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Fifteen years after her happily ever after, Giselle questions her happiness, inadvertently turning the lives of those in the real world and Andalasia upside down in the process.

Actors: Adam Shankman, Adam Shankman 27 November 1964, Los Angeles, California, USA Chloe Harris, Chloe Harris Idina Menzel, Idina Menzel 30 May 1971, Syosset, New York, USA Lara Jackson, Lara Jackson Thea Bunting, Thea Bunting Jayma Mays, Jayma Mays 16 July 1979, Grundy, Virginia, USA Betsy Picart, Betsy Picart Stephanie Karam, Stephanie Karam Matt Lenehan, Matt Lenehan Ann Harada, Ann Harada 3 February 1964, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Murray Josephson, Murray Josephson ...»

Genre: Comedy,Adventure,Animation

Director: Adam Shankman

Country: United States

Release: 2022

IMDb: 5.6


Duration: 120 min

Keywords: #Amy Adams #Disenchanted #Maya Rudolph #Patrick Dempsey

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Disenchanted - Watch Exclusive Movies online (34)

ACTORS OF "Disenchanted"

Adam Shankman 27 November 1964, Los Angeles, California, USA Chloe Harris Idina Menzel 30 May 1971, Syosset, New York, USA Lara Jackson Thea Bunting Jayma Mays 16 July 1979, Grundy, Virginia, USA Betsy Picart Stephanie Karam Matt Lenehan Ann Harada 3 February 1964, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Murray Josephson Maya Rudolph 27 July 1972, Gainesville, Florida, USA

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GALLERY OF "Disenchanted"

Disenchanted - Watch Exclusive Movies online (2024)


Why did Disenchanted get bad reviews? ›

Disenchanted delivers a cliche story that loses the charm of the first film. It manages to siphon out everything that made Enchanted great, whilst adding a forgettable villain into the mix, and numerous plot holes, that had me scratching my head at times.

Where can I watch Disenchanted full movie? ›

Disenchanted, a family movie starring Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, and James Marsden is available to stream now. Watch it on Disney Plus or Prime Video on your Roku device.

Why was Morgan replaced in Disenchanted? ›

Although it was released 15 years after the first film, Disenchanted features a time jump of 10 years. Because Covey is now 24, and Morgan is only 16 in the sequel, Disenchanted's creators may have wanted to cast someone closer to the character's age. As Baldacchino is 21, it allows for a more realistic casting.

Why was Disenchanted a disappointment? ›

Disenchanted is a little bit less than Enchanted in just about every way imaginable. It's less charming, less memorable and less fun. Its songs are not as catchy and its story is less unique. Even the animated sequences feel like a big step backward, which is jarring.

What is wrong with Giselle in Disenchanted? ›

Giselle went to the magical scroll about her wish and her sudden villainous transformation, with the scroll revealing that Giselle had already experienced the two of the stereotypical traits, wickedness and vanity, leaving cruelty and ambition remaining.

Why did Giselle become evil? ›

Desperate for change, Giselle uses Sophia's wishing wand to wish for a fairytale life, but starts transforming into Morgan's wicked stepmother instead, essentially becoming the villain in her own story. Giselle discovers that her wish is draining all magic from Andalasia to turn the real world into a fairy tale.

How old is Giselle in Disenchanted? ›

In Enchanted Giselle appears to be around 30 years old, with an innocent and naive personality. With that in mind, Giselle would be about 40 in Disenchanted, but she has not matured or changed at all, making her character to be a bit annoying.

Is Morgan Giselle's daughter in Disenchanted? ›

Character information

Eventually Robert falls in love with Giselle and they get married, Morgan becoming the stepdaughter of Giselle. She is an outgoing 6-year-old who is not afraid to speak her mind about Nancy to her father.

Who is the baby in Disenchanted? ›

Twins Mila and Lara Jackson play Robert and Giselle's one-year-old daughter Sofia.

Who is the villain in Disenchanted? ›

Malvina Monroe is the main antagonist of the 2022 Disney+ film Disenchanted, a sequel to 2007's Enchanted. She is the mother of Tyson Queen Bee of Monroeville, a town named after her, ruling over the population with her social influence.

How to Watch 'Disenchanted': Now Streaming ...Business Insiderhttps://www.businessinsider.com ›

"Disenchanted" follows Amy Adams' character 15 years after the end of "Enchanted." You can stream the sequel on Disney Plus starting Nov...
Enchanted was first released as a Disney movie way back in 2007, and immediately became a family favorite with Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey and Idina Menzel leadi...
Looking to watch Disenchanted? Find out where Disenchanted is streaming, if Disenchanted is on Netflix, and get news and updates, on Decider.

Why didn t they use the same girl in Disenchanted? ›

Original Morgan actress Covey is now 24 years old, so, even if she was still an actress, Disney perhaps wanted a younger actress to play the teenage character. Gabriella Baldacchino, who plays Morgan in Disenchanted, is 20 years old but was 19 at the time of filming.

Why is the daughter different in Disenchanted? ›

However, since they de-aged her character for "Disenchanted," it's possible Disney decided to go with a younger star to portray Morgan. According to EW, Baldacchino was reportedly 19 years old when production for "Disenchanted" began last year. Another reason may be due to Covey branching outside of acting.

Why is Nathaniel not in Disenchanted? ›

He doesn't return in the sequel, Disenchanted. This is due to the fact that he stays in New York, while Giselle and her family move out of the city. He has a similar personality to Peter Pettigrew/Wormtail from the Harry Potter franchise, whom is also played by Timothy Spall.

Does Amy Adams actually sing in Disenchanted? ›

Amy Adams sings six songs in total throughout Disenchanted (vs. the three she sang in Enchanted). The first one, “Even More Enchanted,” comes at the start of the film, and just as Giselle and her family are moving to Monroeville.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Views: 6572

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.