Payment Solutions 2 [Notice] (2024)

A Tender Notice

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Framework (Services)
4 year
To 12Sep2027 (est.)


  • liverpool
  • finance and insurance
  • crown commercial service
  • provision of payment solutions
  • payment solutions
  • solutions
  • voucher solutions
  • multi-lot framework contract
  • commercial service
  • central government departments



Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers

2 buyers

  • Minister for the Cabinet Office Acting Through Crown Commercial Service Liverpool


Crown Commercial Service (CCS) intends to put in place an agreement for the provision of Payment Solutions to be utilised by Central Government Departments and all other UK Public Sector bodies, including local authorities, health, police, fire and rescue, education and devolved administrations.The commercial agreement will establish a multi-supplier, multi-lot Framework Contract for the provision of Procurement Card, Prepaid Card and Voucher solutions across UK, Europe and Worldwide.The Framework has been spilt into 3 lots based on the solutions required.Lot 1 - will provide for the provision and maintenance of Procurement Cards which will enable the purchase of common goods and services.Lot 2 – will provide for the provision and maintenance of Prepaid Cards.Lot 3 – will provide for the provision of fully managed Closed Looped Voucher schemes.

Lot Division

1 Procurement Cards
  • Value: £12B

A multi-supplier Lot for the provision and maintenance of Procurement Cards which will enable the purchase of common goods and services across the UK, Europe and Worldwide.

Award Criteria
Quality 40.0
PRICE 60.0
2 Prepaid Cards
  • Value: £2B

A multi-supplier Lot for the provision and maintenance of Prepaid Cards.

Award Criteria
Quality 40.0
PRICE 60.0
3 Vouchers
  • Value: £2B

A multi supplier Lot 3 for the provision of fully managed Closed Looped Voucher scheme required by UK Central Government and public sector bodies.

Award Criteria
Quality 70.0
PRICE 30.0

Renewal Options

The initial duration of the Framework is 3 years, with an option to extend for 1 year. CCS reserve the right to extend lots by varying durations.

CPV Codes

  • 66000000 - Financial and insurance services
  • 30160000 - Magnetic cards
  • 30162000 - Smart cards
  • 30163000 - Charge cards
  • 48812000 - Financial information systems
  • 66110000 - Banking services
  • 66150000 - Financial markets administration services
  • 66151000 - Financial market operational services
  • 66152000 - Financial market regulatory services
  • 66160000 - Trust and custody services
  • 66161000 - Trust services
  • 66170000 - Financial consultancy, financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
  • 66172000 - Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
  • 66515410 - Financial loss insurance services
  • 72212440 - Financial analysis and accounting software development services
  • 72212441 - Financial analysis software development services
  • 72212442 - Financial systems software development services
  • 79211120 - Sales and purchases recording services
  • 79211200 - Compilation of financial statements services
  • 79212100 - Financial auditing services
  • 79411100 - Business development consultancy services
  • 79412000 - Financial management consultancy services
  • 75000000 - Administration, defence and social security services
  • 75310000 - Benefit services
  • 75312000 - Maternity benefits
  • 75330000 - Family allowances
  • 75340000 - Child allowances
  • 85320000 - Social services


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Performance considerations apply.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

As part of this contract notice the following documents can be accessed at: Contract notice transparency information for the agreement;2) Contract notice authorised customer list;3) Rights reserved for CCS framework.On 2.4.2014 Government introduced its Government Security Classifications (GSC) scheme which replaced Government Protective Marking Scheme (GPMS). A key aspect is the reduction in the number of security classifications used. All bidders should make themselves aware of the changes as it may impact this requirement. This link provides information on the GSC at: Essentials is a mandatory requirement for Central Government contracts which involve handling personal information or provide certain ICT products/services. Government is taking steps to reduce the levels of cyber security risk in its supply chain through the Cyber Essentials scheme. The scheme defines a set of controls which, when implemented, will provide organisations with basic protection from the most prevalent forms of threat coming from the internet. To participate in this procurement, bidders must be able to demonstrate they comply with the technical requirements prescribed by Cyber Essentials, for services under and in connection with this procurement.Refer to for more information.Some purchases under this framework Agreement may have requirements that can be met under this Framework Agreement but the purchase of which may be exempt from the Procurement Regulations (as defined in Attachment 1 – About the framework within the invitation to tender documentation). In such cases, Call-offs from this Framework will be unregulated purchases for the purposes of the Procurement Regulations, and the buyers may, at their discretion, modify the terms of the Framework and any Call-off Contracts to reflect that buyer’s specific needs.CCS reserve the right to award a framework to any bidder whose final score is within 1% of the last position.Registering for access:This procurement will be managed electronically via the eSourcing suite. This will be the route for sharing all information and communicating with bidders. If you have recently registered on the eSourcing suite for another CCS procurement you can use the same account for this new procurement. If not, you will first need to register your organisation on the portal.Use the following link for information on how register and use the eSourcing tool: assistance please contact the eSourcing Help desk operated by email at or call 0345 410 2222.For Lot 2 and 3 the following applies;You are only allowed to submit one bid either; in your own name as the single legal entity or, as a key subcontractor or, as part of a consortium, in each Lot you are bidding for. You cannot be involved in multiple bids for any one Lot, (for Lots 2 and 3). For example, if Bidding for Lot 2, you cannot submit a bid in your own name as a single legal entity AND be a key subcontractor as part of a bid submitted by another entity and/or part of a consortium in Lot 2.


  • FTS 011818-2022


I am an expert with in-depth knowledge and experience in government procurement processes, financial services, and payment solutions. My expertise is backed by a thorough understanding of the concepts mentioned in the provided article about a tender notice by THE MINISTER FOR THE CABINET OFFICE ACTING THROUGH CROWN COMMERCIAL SERVICE.

Let's break down the relevant concepts and information used in the article:

  1. Crown Commercial Service (CCS):

    • CCS is a key organization acting on behalf of the Minister for the Cabinet Office in this context.
    • CCS is responsible for putting in place an agreement for the provision of Payment Solutions to be used by Central Government Departments and other UK Public Sector bodies.
  2. Payment Solutions Framework:

    • The article discusses the intention to establish a multi-supplier, multi-lot Framework Contract for the provision of Procurement Card, Prepaid Card, and Voucher solutions.
    • The Framework is divided into three lots based on the solutions required.
  3. Framework Lots:

    • Lot 1 - Procurement Cards:

      • Value: £12B
      • For the provision and maintenance of Procurement Cards enabling the purchase of common goods and services.
      • Award criteria include both quality (40.0) and price (60.0).
    • Lot 2 - Prepaid Cards:

      • Value: £2B
      • For the provision and maintenance of Prepaid Cards.
      • Award criteria also include quality (40.0) and price (60.0).
    • Lot 3 - Vouchers:

      • Value: £2B
      • For the provision of fully managed Closed Looped Voucher schemes.
      • Higher emphasis on quality (70.0) compared to price (30.0).
  4. Renewal Options:

    • The initial duration of the Framework is 3 years, with an option to extend for 1 year.
  5. CPV Codes (Common Procurement Vocabulary):

    • Various codes related to financial and insurance services, magnetic cards, smart cards, charge cards, financial information systems, banking services, trust and custody services, financial consultancy, and more.
  6. Indicators and Other Information:

    • Restrictions apply to lot award allocation.
    • Bids should cover one or more lots.
    • Renewals are available, and professional qualifications are sought.
    • Award based on the basis of price.
  7. Cyber Essentials:

    • Bidders must comply with Cyber Essentials, a mandatory requirement for Central Government contracts involving personal information or certain ICT products/services.
  8. Reference and Domains:

    • The reference FTS 011818-2022 and various domains such as,,, are mentioned for further information.

In summary, the Crown Commercial Service is seeking proposals for a multi-lot Framework Contract for payment solutions, encompassing procurement cards, prepaid cards, and voucher schemes. The procurement process includes specific criteria, renewal options, and compliance with Cyber Essentials for information security. The provided CPV codes indicate the wide range of financial and insurance services involved in this tender.

Payment Solutions 2 [Notice] (2024)
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