From Mad at Tony to Remember Nancie Peacocke Fadeley in letters (2025)


Thank you for your “April 1 Issue” printed in the March 28 edition. It is some of the funniest satire I’ve read in a long time. Laughing out loud so much was just what I needed to start my day today. Congratulations to your witty staff. And thanks for getting back in print!

Lee Boutell



I’m glad to see a local grocery store being thoughtful about the products they bring in. (“Got Carbon-neutral Beef?” Emerson Brady, EW 3/21/24). Carbon neutral beef from Washington is a great option when you need to grab some ground beef or a steak for tonight’s dinner. For beefeaters looking to go the next step in consciously choosing the food they eat, they might look closer to home.

Several Lane County farms offer high quality and environmentally conscious beef. Deck Family Farm in Junction City sells beef at the Lane County Farmers Market, online and through their CSA. Fair Valley Farm, west of Eugene, sells beef onsite, at the Farmers Market, through CSA or in bulk shares. Our farm, Winter Green Beef in Noti, sells certified organic beef shares directly to customers. Choosing to purchase locally means you can know your farmer, keep money in our economy and create fewer transportation emissions.

While none of these small farms offer precise numbers on carbon sequestration, all three utilize research-backed practices to store carbon, increase soil fertility, enhance biodiversity and produce delicious 100 percent grass fed beef for our local economy. Where’s the beef? Right here in Lane County.

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Courtney Moore

Winter Green Beef LLC



Cork it, Corcoran!

Sorry, but in his mean spirited letter directed at candidate Doyle Canning, Tony Corcoran sounds just like a MAGA Republican. Attack, disparage and accuse without one mention of the issues and policies that voters are concerned with.

I’ve known Canning as a great neighbor who is totally dedicated to improving our community via her advocacy for workers rights as well as our environment. And she is a team player. When Rep. Paul Holvey was under the threat of being recalled, Canning held a fundraiser for him in her backyard. She convinced me to attend and contribute. I remember a certain Tony Corcoran being in attendance that night.

But now Corcoran sees the need to denounce Canning since she is not a member of his team. Seems to me we should be talking about the issues at hand and not stoop to the mud slinging that Corcoran heartily embraces. Corcoran encourages voters to email and text Canning with negative messages. I encourage readers to learn about Canning by visiting and to vote for her on or before May 21.

Murray (Skip) Frazee III



In his letter to the editor, Tony Corcoran seems irate over the fact that Doyle Canning dares to provide a second choice in a political primary race. Since when has democracy been strengthened by an old-school political machine that anoints its successors and attempts to blackball community members who dare to throw their hats in the ring?

Canning was one of my law clerks at the Civil Liberties Defense Center while she attended the UO Law School as a public interest law student. She is intelligent, an earnest hard worker, a highly skilled community organizer, a working class family member and a compassionate mom raising two young kids in this community. She could do lots of things with her brain and her dedication, but she wants to try and make our community and the world a better place and is willing to endure the political machine and the election process to serve the public interest.

Having two choices for a political office primary should be the bare minimum in a democracy. The petty BS Corcoran served up in his letter could best be interpreted as, “How dare the people decide who will govern them! We professional politicians know what is best.” If they thought they were doing such a great job as our elected representatives, they’d probably be a bit more secure in letting the process determine who is the best candidate. I’m thankful that people like Canning are willing to try and serve our community. Corcoran’s letter is shameful.

Lauren Regan



This is in response to Nancy Nichols’ letter of April 11 regarding landlords’ choosing their tenants (“Rental Intentions”).

It is, indeed, a very, very different world today. I have been a landlady for much of my life, since the ’60s. The house I bought in L.A. at that time (at $29,500!) had a guest house at the end of the driveway which got me started. My requirements for a prospective tenant were simple — three years satisfactory employment and three years responsible rent payments.

I personally contacted the employers and rental folks. If all was satisfactory, I met personally with the prospective tenant. Much is to be said about the benefit of a face-to-face meeting.

I continued to have rental property when I moved to Eugene in the early ’90s, using the same requirements. In all this time I had only one adverse experience. One young woman left owing me one month’s rent — never any damage.

In this day and age, I am glad my landlady’s days are over.

Jane Dods



I am writing to urge you to vote Yes on Measure 20-357, to renew the 4J Local Option Levy. As a 4J family — with one child now about to graduate from college, one about to graduate from high school, and one more still in high school, I know how this levy helped the schools provide important opportunities not just for them, but also their colleagues. It is a small property tax that we already have; it is not a tax increase.

State funding for our schools is woefully inadequate. As someone who served on the 4J Budget Committee for nine years, I know just how important this levy is. It allows 4J to hire more teachers and staff, and to provide more academic programs and extracurricular activities. My wife helped start the parent organization at North Eugene High School a few years ago; we know personally how important it is that all of our students receive opportunities — not just those families who can afford the extras. Renewing this levy will make sure that happens. Please vote Yes on your ballot by May 21.

Joshua Burstein



Driving down Amazon Parkway between 19th and 24th, I noticed several cut trees in the green space. After seeing so many trees down from the ice storm this year, more downed trees was deeply saddening. But these had been taken down intentionally! Were they sick? What’s going on here?

Earth Day is every day.

Molly Giewont



Nancie Peacocke Fadeley passed away April 7 at age 93. Her life was one of service to her beloved state. She served five terms in the Oregon House of Representatives from 1971 to 1981.

She was a Democrat who was able to work with Republicans to bring about iconic legislation, which made Oregon the national leader in environmental issues. During her terms, Oregon enacted the nation’s first bottle deposit law; statewide land use planning; the public records law; and the open meetings law.

She was able to do this because she never felt the need to get credit. Instead, it was more than enough for her to see the results for Oregon.

David Jensen




As if 4J doesn’t have enough issues to deal with, math teacher Jenoge Sora Khatter decided that he must sow more seeds of dissension into the fire over the Israel Hamas War. And he is suggesting that the new 4J policy allow for flags of all nations and tribes to be protected symbols in 4J schools. OK, can I put up a flag with a swastika, or the Confederate flag, or a Russian or Iranian flag? This was not a teaching moment. This was an indulgence by Khatter to express his sympathies to his favored cause. It doesn’t seem that there was any mention of “the other side of the story” or a display of the Israeli flag in order to have a balanced discussion. People are so riled up now that chants of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” have been heard at a rally in Dearborn, Michigan.

This war could end immediately — if Hamas released all hostages and laid down arms. But Hamas doesn’t care about the Palestinians suffering. Hamas, a terrorist organization, has ruled Palestinians through fear, intimidation and torture. Since Palestinians can’t get rid of Hamas, then Israel must. Hamas started this war; could it not anticipate the consequences? Stopping the war now would be like containing a fire at 75 percent. Keep in mind that Hamas’ charter calls for the destruction of Israel. As of today, Hamas cannot identify or track 40 Israeli hostages needed for the first phase of a ceasefire.

Zenia Liebman

Junction City


On April 8, the “Ducks4Israel” demonstrated to support Israeli hostages abducted by Hamas and still being held. Posters with the hostages’ pictures were planted in the grass on campus in hopes of bringing greater awareness of their plight at the university and beyond.

Megan Butler, a Ph.D. student, went about tearing out the posters and shouting “Israel is committing genocide.” An altercation ensued and university police became involved.

The United Nations Convention on Genocide of 1948 defined it as, “…acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.” Israel’s intent in Gaza, however, is to destroy Hamas, not the Palestinian people. Those civilians killed were in places used by Hamas as military sites or to hide.

Recently, the Students for Justice in Palestine at the university also held demonstrations, claiming that “Israel is committing genocide.” It casts false assertions of genocide on Israel and, by implication, on most Jews as well who support Israel. A large increase in anti-Semitism has occurred from these demonstrations across the country.

In Eugene, the worst to date has been the vandalism at Temple Beth Israel. Following the “Unite the Right” march in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, however, where demonstrators shouted “Jews will not replace us,” one person was killed, and mass shootings at two synagogues followed not too long afterward.

The right to express one’s views and demonstrate does not include incitement.

Michael E. Sturman



As a teacher in Eugene, I urge voters to support the local option levy on the ballot in May. The money has an enormous impact on the classroom by paying for teachers, counselors, educational assistants, librarians and other support staff. The levy provides about $25 million and without it, programs will be cut and class sizes would grow. The levy is not a new tax or a tax increase; rather it is a renewal of the same funding measure. Our students deserve this important support from our community. Please vote yes for Measure 20–357.

Sarah Case


Ems Stadium


Neighborliness. What a concept. Most people prefer quiet in their neighborhoods. Yet out-of-state Major League Baseball is trying to bully its way into one of ours with no consideration of the noise and other issues that would come with it. MLB’s threats are dividing our community, but let’s stop giving them the power to do this. By voting no on the bond issue, we can then work together to find a solution to the problem none of us in Eugene created. It’s the neighborly thing to do.

Lin Sime



Yes I’d like to have a red electric Ford Mustang convertible. I’d drive it south on Willamette Street, I’d wave to all my high school pals. There goes Ol’ Joe, the fullback on the football team, or the great Eugene writer. I’d wave back smiling, as if I really deserved all the adulation. Oops — I made a U turn, and I am now driving north in my older Honda, the drive-in theater is now Woodfield Station shopping center, A&W has evaporated into the sky. Civic Stadium had vanished, but that 10 acres of land now sports a sports venue dedicated to the youth of our community. I am now old, with circles under my eyes, and no one is waving.

But I still have opinions! And yes I’m in favor of building a brand new beautiful baseball stadium.

The last time I looked, we already have a library. We have shiny new beautiful schools, and the homeless have opportunities if they’d just use them. As long as I’m paying for the latter, don’t I have the privilege to hope for a new baseball stadium, too?

If you’ll respect my opinion then I’ll respect yours recognizing that our opinions will be counted in May’s election, as they were when we voted to build our library, to build our schools and to offer initiatives to the homeless.

Joe R. Blakely



My friends and I are avid baseball fans, particularly when it comes to the L.A. Dodgers. However, we’re opposed to the bond measure to fund the construction of a new baseball stadium at the fairgrounds.

While the stadium’s primary function would be to house our archrival San Francisco Giants’ farm team, the bond backers have proposed the stadium can also be used to provide emergency shelter and services during a future catastrophic event.

However, the catastrophe of homelessness is happening in real time, right now. Why not instead support a bond measure to build a permanent shelter for people who are unsheltered on sub-freezing nights, broiling hot days, or when our community is saturated with smoke-filled skies?

With the loss of Trinity Methodist Church as one of several critical Egan Warming Center sites, St. Vincent de Paul staff are searching for other sites for next season.

We would be more than happy to forgo watching a live baseball game just down the street if it meant that more people had a consistent place to be when it’s too cold, too hot or too smokey.

Lucy Potter



As a taxpayer, I oppose the bond supporting a stadium at the Fairgrounds. I believe my tax dollars should be spent on more important Lane County needs.

I participate in dog agility trials. There are very few places in west central Oregon to host these events. K9 Sports LLC is a woman-owned business that rents the Livestock Barn to hold multi-day AKC-sponsored events. This draws participants from many parts of Oregon and surrounding states, contributing to the local economy through restaurants, shopping, motels, campgrounds, gas etc.

Unlike other Fairgrounds events, people attending baseball games arrive and leave all at once. This will create major congestion on 13th and neighborhood streets, possibly hindering emergency vehicle access to the homes and apartments nearby. Also, parking will be compromised during the Fair and other events.

Emeralds games are held from mid-April to mid-September. This is fire season. If there is a wildfire, will the Emeralds cancel games to make room for displaced livestock in their new stadium? And what are the other planned “multiple uses” for this uncovered stadium, not only during the short baseball season, but other times of the year?

There are no guarantees that the Emeralds won’t be moved to another city or state. I lived in southern Oregon when the Medford Athletics minor league team was sold and moved to Vancouver, Canada. This has happened in numerous cities and states around the country.

Diane Turco



My property taxes have doubled in the last 10 years.

Have no reservation about my taxes going to support education/schools, the library, the Extension Service, Parks and Rec and such. Our award winning library is open to everyone. Everyone! No need to purchase a ticket. It is a treasure chest of help and resources for every citizen. And it is open all year.

Why should my tax monies be spent to enrich Elmore Sports Group out of California and serve a handful of sports enthusiasts part of the year.

No. If the Ems owners want a stadium, let them build it, pay for it and maintain it. They are a multimillion dollar company. They can afford it. Do not let this private entity burden taxpayers for their own profit.

Sarah Ruth



A 2020 article published on stated, “Forty cities built minor league ballparks with taxpayer money. Now they don’t have teams to play in them. A reshuffling and reduction of Major League Baseball’s feeder system means spending taxpayer money on stadiums looks even more foolish than it was before.”

The new owners of the Eugene Emeralds, the San Francisco Giants, stated that they will relocate the Emeralds if taxpayers do not provide them with a baseball stadium that meets their specifications. Interestingly, on March 24, 2023, wrote “Yesterday, Forbes released their annual report on team values and the San Francisco Giants were there in the top five in terms of profitability with $74.9 million and total value at $3.7 billion. That represents a year-over-year increase of 6 percent.”

What about Charles B. Johnson, the largest shareholder in the San Francisco Giants? Well, just look at this posting on “Charles Bartlett Johnson (born January 6, 1933) is an American billionaire businessman, with an estimated current net worth of around $6.1 billion. He is part owner and largest shareholder of the San Francisco Giants, owning 26 percent of the Major League Baseball team.” Yet these wealthy owners need taxpayer dollars to build their ballpark.

Ask yourself, did the city put up the money to purchase the house you live in? Let’s keep taxpayer dollars for much needed city services, not to pad the pockets of already wealthy individuals. Check out for more reasons.

Ron Patton




She’s rooted in Eugene!

As a longtime member of 350Eugene and a proud progressive, I’m supporting Doyle Canning because she is a rare leader in politics, the kind of person we need for Eugene: committed to service, trustworthy, never cynical, always pushing to be better and bolder — especially on issues of climate. Canning is legislative director for Khanh Pham in the Oregon House. She’s the only candidate with proven experience working on the inside in Salem to deliver actual results across many issues: climate, education, neighborhood housing investments, addiction services and more.

For years I’ve watched her at progressive fundraisers, national and local campaign events and organizing meetings, and she is always there, rousing the troops to raise money to fight Rep. Paul Holvey’s recall. State leadership called on her to bring in Bernie Sanders and rally for all legislative candidates and governor last year, etc. The work is thankless, she is tireless.

She’s the candidate with 10 sitting members of the Legislature, including the chairs of committees like Labor, Human Services, Natural Resources and state labor commissioner already endorsing her. Canning is warm, approachable, very smart and connects with all kinds of people.

I trust Canning to represent us in the state house on the issues that matter most for Eugene, because insider know-how is what matters to making sure we’ve got the strongest voice in Salem.

Robin Bloomgarden



Perhaps some voters would like to have choices in primaries beyond the favored one who party insiders decide they should vote for? I am glad to see Doyle Canning running. She is smart, dedicated, a progressive activist and a lawyer. Apparently all that is outweighed by her daring to to challenge those-in-the-know.

Maybe the Democratic Party is due for a name change.

Alan F. Zundel




When considering candidates for City Council from Ward 1, my thoughts immediately turned to the long-serving chair of Jefferson Westside Neighbors, Ted Coopman. I first got to know Coopman when he moved onto my block in 2016 and immediately began to make a positive contribution to the neighborhood. Nearly every morning for years I would see him on litter patrol at Monroe Park, steadily doing what needed to be done. He has been the driving force behind planting and cleanup groups at the park, and worked there tirelessly himself. Yet Coopman always has time to engage in conversation about any issue. Whether discussing homelessness, building codes or sidewalk maintenance, I have found him both informed and interested in others’ opinions.

Even a cursory look at Coopman’s record of leadership will show that he has the experience and expertise to help guide our city as we address serious social, political and environmental issues. Coopman will help take Eugene into a future where all of us have a voice in solving the problems we face.

Rebecca Hammons



From Mad at Tony to Remember Nancie Peacocke Fadeley in letters (2025)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.