $195 UP OPEN 10-6 daily GULDEN GAJtWAY CfclM I LK 560 Battery St. 434-2000 $195 up. Ocean vw.

Mod. 1 BR 1280 Great Highway. 3i-bb44 $200 Nob Hill. View. New Bid.

225 View 4. $235 Marina 5. MANY MORE NO FEE WE SHOW 1410 LOMBARD AGT. OR 3-0570 $215 Sea Cliff 2 Br, new. A-l loc.

2438 Lake St. 221-0823 $235 Richmond. Mod. spac. 2 ail eiec.

Harass. Adults, mgr. 387-2736 $240 2 ocean view, eiev, MOO. 5bb-Zb Or bbl-3H44, $250 and UP Many LOVELY tine rentals avaiiaoie. Btai locations.

NO FEE! HILL CO. WA 2-4050 $250 Studio apt. prestige build, Doorman, view, lease, refs. FONTANA East, 1000 North Point $250 Buena V. Park.

Lg. 2 br. Gar. Pet OK. Transp.

861-5414. $250 Lg. 1 BR. deck, frolc. nu Kitbath.

View 282-0981 $265 EXCLUSIVE AREA. 2 BR. VlbW. CPT. 7015 UALIr.

$265 Russian Hill. 1040 Green- wicn. i. Dams, eiec, incl. heat garage.

Mgr. apt. 36. PR 1-1040. $280 Leluxe 3 2 bath, elec.

drapes, carpets. View. 564-6839 betw. 10 a.m.-12. $300 Adj.

Forest Hill large bedrm. 2 baths, frplc, carpets- drapes. Bit. in eiec. ga rage.

St 1-4Z4. $300 4 BR2 hieh ceil ings. 1915 California. Wkdays an. p.m.; WKnas, art, to a.m 340 1 BR dntn.

CotsdrDS. Vw 1-1. II, tl A1 A I11D $360 View. TELEGRAPH HILL. Sophisticated Is.

4 rms. Elegant building. 771-1666 Pac. Hts. Prestige hi-nse.

Luxury 2 2 baths, View. Ww dros. Heat. Gar. 2040 FRANKLIN.

775-3463 $385 Pac Hts 3 BR 2 ba mod kit ww cpt.drps. 931-3434 $425 OPEN DAILY 1998 PACIFIC 2 bdrm, 2 bath, view, swim pool, sauna, eiev. sab-uisb 5 7 ww mi uci3i uiauca. oicw mi. unii rm.

2360 PACIFIC. 567-1306 $450. 5 3 baths, view. Nr, rresiaip. rn.

jzj-u9, iz to i p.m. oany $460 Pac. Hts. 2 2 ba. New lux, ninse.

Eiec. kit, nuge cios ets, ww cpts orps, view oaico-ny. Utiis. gar. incl.

1835 Franklin, 771-1676. $475 Choice Pacific Hts, elegant 2 on bath trpic. garaen patio. JU 4-8818 555 FLATS FOR RENT Furnished 555-1 $10. SMALL FEE MUST PLACE-U.

Many placescome inopen 9-8 Rosalie 1929 Lombard. 921-2408. $95 4 rm. lowr. Consider pet i-ee.

Keaitor. Z455 Lomoaro. $150 NEW FURN. CUTE 3. $180 SUNST RICH.

5. $195 Russ. nice tn. 5. Fee.

Rosalie 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $195 Prime Richmond spacious 1 elec. kit, elevator. Adults. NO FEE. SAXE REALTY LO 4-3717 $200 Laurel Hght.

gar. fee. Realtor. 5 rm. Folc! 922-1040 $225 Richmond dist.

3 BR trpic. Adults only. bbb-3b8 $275 VIEW. Luxury 2 Br. con- xemp.

cnarm. lmn i-dj Unfurnished 555-2 $10 Small fee must place you. Many piacescome inopen 9-b. Rosalie 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $105 Mission Dist. 5 rms.

No children, pets. LO 6-9920. $120 up Many areas. Some children. Agent, fee.

1800 Mar ket. 861-3839 125 Clean 4 nr. Tei HI. gar, $125 Big 5, teefizo BK, $125 Bie 6. can be 3 BR.

Art. $10 fee. 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $125 Bernal Hts. 5 rm, tots, agt, $10 tee 863-4090 $135 Family, pets, cptg. 3 Fee.

Realtor, 2465 Lombard. BR, $145 Nice 6 rms. Adults only. Z455 Post, key 63-33Z. $1603 rms.

Util. incl. Single or oioer coupie. bh i-zzuj. $165 Nr.

City College. 2 BR Stv.frig. AM or eves. 584-2057. $175 ud.

4-5 Sunset S.F. Rentals 606 GEARY ST. PR 6-3911 Fee Hrs. 9-6 p.m. S185 Hues artv.

frolc. 3 br. act, $10 ree laza Lomoara. nn-mm $2005 rms. Richmond, 12th Ave nr.

Geary, new ww new paint, frig. SK 2-4786 $200. Parkside. 2 bedrm. ftpl.

carpts. Adults. Ref. 564-2810 $250 830 25th ave 6 rms. ww carpets.

Nr. gu pk. i-jwu $250 Marina 5 rm. Family Frplc Gar. Fee.

Realtor 567-5322 $275 Beaut. Marina. 2 IVi oa. Mature cpi. SBb-baz, $350 New deluxe 3 i oatn, Kano.

ucean view, uar-nets, rirene. wet bar. fireplace. elec. garage.

SE 1-7424 $485 Cor. 6 lg. rm.3 ba. so cial dn. biec.

cor. trpic. cpts.drps. Garage. 752-5728.

565 HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished 565-1 $10 SMALL FEE MUST PLACE Manv olacescome inopen 9-8, Roaslie 1929 Lombard. 921-2408 $110 GARDEN COTTAGE 2 BR Mb3 ramuy a porcn. ree. Marine View 8. natin.

Rosalie 1929 Lombard 921-2408 $110 Western. Addition. 4 rm 2 ur, aiu $160 Sunset 4-rm. home. Lge i is 4ee mei $268 Mod.

5. Close to an. ramuy. abt-uabai absz, $2755 rm. Tots.

View. Frpl. Fee. neaitor, ziba Lomoara. $300 Excelsior.

7 rms. (3 BR.) VieW. RetS. $395 Pac. Hts.

2-sty. Victorian. 24' i iv. rm, wrrpi. a do rms.

1V2 baths, 2 sundecks, lovely sheltered garden. All utilities incl, Ideal for 3 adl. No fee. Marc, 755-2791 Unfurnished 565-2 $10 Small tee must place you Many piacescome inopen s-s. Rosalie 1929 Lombard 921-2408 GARDEN COTTAGES.


Rosalie, 1929 Lombard 921-2408 e. '4 ft ffl i COFFEE SHOP-SELF SERVICE s. Bruno-net 5W dn. MEAT MARKET-REDWOOD CITY Grs. $120,000.

$5000 dn. Tms. CANDY STORE-PALO ALTO Est. 27 yrs. Total price $3500 FOREIGN CAR SERVICE S.

Jose-Net $19 300-14253 dn. DOG KENNEL-PROPERTY-BLDG. 95 runs-4 rm. tin. Thos.

L. Mitchell Co. of J. 321-1170 Anytime 293-3773 COFFEE Shop in downtown Of- tice Bldg. ECI.

Buy. 333-33B4. COIN op. laun. Maytag equip.

Excl. Iocs, avail. Stanton Sales. 801 Mahler Rd, Burl. 697-6844 COIN OPERATED CAR WASH W.

J. LANr.ASTFR CO. 660 Mariposa. S.F. MA 6-0660 DELICATESSEN: First time of- fered in shopping center 1 square.

Estab. business Excellent lease approx. gross per month $11,000. CABLE CAR REALTY 387-4545 Distributors NU Enamel Paint Exclusive areas, no selling. Serv ice attractive racks in super markets and ni-traftic locations.

Mav be Dart-time. Invest ment secured by inventory fees. Let us help you into a fine profit making business of your own. write or can collects NU Enamel Co. 611 Veterans Blvd, Redwood City (415) 365-4086 DRUG store.

Beautiful Morro Bay. 5000 sq. ft Nr. ocean. Geriatric market Good RX, count.

Priced to sell or trade. Resort area. Once in a lifetime oppor-tunity. (415) 969-0657 eves. ORY Cleaning plant, good vol ume ana prices, iteawooa empire.

Full details only to qualified dry cleaners. Write to box 31845 this paper. Factor Representative Arizona Mfg. Company has open ings iur s.r. surrounding areas.

New product unlimited market. Some investment secured by inventory. Above average income potential. Ph. MR.

BLAIR. 626-0200. Sun. thru Wed. for appmt.

FAMILY Shoe Store, downtown Santa Rosa. Rare opportunity. Established over 15 yrs. No merchandise to buy. Can leave fixtures.

Execute sub-lease at substantial reduction in rental. Contact S.A. Osman or E. Gav- lin, 315 So. Beverly Beverly Hills.

Ca. 90212. Phone (213) ZJ-ZBZU FLORIST Year round bus. Loc. nr.

mortuaries Med. center. Retiring will finance-teach. 346-2700. FLOWERS Gifts.

Prime loc. Lobby, one of S.F. largest, busy hotels. Consider R.E. exch.

write Box 35273 this paper. FOREIGN car shep, tull equip. FRANCHISE AVAILABLE NOW BUSINESS COLLEGE SAN MATEO High potential. State approved, California's largest Data Proc essing College. Investment 30,000.

Financing avaiiaoie. ales Management or Business experience preferred. Mr. Hah-ner. (415) 276-6700.

FRANCHISE IMMEDIATE PROFIT! We have decided to sell one of our high volume units now open in Bay Area. Units net $20,000 yr. Absentee ownership opt. No exp. nec.

We train you. utner 10c. aiso avail. MAVERICK STEAK HOUSE 2200 Sacramento, S.F. 567-7688 FRANCHISE Rhodes Fish Chins shoos.

Proven successful. $10,000 Investment. Several locations avail. Phone collect (415) 421-9632 or (415) 8bl-ZS5b Franchise Available For man with sales ability wanting to start own business and desirine to make money (35). Approximately $2000 will be needed to start franchise.

Line includes silicones, oil. grease, medical spray and 13 other products in aerosol packaging. Write to SACRAMENTO, CALIF. THE CHRISTIE PRODUCTS CO, P.O. Box 1202 Sacramento.

Calif. 95806 CDAKICUIP Modest investment! High profit potential! write or pnone CABLE CAR BURGERS P.O. Box 186, Oakland, Calif. 94501. (415) 635-3Z55 GAMBLING BUSINESS Disagreement forces immediate sale.

Everything goes! MIA appraisal came to $147,500. Fix- tures $80,000. Total value 227.500. A comDlete package including 50x140 property, 2 crao tables, building, fixtures, Hammond Organ, restaurant, 50 slots, Keno, 4 Zl tables, poker. Bingo.

51 tons of cooling for only $135,000. A real investment value in Las Vegas. Joe Hornstein, 1240 Sharon way Reno, Nev. Phone: (702) 329-2397. GARDEN Supply.

Finance right person, central, UN 3-6252. GIFT import shop Estab, whole- ml. i fL. aaic iciaii. vnuiua iwv.

Sausalito. Fully stocked Walk-in-Walk-out. By owner. 388-8793 or 33-qBbb. GROCERY, and wine lie, Keas.

inventory, izi-jaib. GROCERY, Butcher shop equip't ready to go. 452-0894 HARDWARE Store First time offered in shopping center square. Excel, lease estab. business approx.

5100 sq. ft. Gross aonrox. $11,000 mo. CABLE CAR REALTY 387-4545 HI-FI, stereo store, well est.

lop lines $20,000. handles. Princi- pals only. 552-3724. HOF BRAU, well eqpt.

40 st. Dwntn. Red. to $8500. $3500 dn.

Hicks, santa Kosa, Mb-iuz. HOTEL lease. 21 units 3 rm apt. BY OWNER. 441-4416 HOTEL Lease.

5-yr. 21 units. 37 6tn ott Market. 4zi-b433, ICE Cream Parlor, fully equipt. wsmall kitchen, loc.

in l.of Fremont's busiest shopping plazas. Store vol. has exceeded $200day. Owner has vacated due to illness. Financing avail, to qualified buyer.

Contact Mr. Kuvkendall 861-2680. ICE CREAM FRANCHISE Baskin-Robbins 31 ice creams Mr. Schroeder (415) 347-3061 ICE CREAM BRESLERS 33 Fla vor onops. rrime luuaiiuus.

CALL (413) 3Z4-1Uau INDEPENDENT SALESMEN If you are looking for unlimited financial opportunity, unlimited prospect, availability, very little competition, aay work, no travel, association with success, job freedom, complete training, all necessary sales materials Please call Mr. Bennett for aoo'mt. 421-2431. If selected there is a secured charge for samples 100 financing avail- aDie. Crowded? Sell your spare furniture for cash with a Want Ad Phone 777-7777 FOR WOMEN ONLY NOW YOU CAN OWN A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWNI House Nine Am.rico'.

moit tuccMiful chain of small tit women's rady-to-war sferw it offering hr the tint time FRAIICmSES THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO Own a pit-planned, completely morchandixod, fiituriiod new CompUte company guldancei and training. No experience nee If you can Invert $15,000 In cash, wa hove Franchlm avail able SERRAMONTE SHOPPING CENTER (Daly City) and PARK LANE CENTRE RENO, NEVADA Write er phone today NATIONAL FRANCHISE DIRECTOR HOUSE OF NINE 192f W.PkelNd. 900M rWe213-3U-22ll i i riini. i-iA.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.