Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)

MAT He'p Woetad Foajala 41! Hal WiW Foatote 41 71AI teat aod Accatterta 12! WitW-4riiii Sidiaf Aato Track. Trot lift Hi MHUH aa aa, A Ai A.n..A aa a.aa Tl iTAL MM ocnaoi Braduata. (Mr ULE SMOIMN. Democrat and Rochester. N.

firl Moil. July 22. 1963 3 im -a- m.u, a 4-o-- i o-j ia. rviim m-iwi wv. wwwt ma ww nw li (Mim trad aa ene I or is wo, jm Co lie pcatis- Wv Mann com, mii wees.

diama. Very- irerewe Ma KM ar ommitM. Apexy Mr. Kilod Lever 4. csary Must Be esrt.

SO See SL Malal'ied: 1-J. UN SJB. OS ra. nna raoatrt; Inwranof CoM Jec. HOI JI1.

SALE! SMI True aavine eaTi 'euck to laara as a i yea IA1 Ft ill yea mnt tt toe twin ium VMUM I a AST t- rwAna Laos na Ooaa art.nt taiary. a'taiawi Moutrtui 94ar t(ifeRyaMa)aRaa toM NATIONAL Peaa Serytca want 4 an nil er ceiieee tuaeM ne are neat aav STEELCRAFT Tea anceal Stuateakar Awua)aa oo uvoar at sano. fcramnat. yeur eratent utcama art feat mum to ory. "I (no a panr-at a extv.

Laxfraaod. i or awan i-a OS 1-SiJt ar cat Mr. jvlion. RA I rTTy, GUTTERS: Serf. Far aeaa lefe call Oreer ataarNmm tecc rtK La.

Wn Mia. eaortne ana nave aWiaxliya mt tane, aaae lwyttl-aarta fcamu taai mv VETERANS AtfN) Part. MM Lea Ra. w. Mam.

Luna, uwwm no. tit. jo. burl cart an true rtr an at aaa Owv Marnaonry GL til I tiaet manranc. aeaa nenoa Naot STERLING aaat Kaiaw SaM.

garvic. rantai. Dtnauar. aiua 4. iS2 tmm-Ooaa maninai.

watianeiiy aovartitaa an re. TV 41. ant aea ia ener. Our auanaiea In Race. ar cooa t.oo CL 3 Muavv Launary aavtt anaaar Naarnieaxai ama mater.

Cematiaetita attoatea at nvn yew. Oeantoanar Meter tan, lit eoa' St. Canrinantol tuna tH. Mr. rM aMel.

Aibea Hanaraack. GUTTERS: ttork ma. Fret att-matrt Cat) Dudl anvtune. t-STTi MICH cat tar year car, ar ae treat va Part tana. Dry ci antra! ttara.

CLERK. GUTTERSi rear. Insteiiaa. t-i 1 ana attiimt veur Berme-t Ramaltr. Pitfttera.

LU I tat. tTEURV: Fieera-ae Hal; JaKnaca Shipfnata. trailer. Sacrifice. HO 7-BSat.

THOMPSOM LaMtraka. W. ajinaiKaia. anftita. aaea bbv.

mow yea now te earn mare menev than yea ever beiievea aeiaiDie aa a cammit- Hm attwiaie. Reao. CL 4-Ctt. LARGE Mnwy want aar eteeeL daaa. oueni aree.

FwNvar City Dry tViMe. earner Rienem Ra. ttanna. aanav urnaa atrajara. Bwtrnone ILelly.

It wiii. LOOKING ahead? Ear water Christmas yevr tear time. Chin I yeur tat hour. Cemoentet'oa scusaad et imerview. Ceil Feshon Two Twenty Cetmetic.

Newark XH-40BI. eatatt tremna FA W1Q. UN U7. COMPANION: aarmanrnt. Uva-ia aitn "'NrCBrJMaMt.

eyi ooFi tG. Gu1ar: tw arraaarea. JAGUAR, taaen. IWa-lyST. aeei cena.t.

yenmota. Raaaaoqate QM s-UTT. JllSnaSr-r Reeeirt, eamea. SALES dark. fuM time.

Experience. E- THOMPSON aeot. II H. P. meter, canv wamen.

Store atunatrt. Sal era. 10 wele 4S. i arm titv, collect com actaetea tor opoeim epoeintfeni. uivw aBBarrunnv.

earv bhbj camrni. en. Liberal camaany hrTii. our detailed ed on Sun. for te 87) Rtoe Ra.

INTERNATIONAL NEW HI-VALUE USED TRUCKS NOW LOCATED AT 683 ATLANTIC AVENUE CALL BUTLER 8-5230 IHC ttS tractor, KB Sot one -a. 1 im iar. utaa Bre. Eaco- WV wmwmiMw tlijfll IMC -ti Sees 4x4 akkiMk event recea- mc 57 Sc-Ut Mr Vm ha. Bc- CHEVY a iVt-ten ce and chosst.

analn. pood shape itS IHC 5 Metr welk-la body. rect-iiheAed CMC a Moor! 43 tractor, air. lulty tQIMMi WMCM DODGE -iaa atillty pickup. Excellent buy MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM International Harvester 725 CULVER RD.

HU 2-1070 BU 8-5230 CREDIT Monoaar: Se-aect Cotoleaue SEE trairjina aroarom. intarvww a.j aatiy at Dow 6va 40 GaonW St. Snoeoina Center lecaiaa Gooanvm THOMPSON Runooowt. T. ka.

Evia. oorory Paul ruae. tram, annm. Conoo vtooo-na Pnua no an aernina are are lOMina tar mature looV eaearienca IRVING TEMP. AFTER SHOW SALE ALL THE LEFTOVERS ARE GETTING THE AX MANY TO CHOOSE FROM.

In inert it tin, at turlher REDUCTIONS mot -hi ba hard to Duplicate any tima la the tutor. WE RE REALLY CLEANING MOUSE, New nationally advertised TRAVEL TRAiL- fRS at aive-ewoy aria. SPLENDID ELECTION at recent TRADE-INS will ba 0' lost a troded. You oo rt tootJVua an POCKET THE OIF ERENCE. 3 LOCATIONS 387 RlDGI RD.

441 Linden Ave. 514 Linden Ave tar. in ra iwu. it yea e-e awe tw Tne curma valua. can ttiM Kort awl r-eari CuuieiNa ajerfc.

BU tS71 ate Uke-nra- cane'tioa. ft HI 47. IaiiHv'Bt AfBilat Ceameltajar THOMPSON U', ka molar, trailer. a crrdt ar Burnt awi na. FuM time, aar-mantnt aMirmn arim aaaartumty tei are! Ul ISUa.

CmjrcNja MoNk. afooFS Swta. tile. Caaatallar paiala 4BA aeoa cewqman. 3ip.

Gutter. II yean at taia-Niy ana tat- saancarrnt la me coreir minaad InaW SALESWOMEN: Futl time, weotent yjerkwa condition, pete vocation. CemeentotleB scuued at Interview. Ae-aty sv. T.

Grant Cuhrer-R doe PSam SECRETARY, assittont; tor eoctor-t office Greece; tvein; mutt oe aapend. obie; I eovt, indud ng Soturdav; state ea-eerience. Write. 395MQ. Th.s Newsoooer.

OOVLE ainri. ua anylMocnoa. Veraa Rooftna. HU I17. THUNDERtiRO caaa cruitar.

Mony tare camaany aaaartr BOOKKEEPERS. Secretone. tvoiAt. kavDunrJi. ctancDl.

a 'Bo. yacBtiaa. Hm.aav. Iiauranca. I oeoa cor.

naae care -nri uwim South Ave, at Court, HA ttVt I 0Ca-o-r Inc ant al Temeia Gnftarh Agency. Ill I ykamna meter. Utfa Dwee traiiar. Com Bdg. pert ecceterte- VM aeaa ana Isce yVE aead cart aauaratety.

tea Mia Bar irmm a.timnM rat rHi.NI whdvjh, eu riwwm pnont OL 4-T73. Mr. WnHj far aa Intar-w opoo.ntmaoi. Seieaai-tarvina Amar-co veo I wit tne 'hi aecketbeelL1 ever aaymanrt. rnena aui SECRETARY, tharthond reouired.

mutt be experienced. S-ooy, ej-hour syeek. Cetenia) Motenj. E. Mem at Umen.

Mavlaf. TrMkiaaj. Maaliaaj 3t-flf72. TONKA Craft. CLERK-rypist: With hiM math eattluao, Fvher Empleymtnl Aaancy lac Z4 Power BiOg.

CLERK-Tyaists: Stereerapher. Bee kaanar. Fila and Fiaura Clark. OttKa cjti i mr a. urtMi rauA mJ a.

i i i. DFMTAL aaumrant: EAaartancad. Mature. Numereut comoony eanehts. Appty Per.

al ha Jatinaea meter wim aiactnc ttort on the loot er wet! bo yeur eolonca, wt1rT, Calf Ewroa Fret an- PermonenJ Troina. Downtown. ovj ana turniui ataer car tree. Wwn 1 iTiV -ifviue-na Satwraev. Sotary eaan, A tannai omct iear Roebuck 4 C.

Monroe Ave. At S- Union. Sunaoy ar averanat attar a. 21 Plnafull Mocnrne Ooeroter. Recaphenittt.

Pertrtne Pontioc Pujto. 1177 Falroert 1 'ft Or. SECRETARY, eeneral efhee work, tveitt. Mimeoaraahlna rtirtmnjuu Intolllaent. wlHne rv Bncmxss ivim TROJAN.

2S 1941: lli he tntercep'or; Prefer eaeertenced But wiU tram nenl Trailer Weeted) Employment Agency. 42S biey Tower, rlon of JOB Hunt. net Thlnkina of a cho ion St. Our it a cemistent coronulna need I lwii. tkii 211 afy la awn hondwrltin.

Presbyterian I UmIIau Ml. IuA CL 44a. 21 Mtwry, Tiliaaj I a twtpar. vatier. WWW.

wnrfw CONSIGN yeur utea mobile dome to ui; toe. aen. Kauri teat. Save 00. Saier vraounni ji.Ia.--.T Write CONLEY mevina, cartina.

Lew rata. Call conditioned office. Northtloe. anutlma rnnlau. Til TOTT I 720SX Thit NawsOOBBr.

tierev inouaea en eur ioi. arose Boot Solat, HO -tow, fi z-maw. Route 104. HoUev. Pttowa NeMtgj lnT.u SECRETARY.

dlvertlM mterestina eur position ore never listed oxie tion available for moture experienced they or filled ev orevioiniv reaVd secretory; 3S-hour week. In pleasant Why not drea In far Ctiecs; ADDITION, brick, block, tten. concrete and tne work; new and reoalri puaren teed werkrnonthia. TU t-Mlt. DtwiAL attiiromacaaTioriisT.

uown- INTERNATIONAL: Scout 'tt laai mlle-eoe, aincti aa front, ertm ar aritheul ECONOMY Mover, moaera memod and riaiiau. nnrtMr. itantn tounaer. wioerv lea ft a ad) Accttria 22 towti amce. tvrne nun inr Mwt- eou'pmanL Law raiaa.

tntured. ID, Bow. at Mary pnve. au e-ZZZB. ADDITIONS.

bow Buieit tiatoer. S37S. Saler fteat brick layina. pooer. ourraunairars.

cxceiteni empievee wim morx wingm VAwr-saiiar at benefit prearam. Pieose apply Partennel 1 ne cost or eMieohent It will be eur 20 Crittenden Blvd ar an oe- pieotura to serve veu, Mor Wiiaaais, cntrnnev. Cancreia. Yaur IBB Basil la-TtuO. UR lift, emit.

laotHNlna Motrer. Dit-trtbwtor. Slim't, 3S1 Emc.rt. sole, ho 7-eaaj; r-i i-a. INTERNATIONAL.

1M Mo GMC7lS4. DISPLAY. Sell Sarah Coventry Jewelry ID 4-143. IHUBBELL mevina. Piano, turajture.

ae- ttok dumo; raotonobla. 4-Ofrt pomtment mov be armnaort (w rall.iwi' Aooncv. 137 Sibiev Tewer BldsV. HA CO CO at fashNM enewt: No investment. WHITEMOUSE Trvjmotoa aottl ALCORT Soirfith and Sunfitn.

FinltnerJ Upaniy A0DITI0NS7 brick Mr. Lindsov. 6 3-408. ext. 3440.

TrvO J-orhaal Ireiiert, 47. aooa tirev complete. Motor. Trailer. frL awry.

lovina General piioncat, artice aouipmeni. aanerwWm. iTri moved. BR l-tiyrt OR J21 cetiectine, ne convairi. paid en eur ortractive commission pion.

It Is axertlne er utb. Mayor boot (a. ua H. Paul Corpenlar KEY Puncher: Experienced only mr aoY SECRETARY: Weil experienced with short- 9U MUSSAiM mevina, cartinei anythln. Bella, MO 7-)yv0.

ona promooie went, ooonineo tar Coll FR 72324. FI 3-4712. ALUMA Craft. Perm Yon and MFG knot and night shift, an lecotien. ramina Emewyment Agency.

415 Sibley Tower. SEE the nrw Reveler eft Cryfr Steohoii Marine YordT Yeur dewerlor Storcrofl, Crvtert Inc. Motory Hoitdow Troilart. W. Lake Rd Conen- anytime; low rotes; athmote.

HA 4-2774. be v-zrvr. fRUCK lor. 1. 500 aallon copodtv, de-aatted eatoJIn lor, with 4" euttet.

Call Wonxport, MU 3I. ADDITIONS, chimnevs. Bioe- Mercury owtboorat and let Nee trn. none ana ia prociico capable of handling tmatl modern office. I te 14 hour, weekdovs only.

Good salary. Must hove car. West tide. TU Mill. WILLIAM Brown Mover.

reoaonoMa rvr, rucco. 9j e-eipa nw DISTRIBUTORS: Full, port time. House-haM aroduct. Commision. honue.

Write r. Kocnerftr ourooora, Tj? st. Paul rote. IO 4-I74S. FA e-7.

Sale Manoeer, P.O. Bed 4111. Built OOiguO. NT. SPECIAL: Cmlt-Cro" gtlllty, bT- ARCHES, ramooalina.

Block, ttent, brick work, flreplocet. Repoir. CL 4-11)1. ARKANSAS Traveler, 14' flberala. Mer WILL trade unit (hovel with two (aood canditlenl.

Far 10 wtiader eumo. Mov rteoq Torion. MOVING, houiint, 1 man, truck. lUoten-ewe. FA a-SOtT cury erwine.

trailer, a eovipeaa. air i bmw wim nrw. uwiivn. ke teen. B.

Smith. ML Read trvd. an aetw, iye eoaantaia pr. I a MPG. Dorutt and ether wted BATHROOMS, kitchen well, tile.

Repair. Quick, auoxertteed eerylca. HO tt. i-tej, a 7-ztta. HAULINGI Anvttunal Anywherol GENERAL office work, Pltttford area.

Mutt hove tromoortotton. Send por. flcuior for Interview. Write P.O. Box 57.

ARKANSAS Travalert, Soort croft beats. boat. AH twe priced lor. eulck awner 7 JOtt. mnas.

weekends. Careful service. vVILLVS. I9S4 elckua truck. 4wtieel drive cruisart.

vitrr elims, X1 Empire. aonooie. UN S-444. tun. E-X termt.

mxoa twira, mm mi. Rand. BRICK aetaa. udewotk. ratal nine aroiit, tnowDlow, rod io, heoter, lut.

792 GENERAL office, Interettlna permanent SECRETARY Experienced rcrttory for top executive. Shorthand ability and accurate tvpifaj ere necessary. This position else require ludament, poise and knowledee of office procedures. Ex. tennv company fringe benefits.

Please phone LO Ext. 707 for further eetaiit and Interview appoint- BARBOUR: tt cruiter list. Mark 71. HtHtclow troiler. Socriflce.

HO 7-054. porton Ave. drtvewey. soroeet, flower bona. HO twe man and MOVING.

SIM) hourly. petition in tmoti ettice tor Parson who EXPERT Inboard and eutboord boat and 7-STOi can assume responsibility and like to oree von. tLf jvo. MbMIb Hamai 21A BOAT rodle. clearance tale.

la 40K meet me buohc vanea eune. Tvoine LIGHT houlino. anytime: Vton truck. CONCRETE work: Every description, rea-sonobie, refer enctt. tree estimotee.

eft ertainal eric. Alto Manna Navl- is not necessary. aov, 40 hour week ACTIVE Home II: ISxIA Soodout with tree estimates. LO J-tflii. motor repoinna.

attier menne, ri rmmi. Stutson Extension. MIDSUMMER Oeoronce: Boott. Motor. Troclerv Robot Marine, 14 Rldea Rd.

Excellent salary. Harmint Jeweler. otion aortoole rodlov Rochetter Radia BUH07L tVPFtlCurm mmw mamII. ratiaennei air ar comooci economy. Thruwoy Mobile Home.

Rl. 331 Victor, io t. main it. lea w. Main LO Tnn.

riDAIM ftilA. niA mm, Mllnr immIIa a.l GENERAL office work: Part time, morn- tv ALPINE. Skvtine. Trettweod. luindaherne.

lrtV; war.rpVold. Ciilor nwn SECRETARY: Executive type, for busy SALE I Hoisl kit, hoists. Portabla 'walks, porches, patios, aoroees. Ferriano. New and wted tales space.

The Cedar Inet Monday through Friday. State experience, writ 911 This News BO RUM. 1M0. lMt. Oav Cruiter, tieeot J.

Ji hp. Johnson with troiler, many extras, sell rtotonoWe. LO 7540, FA i-6ia. MOVING: $1.50 for 1 men. IU.S0 tor J.

roilwovs. monutocturer Al nore i.octa wood Pork. Wf. 31, Moceoon. president of Publishing company.

Tee taiary piut all fringe benefits tor capable. paper. BA s-520. lUUttinng. Uailaura.


Aw aIIaa. GENERAL Mason: Speaallilna In pioittr rebuilt rinas. bearinai. rll. Control.

Vandyke. Vonn MobilelBUICK motor, Morine i rn uveii trn "a SNITE toll boot, excellent condition, tett af Rotsy tolls, all new line, stow m-tmnmm a a wtncr.L vttiwv: ivpin ona accuracy Anuri- reitnta, rapanaq. Liec erer a au i with flour essential. Mint howa firA nond. aood araanirina n- repair.

Bncx ttept. il e-arat. corbunotor, Cheopt It Eagle St. ai ficBATinui- a.i.iiA. aaaa, experience.

Pleasant workine cotwjlhrjnt. ludpement for decision mokina while Hornet, near Parkway Plata. Canandai-eua. HY. Must ten.

CO t-ui. CANOE, IS'. Old Town. NO 3-0740. rt nw.

wto-. wanaaa jj nou, t-aav-weex. in av nour Awii PATIOS; Summer special I 9x12 ft. S-ln. concrete, wire mesn Inserted far extra strength, only Set SO.

Guaranteed By controct. HU M549! 12x14 rooms, paper removed, repopered. Labor end moter.eli $45. Leui J. Ci- Drv Carp f4S wf- Root Blya USED boots: 10 to choote from.

FVom S50 cioon. oir-conaiTionea effiee. write I44MQ AMBASSADOR. F.H.A.. 20 wide, ranch style.

See now et Vann'l Mobile Homes, near Porfcwoy Ploto. Conondaiquo. Y. i nt. nrwtpagfr.

ue. water xi eumr reaur nw CAT A RAMAN Aaua Cat; Like new. eve 1 700. Martin, 10 Gregory. CELEBRITY toilboot with trailer.

24' HAIRDRESSER: Full time. Paid vaca Obna. FA B1917. S47S up. Neva Marina, Sea Breeie Outlet, SHEET lover for mounting machine.

Must STARTING tummer concrete work. Side ALTERATIONS, wallpoperln. painting; AMERICAN: 34'. 1 bedroom. Awmnas Ft 7-5170.

experiencM. APOly OeRidder, insured; reference liven, expert work- Richardson, 14' Correct Craft. 3 Chris Crofts. 10 MFG. from 13 to If new tion, taiary.

cemmltsion. Mr. Pauls Plato Solon. Northgote Ploto. HAIRDRESSER- Permanent position.

45S5 Culver Rd. HO 71091; HO 7-0099. walk, patio cement driveway, special tummer prices. Gl 7-9477. Free estimate.

Si lis. 12 Charokae Circle. Opootit ioj ar. ram v. (it inw arlea an Cruisar monship.

GR 3-9290. Olympic Pork. ona used, used saeen hoist; used Sallfith. SHIRT Ooeraton for evemnei. I ll a ALTERATIONS, pooerhortelngi 10x10 O'Doy, MFG.

Lone SJorc-Evln. rude Motor. Clearance '47 boats, motors. TiinA dki Bniite 31. Ooen 9 WILL repair sidewalk, chimnevs, tteos, cellar, waterproof founddtiont.

GL AVALON- Gorowov Pacer, Interstate. HAIRDRESSER, must be experienced. new ROM! manna, t. Conondaloua. Salary, commission, excellent onr.

1-2)33. rooms, sio. Avanapie immeaioteiy. del son, BR 1-4714. 11:15 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Experienced only. Steady position. Excellent working conditions. Mony company fringe benefit. Apply Lilac Loun- USED Kavok pontoon boot.

Medina Trod- tunity. Eugene Jose, 108 East Ave. ALL TYPES masonry: Expertly done. CENTURY, Cutter end Old Town Boott, Mercury motors, toiet and service. Harrison Marine Service.

HU 2-765. ALTERATIONS, painting, remodeling, ex travel trailers. 1 new 13' modelt. Open 1 p.m. tin p.m.

Penfitld Trailer Sol, U7I Penfleld LU 4-4750. BUDDY, 1M0; 10x50. 2 bedroom, front kitchen, corner let, Ridoe Webster. Ina Post, Rt. 31, Medina.

Guaranteed workmonsrxp, reetonooie. HAIRDRESSER: Exrjerienrad. 140. ory, it wara Pi 214j mission, closed Monday. 103 Dewey, pert workmonthip.

Qjalitv materials. BR 1-2132. SHIRT folder, prosperity cabinet unit: CENTURY II' Retorler: Like new. 13S YOU can't afford not to buy Duratech aluminum boat er Scott motor at eur July closeout. Summervill Sports Marine, I.L 4-IBM.

MASON work, any kind, free estimates. experienced, united Cleaners, 47 Ford. 15, M0. OS 1-3024. hp.

Convot coyer. Looded. HU 2-1W7. DECORATING: $15 paper or paint 12x12 reosonebie prices. EL 2-3044.

HOSTESS Cashier. Full time. Niehti. SHORT order, counter worker; no Sun- Personality plus. Ladies ever II.

Ap- 723 Washington ve. room wim material, aiso me ceiling remodeling done. GL 8-4933. CHAMPION, Martin, Chritcroft, Oliver owner, we wont your motor. Top llacktaa, atallB9.

ate. 2IA a mmA rvirw New and piy Arrow Restaurant, 1550 Ridge Rd. oav. manna non Restaurant, Z5 tost Ave. EXECUTIVE Placement Corporation.

Agency founded in 1925. (1) Challenalni secretarial positions In Executive, Medicos ond Legal areas. High confidential. 5 day. MS-lvS.

(2) Comotometer operator ex COMMERCIAL, residential. Interior, ex ASPHALT blacktop drives; an work Boor. HOUSEKEEPER: Live In. for adults CAPITAL. Expondo, front kitchen model, alto front dining model.

With awning. Space available for each coach told. The park with twlmmina pool. Harper', 702 Linden LU 4-2714. r.PkicBAL.

10x50. furnished, excellent. "lied boolroto and trollert. Dock space: Lorry's Marina. 414 Manltoil Frt ettimattt.

terior painting; remodeling; tree esti trooe-in pneet towara a new Perkint outboard motor. 241 Tltvn CO 44732. Slode-WIt Mortn. Good taiary. pleasant workine condl ontetd for years.

Longie't, BA S0800 on Braoaock aov, mates; vear af experience; fully Insured. SILK pressor, experienced, to work week of July 12 only. Full. Bart time. Top wages.

Silver Dry Cleaners, 245 Andrew St. tlont. Coll Miss Nerylg, BA 5-4200. ASPHALT. blocktoB drtvewav.

17e ta Bfc J-513S, CL 43057. WANTED to rent, Sunflsh, aperlerea CHRIS Croft, 21'; utility. Like new. Bar- Set-up. Wilton, Tlddt Park.

Victor, WA HOUSEKEEPER: Italian speaking wanton, lioht housekeenlna and assist con ft. Guaranteed. Sealcoatlng drtvewayt. gain. BU I-7IS7.

tailor oesire, ror t-uin. STENOGRAPHER. Kodak section, part aura call weekaavt. mr. umram perienced te work on cost ana payroll, close ta downtown.

days. Foe paid, nf Unusually Interesting opportunity for experienced retail credit and col lection manager. Knowledge of bookkeeping reouired. 5 daw Salary $4,000 up. (4) Receptionist for leading manufacturer.

Excellent pub was A. O. K. Painting, outside er Inside. Prompt, neat, reasonable.

10 e-5931 FA 8-6191. CHRIS-Craft, 1953 42 foot Commander. valescing lodv. Live in. Northeast vicin time, write Iosmb, This Newspaper.

4-2454. ASPHALT drive-wav. concrete wolks, ity. Ktttrtncei. write sis sa.

This Newt- e-3'01- GENERALS and Noshuas, sues to 55'xlT. Price and termt to suit your budget. H. A. Langworthy, Rout S-20, E.

Carta ndaiguo. sjawovtstii tTjMityi iiajrii life) in- out. $13,500. Mtrcier-t, Clayton, N.Y. CLEARANCE tale en oil boot and motor EXTERIOR house oalntina.

expert work- paper. chimneys. Positively lowest prices. HA STENOGRAPHER. experienced, for varied office duties.

Pleasant working manship, avollobie. Fro estimates. uoen aonir e-2315. at seasonal oomui motor. List price $400, now $249.

Hurry to HOUSEKEEPER: Woman Doctor with 3 children needs reliable, mature wom lic contact in modern, oir-conaitionea Reoulres aood typing. days. Saiary raivfy conoitiont. write this Newspaper. BU 8 57V3.

CHRIS-CRAFT Soortsmon, 1955, fully ASPHALT or stone drtvewayt. Neatly ond expertly installed. Call HA 4-1051 STENOGRAPHER for soles department. GREAT Lakes: 1940, 44x10, with wall-to- Experienced. Insured an.

Live oui-in. tweiv corner area. $75 up, 15) oictapnone operator. HOUSE painting: Best material. eauippea, waitr, witn er wimout tandem trailer.

Sold new over tlO.000. encea. close to oownrown. en One who can compote own letters pre- in saos, lu 0-uy5. Frt estimates.

HO Day er night. woll carpet, winaow awninut. narper 702 Linden LU 4-2214. Fee naid. (6) Kev ounch operators.

Naum Brothers, 233 mope wwn nm-SALE of all boats ond moton In our yard at closeout prices I Exomple: IB ft. cruiser. Express; list $1,495, ivow Hurry te Naum Brothers. 2373 Ridge Rd. rerrea.

Also Clerical work. o-nour week. Priced right. Orville C. Greule, Phone 7-5251.

HOUSEKEEPER, live In, 397 University ASPHALT, blacktop driveways beautifully phobetlcal arid numerical. Experience I Benefits. Richardson 1069 Lvetl Ave. ut i-ibii, Newarx, N.Y. LAYTON 14'.

hardly used, toilet and wall ww. wnir p.m. HOUSE Painting: Best materials. Est and expertly installed by Residential ferred, however, will consider train Heoter. ed -i43x HOUSEKEEPER: baby sitting, light Day and night shifts.

Downtown, $71 up. CHRIS Croft, 1943 demonstrator Covalier 24' Futura hardtop, fully eauloped. 24 west. SWITCHBOARD ooerator, PBX expert-once necessorv, tome typing; SVi days. Apply after 1 p.m.

Mr. Wilson, Judo mates. Experienced. Reasonable. Loggia.

HU 2-1492. Roadway Corp. Phone GL 1-9617. Driveway sealing, expertly and reasonably r.BFAT Lakes. 1951.

44x10 2 bedrooms, nousenoio Mutt live-In. Call Skilled stenogropner, contioermoi area, nt of nubile mntocf. dav. Pbvjbj BOATS: IV Hydroplane, 14' Penn i Ton, month warranty.

Save 12,000 on this automatic washer. Reasonable. II Roch Lima, LU 7-4509. done. moior lorporqnon.

tl Lax Ave. HOUSE painting, exterior only. Reason Accessonet. moxe orrer. nu t-otm.

town. $75 up: (I) Layout typist for test Hiwialnn of lanalna romoanv. ExcBonanal ester Lima, LU 7-3702, etter Boat. 1956 21' Capri runabout, 151 hp; 23' Chris Croft runabout 140 ho. 1950.

II' BIANTHI Asohalt Co. Blocktoo drives. able rotes. Free estimates. FA 1-2735.

CRUISERS: 3V E.lco, good motor, other crushed stone drives; concrete work; GREAT Lakes 1960, excellent condition, mutt sell. 995. Harper's, HOUSEKEEPER: 3 children, motherless home. Over 50, white preferred. Clean, cook, Iron; live In.

Writ 300-MX Thlt Newspaper. SWITCHBOARD operator: For plug-Woe witchooard. Mutt have typing. Company benefits, good itortlng salary. Rochester skills and experience, $80 up.

(9) Experienced tax occountont. day. Dawn. extras, aiso jo uanw, mm HOUSE Pointing: We can save you money If vou call us now. We will paint tree estimates, 2-sjbb.

UTlliry, rj np. ivil, 20' utility, 15 hp. 1952, 34" Richardson sedan twin, 1U hp. 1958, 33' Chrit Croft Futuro twin, 200 ho. 175.

hove numerous other cabin. Immedlat possession, Karwiut. Sodut Point. 71 Skyview DU i-jota tow i ASPHALT, blacktop, driveways. Bareges, vour home at a big saving If you place lis wn, I hid 7I5 lemnes reauinng ortico txiii.

se NASHUA. 1961. 45x10'; excellent condl breeiewavs. work auaronteed. 2 vear independent Packer, II Independenc St, Mn.

Cletfl. your contract now. speciaiinng in ex ply sipiey Tewer Biag. HOUSEKEEPER: Live-In. Ranch home.

All convenience References. GR 3-3458, tion. 2 bedrooms. VM? aluminum awn- guarantee. Joe Maiila 2121 Culver I94 Chrit Croft, 30' Express twin, 145 he.

Brand new 21 hp Johnson, S335. Also reduced orlces on nil niM ThMnnui. terior pointing, clapboard, shingles, stucco ing. S3. 400.

NO 3-45M. Ka. mu -vrt. siding ona trim, can Bin, CO o-zroi STORE clerk: Ridge-Culver Area. Full time, too wages, company benefits! also port time for Ridoecresf Plata ttor.

NEW Moon: America' finest mobile ASPHALT: Blocktoo driveway. Estimates HOUSEKEEPER for elderly man with nurse. Pleasant home. Park-Culver area. Prlvote both.

Driver's license MANUFACTURER'S representative tot leading comooniet needs an experienced bookkeeper-secretary. Familiar with double entry through trial bolonce. Good thert. hnnd. Fiertrie tvrjowiiter.

Tastefulrv de Arkansas Traveler, Johnson, Llttl Dud trailer. Hodco*ck Motors Fair HOUSE painting. Interior-exterior. In puoroniooq, tlx Rooowoyt, ba a-yta sured, experienced. Excellent materials.

apartment homes; from 4 ft. to 40 bedrooms, separate dinlna room 10 ft. Appiy opeooy cleaners, ivg court St. noven, nj.T. Jiy47-2I22.

Open evenings, useful. References. GR 3-5467. CALL Crown Asphalt Co. Inc.

for all vour HU 2-5103. TELEPHONE solicitors. American nuhll. to II ft. wide.

Open doily I a.m. to CHRIS Craft 1934: ho, make otter, blacktop needt. It costs no more to have HOUSEKEEPER: For widower. Refer- cations. Part time.

Must have nlenuint HOUSE painting, good work at rea so habit prices. FI 2-0931. corated offices. Downtown. 5 days.

Excellent beneflti. Apply Placement Agency, 715 tioley Ta iur mruory. vour anvewav exptrriy eon py an ex. Decker Mobile Homes, Rout S-20. anondalgua 394-4866.

encei. wnite. After p.m. ID e-9089, voice. Over 20.

Select awn hours. Hour perienced company. Guaranteed. 3 years CHRIS Croft runobout II', reflnlshed, HOUSE pointing. GR 3-2176.

PACER Traveling Trailer, II', till eon- to pay. ror tree einmaiet, can rtu wrewn. txceiienr condition. ly saiary pius commission. Keystone Readers Service, 1203 Hudson Av.

FI 2-1170. wer Bidg. SECRETARIES (Shorthond): Otlnajjir toinea. Like new, no 3-71 it, rr -jie. HOUSE pointing, finest materials used.

Free estimates. Call Ron, anytime. BA 5-4234. RFMBRANOT. Victor and Suorame.

beginner ona experiencoo. rerxin aaw ASPHALT patching: Sidwalks, driveways. Also driveway sealing. HU 1-7222. CHRIS-CRAFT: 17-ft.

utility, p. 54 TELLER-TYPIST, for modern, pleasant. ployment Agency, 425 Sibley Tower. mit iinesus lok. Open the door to aualltv and teo Into beautv.

Prices te fit any budget. Open 10 till Sot. till t. Chill Mobile Homes HOUSE painting, decorating, repairs, 19 Building cud CesTtTejctlng 21 adpcai i ur. nuhlic relations COMET tailboat, reconditioned bottom Housework en Experienced svoman to tlve-ln, one In family, ne cooking.

Convenient location, good home, good alary. Writ for Interview. Reference asked. 717 MQ, This Newspaper. years experience.

Best materials. opening. KtlitV. IIW y. Educo- I uii-umaiTionaa pank prancn office in Joseph-Clifford Ave.

area. Good salary with many excellent employe benefits. Call Personnel Department, LO 24400, ex-tenslon 24. ADDITIONS, remodeling and painting, wim Tioergiast nylon taut. outttanaina reieonone pononaiiri itintiuA.

nniA nrui responsibility. Sales, 513? Chill Ave. TU 9-1170. Tan tree, Prompt service. Louis Markes, LO 2-1193 w.

uu ivr. Harper. interior, exterior, complete plumbing, RICHARDSON: 14,095, new. VanDyke; HEINRICH MARINE INC. "THH COMPLETE MARINE DEALER" See our quality line of boats, motors, and trailers.

Famous names like Penn Yan, Aluma Craft, Evinrude. Complete display of all models. Used outfits as well as motors, boats, and trailers. Factory trained Evinrude mechanic, complete stock of Evinrude "parts. WINNER 1 tl "Gevllle" runabout.

Steering lights, windshield Included. Was $1395 now $1195 CRUISERS Inr 1 Ullh Tt InKn.nn INTERIOR-exterlor painting. Experienced. tion with maturity. y-5.

Lwwniown. oyr $85. Apply Executive Plocomtnt Corp. Cranbrook; Elcar; National; tet up TEMPORARY Assignments: Open far ex- College student! frt estimates. CL heating service.

Low rates. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Johnson, UN 4-2001, GL 8-7604, In beautiful park. Harptr 702 Linden am ncm aiBnoamnii.ri.

i umirt. pm Like new, complete with all accessories Including Holsclaw tandem trailer, will sacrifice. ABC Snarf Shnn. Nnrrla n. 4-7043.

Agency, i sioiey low-r piub. TWO excellent tupervlsory, positions (experienced): In stenographic otvJ clerlcol phone Operators, Manpower 27 N. Ave, LU 4-2216. JACK Movers. Moving days, evenings.

i-iiiimn, J-3JJ. GARAGES: Attached or detoched. 40 airuAcnON. 37'xl' with 2 bedrooms off Expressway, Wlnton Rd. Exit.

weekends. Keosonapie rates, no 7-uo. INSPECTOR: Electronic otsembliet. Must TmcJccpcn, n. a fomilitar with wiring, soldering and TlifEKM montht to oav.

Expert, neat work. proas Or ouisiunatna uiiwiunon, aiunwu hours. Potential unlimited. Salary $90 ue. CRUISER (Nooti-Gal).

Rochester Yacht Good condition. Set up In court. Reo-tonoblv priced. Owner onxiou for Quick PAINTING it my business. Good work.

Frontwood Co. HA e-1053 mechonlcal Inspeclton, A-AA 1 'I" Apg rVllUIIIIVI Call LU B-2720, Office, SchleoK Manutocturing. 1S5S Jef- t-air once, id o-uh. Apply Executive Placement Agency, Liuo-poar snea. Mecnanlcolly excellent.

Needt revarnlshina. Will urrifir-o Unb. tale. UN 86M. HOUSES converted to apartments.

Room Mr. Goodenough. ferton Rd. 715 Sioiey lower piog. PAINTING, paoerhanging.

carpentry. Ex odd ons. remodel ina new homes, nor offer. Mr. Llngg, GR 3-1791; BE 5-5000.

SKYLINER, 1940, let up on lot. Must sell. Inquire 21 Ewald Dr. Penfleld SECRETARY: Diversified duties. Good TYPING and filing clerk.

Plus varied pert workmanship. Dependable service. fronts. Reasonable rates. HU 2-9393 KEY Punch (experienced), at once, needed by Manpower, 27 Clinton CRUISER, 26' 125 h.p.

Gray. Sleeps 4. BU 1-2303. skids ana imvrwiT in wn iwv.iw. rMiw autiet.

hull time opening with a Ford Trailer court CALL Goodman for a good man; no lob sxcelient. Ft 2-5799. -v. DA 3-5J40. Etuiiit tnyin rjiarrv.

Eorlv American, PAINTING, Interior exterior. Dutch Emolovmtni AOtncy Bldg. Dealership. Benefits. HO 7-4200.

Appoint-ment only. CRUISERS Inc. II' complete. Convertible too small; free estimate. Goodman LAUNDRY weighing: Full time, air cooled painter, 25 year experience.

LI 4-164. construction no j-uw. un s-uroo. TYPIST: part time, mornina hour ore- top. dui it ln ranx, i np tvtnrude.

Tee-Nee troiler. LU 4-9481. 1 bedroom. Thl Is the model you admired at the Regional Show. Reduced 1500.

Parking ovoilabl In secluded piom. Excellent working condition Crescent Puritan, 1430 Dewey Ave. PAINTING exterior. Special price, small, Floor laid, Rafialthed 2A medium houses. Estimates.

FI 1-3355 LAUNDRY flat work, feeder and folders, ferred, 4 hour dally Monday thru Friday Excellent typing reouired. Must be available to work approximately 4 week mobile home park. S30 monthly rental, CUSTOM boot topi, covert ond cushions; canvas and vinyls. Soencerport Out- girls. Good paving steady position.

PAINTING and paperhanging done at FLOORS laid, sanded, refinished, tlnce 1921. Cv J. Callemavn GL SeelS. Sanded Burke's Trailer Mart, west BioomTieia board, 3U Union Soencerport. Many company frlng benefit.

Llloc once, con mu i m. Plaza Persnnel Constants (Agency) 1 125 Midtwn Tower as low as 10'xlO" room, $10. aunng year tun Time, excellent nouny rate. Earned vacation time after first -OCT I. PAINTING.

House repair. Quolltv work Lounoryf it wore si. SCHULT, twelve wldel For those who Ilk luxury with their llvlngl Eorly Amerl-eon style on display. Beautiful parking CUTTER boots by Brunswick, new models Reosonoble. Free estimates.

BR 1-3902. LEGAL secretary with knawledeo of year. Apply university of Rochester Personnel 260 Crlttendon Blvd. FLOOR landing, reflnishlng, expert workmanship. Rtllabl.

Reasonable. La na, LO 2-1973. on oispioy. narrison Morine service. shorthand.

HA 4-6090. tnace available. Burrtt Tranr Man, PAPERHANGING, exterior, Inferior Wtst Blomfield. ELCO Cruiser: 21', 151 ho. Double pointing.

Free est mate. Work guar LIGHT housekeeping exchanged for 3 WAITRESS, experienced, 5 nights weekly. planked mahogany. Sieeot win fi. HARDWOOD floor laid: Sanded, refin- anteed.

HO 7-1838, rooms, private tocillfiet. FA 1-4337. suouroan inn. be SHASTA: Built ond equipped to MHMA Code for your health and Front nance. Neva Marin.

Sea Breeze Out WAITRESS: part time. Johnny's Diner, II Ished. Quality workmonsnip, reotonaoie. FA 1-7270. 14 ft.

Cedar Boat, excellent condition. 15 H.P. EVINRUDE motor, cushions, skies, trailer. List 11676.50 $1300 Complete display. InbaardVOutboard.

110 H.P. thru 140 H.P. PENN YAN 15 ft. runabout 35 P. Evinrude Lark, Tee-Nee troiler, windshield, steering and all accessories Wat $1195 now $1391 LIFE JACKETS odult sir.

S. Coast Guard approved. Wat $5.00 now S2.90 PAPERHANGING. painting, exterior. Interior.

Carpentry. Tile eel II not. Estl- let, i-jov. kitrhen. eeos 4.

Oven trove, with con MANAGER: Excellent opportuntly for woman experienced In millinery or ready to wear. Sglory. Apply Dixie Verona St. trl. Gas lloht.

Water tank and pump. SANDING and reflnishlng. Expert work. motes. HU 2-1619.

EVINRUDE motor complete with boat. Clearance tale at rkiniit urim not WAITRESS: Experienced, day or nlghtt. 11,075. Atlantic Trailer Sales, 1221 Fair-, Reasonooie. courtesy floors.

HU 1-7536. mot onop, ooumrown loza. HOUSE painting: Quollty paint ther- Becxer Lounge, 236 Lyon Ave. port no. open evenings.

Terms available Naum 2373 Ridge oughly experienced. Estimates, Ktter- BhsIboi Sorvleoi Of farad 31 WAITRESS: M. SV. days. NO 3-9792.

Ka. yy. ences. BU 8-4413. MANAGER SHASTA: Alrflytet.

16'. Fully eoulpped, Good choice of colors. Atlantis Trailers ATTICS, cellars, cleaned. Junk hauled WAITRESS: Experienced. 3-7 Monday- EVINRUDE motort.

Pnn Vnm 1226 Fairport Rd. Open eves. boats: Tee Klee troiler INTERIOR-exhtrlor, quality workmanihlp, reasonable rates, free estimates. GR Wednesday. 3-9 Thursday, Friday, 12- away; pointing, fa t-tia.

for trailer hitches, O.K. used boats, motors! 5:30 Saturday. Apply Paddy Hill Restau- 3-1167. STERLING used, trailer. Clearance tale at closeout price S75.

Naum 2373 CAMERA SHOP ront, 44iy Dewey no 3-yrz. rwitr nnorine, Koure 104, Ontario, Y. LANDSCAPING: Experienced, reasonable. Free estimates. Alto grave coretaklng.

FI 2-1942. STOP I Before you go further get our WAITRESSES: Neat, efficient. Excellent Fldoe Rd. EVINRUDE motors, Whit boats, Mlrro- estimates rsf. interiors, exteriors.

benefits, salary. Downtowner coffee t'oir, noisaaw irours. Jim Marin, SUSAN BROWN LO 1-7570 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY To the President llOO.Ot ACCOUNTING CLERK Mm. Moture, Typing $65.00 to 175.01 STENOGRAPHERS a. Lite thorthand $63.00 to CLERK TYPIST m.m Fost ond accurate S75.00 to $80.


Priced from $70. Used Trailers 14-11 ft. basem*nt waterproof pointing. CO 6-2908. LANDSCAPE Service: New lawns laid Experienced.

Pleasant surroundings. Shop, 100 South Av. "TRAVELO" Mobile Homes: Since 1936. Covered Waoon. Easy Trovler.

Franklin, Meltard. Wlnnebooo. Travel Trail Sales. oaf o-i got. iu-s.

iix aavs. ti Excellent salary, vaca- with Merlon Blue too. Large shade frees for sale. LU 4-0766, Marvin Fisher. HAVE vou started to paint ond wished vou hadn't? Call me to finish that lob WAITRESS: 7:30 p.m.-3:30 a.m., days tions.

Insurance. ONLY EAPeRI- FLYING Finn, 1942, 14', 70 hp Mercury, Service Accessories. Castor-Splnk Trailer tNLEP APPLY weekly. Apply Trucks top Restaurant, i roiier. excellent, pi Z-43V9.

or to start It. Inferior work my specialty. WRITE 819-MO, THIS NEWSPAPER soles, 1027 Ridge Rd Webster. LANDSCAPING and gardening et It'i best. References.

OS 1-4217. topi, curtalm, stern logo Jefferson nr. Reasonable, cornish. OL -3o3. Boat covers, covin.

FORD, 1951: lO'i chalsse ond cab. Best offer. Sunday 10-1, weekdays 3-4. 122 TRAVELO. 1961.

55x10. Awnlno. caroort, MEDICAL ostlitant: Port time. Som WAITRESS, experienced, nights and weekends. Must have transportation utility shed.

Completely set up at LIVING rooms, kitchen, 18x20 wall-celllna washed S14 per room, cellars nayron or. N. A. MARKESE House painting, decorating, 24 years same location. Wark guaranteed.

Repairs. CO 4-6312. loooratory experience ond typing essential. Central location. Writa 74Ma.

Linden Park. Call LU 4-2294. Jonks Restaurant, iy panorama loza. GLASTRON boats. Evinrude motors.

washed; old floors like new; guaranteed. I ni newspaper. C-L 0-J4QB. WAITRESSES: experienced. Compl't Rts- PAINTING: Exterior.

Excellent workman Mastercrqft trailers; new Aooleblv olumlnum boats. From $49. All boating VAGABOND, with gun burner, radiant heat. Kroehler furniture, space guaranteed. Harper's, 702 Linden LU touront, a Genesee St.

no pnone cans. HEINRICH MARINE INC. 409 RIDGE ROAD W. (CORNER DEWEY It RIDGE) UN 5-3600 BONDED window cteonmg service and general repairs. Specializing In prtavt ship.

15 year xptrlence. Rtasonobl. CO 4-0400. oiLnKcm; large selection or usea tioergiast outfits. Sportsman's Village, 1658 MEDICAL secretary, mutt have knowl-edge of medical termonology and good tvpist ebllitle for medical record department.

40-hsur week, Mandov thru WAITRESS, experienced, days. 40. hour e-22i. V4 nomet. pa xo.

week, sterling Diner, 1Z7I pgirpon Ka Portland Ave. at Ridge. CO e-2704, open MONA Generai Contractor: Carpentry, T. pnone bb i-4580. HAVE brushes, will paint: Exteriors, interiors.

Excellent workmanship at reasonable prices. Frt estimates, CO Friday. I a.m.-4:30 p.m. Analv Raehetter FIELD office trailer, 29 ft. by I ft.

Lest than a year eld. $1,895. Archer-Ford, 350 Monro. masonry, painting, (interior, exterior); scrubbing, waxing, buffing; also cleaning, General Hospital, 1425 Portland Ave. WAITRESS: Mcpherson Restou-rant, 2424 E.

Lake Conesus.J-lylng Hotp WoBtod) Mule 4f GRADY White, WV, 1962 model. Fully equipped; Includti 40 hp motor. Real buy. EL 2-4654. 6-2B61.

oats WaBttd 22A USED house trailers, 1942 MOTHER'S helper. Llve-ln. 4 children. blacktop, landscaping, all work done eccommooonon on graunas. ri o-yyox.

ir.ruT noasod: 45-hour tellln QUALITY workmanship. Dependable. No Monireu el 2-5125. pnvoto room, fr 7-3206. Boom, 18', WAITRESS, counter girl, cook.

Apply HITCHES, frame, axle, helper springs, reasonably. Frt estimates. Fully Insured, HU 2-7167. WANTED: Sailboat Mast, wood-olumlnum. CO 4-6984.

loo too trnan. UN s-itu. mo's Restaurant. 94 Monroe av. NEW California "Hang-on type" Rear-view mirror.

New low price, $495. At untriouTor, sum's, 352 empire, MOTHER'S helper. Over 15. Thursdays through Saturdays. Brighton.

GR 3-9666, TREES trimmed, removed, troraolanted Established hardware ana ciearnna av count. Over 11. Cot riecestorv. Cornpetv satlon discussed at interview. Phono OS 1-5424.

23A HOISTS, decks, davits, railways In stock. WAITRESS: Experienced, car, good tipt. Bicycle lantic trailer sales, izz r-airporr Ka MOTHER'S helper: Student to Hv In, ROCHESTER teachers now painting at low summer rotes. ID 4-4747. CONTRACTOR for painting and mason work.

Reasonable price, clean work. cabled, fed, etc! free estimates. Mon sum mi tmpi re. no phoning, scniono's, scortsviiie na. pen evenings.

Had very roe Tree Surgeons, GR 3-2525. tummer; 4 small children, els, LU 4-9546. SYCICLE: Boyi, Ilk new. little use. BE 5-8831.

HOMELITE, 4 cycle, outboards. Sales. WEARING apparel operator, experienced. NEW mobile hornet, special, 1962 De-troiter, 2-bedroom Soan-c-wlde. 10x55.

32 service, sill's Marina, Sodus Point. HA 4-3594. Free estimates. References Corpontor Work AIR-eonditlonlng refrigeration, Jnitr-woto opening aval la bit for auoNfioa maintenance man, only person with 2-5 year experience need apply. Excellent benefits NCR posting machln operator! part time, 9 a.m.

to 6 p.m. Saturdays. Sundays furnished. Own workman, Insurance. was $6,995, now large selection INBOARD.

110 hp. Ford V-4 engine. After CHILD'S "Surrey, with the fringe on top," pedal driven, holds 4 children, costs $50, asking $20. Excellent condition. ADDITIONS, porches, garages.

Free es United Cleaners, 6 poro at. WHITIN or Chief 15 operator. Experl- enced with color. In reply state ex-perience. Write 347 MQ Thl Newspaper.

or iyoj, lo-n. wiae, ana 3-oearoom, $3 nn .11 1 holidays. Hloh school graduate, tvoina 0, LL 4-5U8. UpholttoriBq, Cleon. 44 timate for Craftsman Remodeling.

LH program, permanent run nm niiyi FA 8-8247. 4-0001. JOHNSON outboard motor, 15 ho. excel ow iv aiiiuit years to pay. Broug Rout 104, FOAM rubber cushions, mode for chair Apply university ot Kocnesnir, necessary.

Experience htlptul. Writ 224MX, Thlt Newspaper. NURSE. RN or LPN needed 2 or 4 nlahtt WOOL pressor; experience: excellent ieni, reasonaoie. zyi Alexander, after ADDITIONS, alterations, remodellna.

Ex nnnev. pnone ojB-tyui, 260 Crittenden Blvd. uepi.f fJ wiinBiwi HAWTHORNE, boys, maroon and white. Good condition. ID 4-8167.

and davenports. Genesee Foam Rubber sunoqy. perienced. Free est i motel. Available im CO.

460 State 5t. BA 5-4727. wages, gooa working conainans. jack Dorren, 937 Chill Ave. NOT lust anyone can afford a 12 wide ond Rollohome Is a leaders.

At Canan- JOHNSON Mntori nrui ThiirvUrtvrH mediately. BU -573. i.i. APPLIANCE salesman to teil full line white goods, television, ihrreos, rodioe glut small household appl I ancesv Salary plus liberal commissions. Apply Wltrn weekly, 11 p.m.-7 a.m.

shift. Charge of 30-bed Infirmary. DU 1-1600; DU 1-1412. Rochester Friendly Home, 3154 East Ave. LOW prices, tree estimating.

Chairs, suites, upholstered, resrvled, spring re SCHWINN, Columbia, Rollfast: 500 to choose from. From $29.95. Repairs, parts. Barone's 3988 Lake NO X-ray Technician: Experience necessary. Boiouo Trailer Sales, on 5 and 20.

ADDITIONS, remodeling, repairing, gen Laurel ana Duo Boats, Trailers accessories. Depth finders. Get our deal before Day shift. 40-hour week. Give eauca- built, foam rubber.

"Brown," GR 3-8725. eral mason, carpenter, contractor. Mlrabella, LI 4-1803. vou aeai. rot Kiag Ka.

wesr. 3-2443. open oaiiy aot. th Auto Supply, wormeaie riaia. tlon, experience.

Writ 225 MX Thlt Newt- USED mobile homes. One of th largest selection! 2- and 3-bedroom I' and 10' wldet In N.Y. Stat. 3 price at $65O-SS0O- NURSE'S aid: Part time, 3-11, research. ED 4-1254 offer 4 p.m.

EMPLOYMENT WOWIE: Has Som got bikes, re LYMAN. 18' runabout. 100 hp Inboard, Excellent condition. FA 8-7356. paper.

ADDITIONS, remodeling porches, enclos pairs, parrs, oixe iicemo tiurion. pikv rented Mr Ooen dally 9-7; closed Mon 65, small down povment. cars or furniture In trad. Bragg Rout 104, Help Wonted Pomolo 48 ures, garages built, overhead door installed; free estimates. Folk, OS 1-5829.

NURSE: RN, Industrial plant, hours 4 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Some typing ability reouired. Steady employment. Excellent salary and benefits. Call FR 7-2000 for Interview appointment.

day, 125 Clinton BA t-6131. MERCURY motors, 4 to 100 hp. Trades, termt. Combine with a new er used boat. Dixon Marine, 448 Mt.

Read. Honey, pnone ojb-ovuj. ACCOUNTS Receivable Clerk, bookkeep APPLICATORS, ildlno, jooflnglj crows, Wantod Immediately. Top wogs. Eoule-menf Insurance reaulred.

Year around work. Apply A.M. Insco t7l Wlnton Rd. N-. HU 2-752a ARC Welder: With mechanic experience.

Mike a Joe Equipment, 13 Central PK. ADDITIONS, remodellna and painting, Interior, exterior. Complete olumbina. BICYCLES: Columbia, Rollfast, Raleigh YOU can't afford not to buy a Holiday ing, typing; gooa saiary; gooa working Write 493-MU, This Newspaper. Spies, Rambler or Nlmrod at our July Summervill Sports Marin, 723 MERCURY outboards, iterndrlves.

service. Slim'i, 352 Empire. heating service. Low rates. Work guaranteed.

Free estimates. Johnson. GL 8-7604. ACCOUNTING clerk typist. General of NURSE: 5 days, 7-3.

Call for Interview, HO 7-2100. Alalmo Nunlno Home. and senwinn, trom iuu usea bikes; 10-speed bikes and parts. Repairs. Terms.

Youchii's, 396 Hudson, HA e-4970. Open till Washington Ave. fice experience, aooa tvoino ikiiit, apti IF YOU ARE unoble to take th usual offle lab but reauTre bttter-thon-average earn-tngt. Royal Crett may th aniwer. We will train you to teil our exclusive line of tine Sterling ano! earn too commiiilons.

No Invettmenf. Fl-xlbie. PHONE 1-210 CUSTOM-Bullt homes. Carpentry, breeze- ASSISTANT monoger to direct aOje work. Apply Electroluie 17 tude for figure work reaulred.

Interesting NURSE: 2-3 days, 7-3. Call for Interview. HO 7-2100. Alofmo Nursing Home. Thurs.

9-7; Sot, till 6. way, porcnes, garages, 12x20, ttrvs; 14x20. 8995; 18x20. $1,195. Free estimates.

Garson earner Webster, tun time position tor mature person Aooly Highland Hospital weekday 4:30. MERCURY motors: Top trade In allowances now. We need vour used motor. Robot Marine 366 Ridge Rd. W.

MOREHOUSE, 14', 15 ho. outboard, Tee-Nee trailer. FuM equipment, aH In new condition. NO 3-8235. BOY'S bicycle, excellent condition.

Froncit Sablosky, 374 Wilkin Street. NURSE: Licensed. 11-7. Starting August Sam, ID e-0341; George, HU 1-2894. 1st.

Nursing home. GL e-sooi. AUDITOR: Nioht; itoodY Mtltton. Targ downtown hotol; axperlonee In hand front crlot necessary. Apply, 744ML.

GARAGES, custom built, attached, de- ASSEMBLER checker. BIKES tor rent. A wide variety of new bike. Used bike from $9.95. Repair NURSE, RN or LPN, 3-11, full or part- Tacnea.

Morrison. 2 iy neeier, cu e-iry. HAWK SALES Your Shopping Center For 3 BEDROOM HOMES Plant, txpenence preterrea. win teacn ambitious woman. Steady position.

Good time. Beechwood Sanitarium. Tnit Newspaper. 900 Cut- KITCHEN remodeling. No matter how work dependable.

Chuck's Blk Shop, 1133 PALMYRA-Macedon: Babysitter, yeur home, starting September, tor school ver Rd. BU 8-3335. M.F.G. Sunflsh, Grumman; also several used Inboards. outboards, motors.

Rakes Marine, E. Lake Conondolgua. small or laroe vour kitchen remodellna AUTO mechanic: Experienced mon tor new, used car conditioning. All bene Culver, BU t-1780. pay.

Flower city Dry ueantrs, mo Clinton Av. North. nccirE mnnnamr' Familiar with fill lob. Stars will be glad to give vou free girl aged 7. PreferablY outside of village, on Palmyra icnool but route.

fits. Apply to Joe pusaien, rinuier GIRL'S 24-1 n. blk, excellent condition, $70. CO 4-4938. ASSEMBLING and filing.

Cadet Cleaners, planning service and free estimates; no phases of automobile buslne and procedures. Small office, excellent Union. 18 5. tor LY 7-4310, evening ona weexena 1683 Dewey Ave. GIRLS 26" excellent condition.

Phone MOTOR Sailer, 28' Saver el, fiberglass construction. Sleeps 4. Can be trailed by family sedan. Big tavlnos. 1962 model.

Mover Boat CO 6-6857i oDiigation; installation, financing grrangea, Sears, Roebuck HA 4-9000. AUTO palnter'i helper ond doll-up man. working conditions, excellent saiary. Apply Monroe Auto Salts, 55 Monro between io-i, 5-7. PR s-zyi.

PERSON to learn wool pressing, $1.35 hourly to itort. Five day week. Cadet experienced, gooa pay. ny Mart. 165 Word St.

1 JALOUSIE porch tnclosures. aualltv In Ave. Used 3 Bedroom from 1 ,995 New 3 Bedroom from $3,495 GIRLS' 24" Huffy bicycle. Excellent con- Cleaners, 1M3 pewey stallations py t-i Loaatr 44 PAYROLL clrkt Fully xprlencd, with ASSISTANT Manager. Woman with car able to work evenings to help Empire Crafts monaoer, select ond troin saleswoman.

Compensation discussed ct Interview. Opportunity for advancement. Phone GR 3-2465 or FA 6-5005. AUTO transport driver: Experienced onfy. O.M.C.

Boats, Jahnson motors, Starcroft ond Cruisers Inc. boats. Holsclaw trailers. Towner's, 710 University. Thurston FA 8-4161.

ditloa $30. BU 1-0630. BIKE, girls, reasonable. 114 Schoi field Rd. CO M915.

knowledge of NCR posting macnine. Company benefits. Good salary. State ex with references, must, om pendable. Good pay, steady lob.

Kev PORCH steps mod to order. Installed. URGENTI Wanted: Registered attractive wages, benefits and environment. Arneld Gregory Hesoltal (51 bed), Altaian, N.Y. Contact Mist Hoey, LT 14' with trailer perience, references, tic.

Writ 790MQ, Kitchens remodeled. FI 2-8455. ston Auto Mart, 165 wara. OUTBORD motor boat, and oars. FA 8-3856.

GIRLS' bicycle, good condition. $22. This Newspaper. BABYSITTER: Over 13. Boys, 4-2 years.

Kennebunk Beach, Maine, Aug. 4-Sept. PORCH steps made to order. 3 steps, 4' 9-4422. AUTOMOBILE doll-up and Simonli mon with experience; must be neat and OL I-6VY.

POWER sewing machln operator, expe long. $21; 4 steps. 4' ona. $36; BU OWEN, 23' cabin cruiser, 1958. New coy.

ers, excellent. LU 67078. 1. LU 6-4765. SCHWINN, girl's, excellent condition, tl.

8-V494. rienced, interesting worx. pieasanr worx-Ing conditions. Apply 4th floor, 36 St. 101-3-BEDROOM HOMES Bvatlobl for Immediate delivery.

HAWK Super Mobile Home Mart CANANDAIGUA. N.Y. AREA CODE 315-394-4694 OPEN 'TIL 10 HU 2-605. OWENS, Sea Skiff: All 1963 models. Sill's sendable.

Apply Monroe Auto saie, Monro Ave. AUTOMOBILE mechanic kllld, general REPAIRS, remodeling, additions, garages, BABYSITTER: Loving care needed tor 2-vear-old alrl while mother works nlahts. Excellent Wages. ID poui st. Marina.

Sodui Point. Motorcyclos and Seootori 24 a um notion comb naton wlndowt car- pontry. CH 4-1370. DU PENN Yon 12' with Tee-Nee troiler. 6-1352.

after 9 a.m. ALLSTATE 1962 motor scooter, best of PRESSER: Wearing apoorel. Experienced preferred. Hafner Loundry, 595 Clinton N. 1-3842.

11 Sebastian Dr. CARPENTER crew: Rough, trim, new Ding Dong Avon Calling With a most wonderful line of Cosmetics end Toiletries tor mtn. women and children, which tell on sieht. Join today ond earn commissions, bonus, bond, prim. BA 5-4027 fer considered.

33 woibor St. BMW 1ft? R-50. $695. 24 Erie Brock- repair mechanic wim expriero Chrystor products. Top.

wag tor right man. Roil Motors, 943 Rid Webster. AUTOMOBILE body, fender homes. Insured Immediately. CH 4-1370.

PENN Yan 14'; 35 ho Evinrude motor. BABYSITTING-Housekeeolng: Mutt lov children. Mature woman. Light household duties. Private room and bath.

Trailer. Very aood condition. $775. EL port. NE 7-4128.

RECREATION room, porch remodellna. iVirnae- built. Remodellna Inside PRIVATE Investigator: No experience necessary. Poid while training. Flexible houn, part time.

Secure future. Interesting and challenging position. Apply Good home. CH 4-5844. 2-4956.

JwISS Colony, Trovelmaster, Winnebago, Rolnbow and brand names. Travel BSA Sale 8. Service. Buhalti Motors LXPenencea, tieaay iuu. nw-ra, i homes, Free estimates, C.B.H.

Contrac- BARMAID. Reliable, neat. ''Tender Trailer Center on Route 31, Middleport. 31V. s.

Mom (-airport, n.t. upen PENN YAN 14', Johnson 18 TNe troiler. Good condition. Compute with E. Main.

tors, UN 5-Z305. 2057 Mt. Read Blvd. Trap," 1694 Lake aviu venings only, Mon. tnrougn sot.

extras. BR 1-4839, SAVF: Install your own kitchen coWneti, Free Instruction an I oh er we'll Insta RECEPTIONIST: Experience, switch SUA. 10A.1 suner rnrket ar with Iy Helm AUTOMOBILE mechanic: Jfamih born foreign and domestic eai Income, steady emotovmentjApph BILLING Clerk, good typist; good working conditions, good salary. Write 94-Vu, oceetsoriet: Triumph. 1041 board OPtrator, ebli to type and tok MIDSUMMER Sale: 12 used, 3 reprosses-std at bank close out.

Completely reconditioned ond guaranteed. Free delivery end set-up. Avon Troiler Center. 1 mil Wtst of Avon Rout 5. WA 4-6091.

PENN Yon 14' mohogany podded teats, 25 Evinrude electric Tee Nee trailer. TprdtPiri FFortfanrjAverfX WOMAN for email office: Mutt typo. TMs Newspaper. menroe ra Manoaer, dictation. uoiomit blast ri or, AuWes, many extras.

Excellent, best offer. GL MriuHnaTnd Center, Holcomb, i. 9-1, 5 dayi. Apply 3016 Monro av, Monroe Ave. ID 4-177.

BOOKKEEPER-tvPiit, double entry. Et- tlHonf Full rhnroe. Coll DU 1-1100. CARPENTER work, all kind. For esti AUTO mechanic: Experienced on im.

NEAT appearing soles minded mcturo auui inr Afnra Hark. Will train. Salary available, $35. TRAILER park tpaci t-esyu. PLYWOOD 12 boat hp.

Johnson, trailer DART Kart. 1962, I pound. Ilka new, mates call Jim. HU 2-702. NO 3-JYTO and frlng benefits, interview 8-10 a.m.

SI5. HU J-1ZJO. $135.00. 14' St. Lawrence canoe, oars.

IMBURGiA Brothers, aluminum windows BOOKKEEPING deportment clerk, optl-tude for figure. Interettlna itoodv position. 40-hour, 5-day week liberal benefits. See Mr. E.

Sloan, Langlo Fuel Ben Bornot pry Cleaners, ze monroe. LET us order your Fan, customized to uuir Inriiuirlual need, at na extra cost $50.00. IV motor $25.00. 147 Caroline st, and doors i rtrnoaelino. carpentry, GO-KART, 400, new Westbend S.S engine and slick.

Excellent condition. Trophy THREE women with selling experience PLYWOOD, IT 5 hp. Johnson. Trailer. CO 44751.

to you. Atlantic Trailer Sales, 1224 Fair- winner. Reasonable. BR 1-9325. Serv I ce 35-3T GIpos St.

$195. 170 cresttieia Dr. port Rd. open eves. tor office work, pan or tun time.

selling. Good salary. Steady work. 1707 REPRESENTATIVES for notional metal product! manufacturer to arrange appointments for loioryplui will allow high Potential earnings. Apply Howard Johnson'i Motor Inn, W.

Henrietta Rd 10-1 ond 2-4. Mr. Richards. GO-cort, 1963 (Foxji fly weight, with ElocWcol Sorvio Ropolr'f 34A ELECTRIC Service: Top aualltv, matter toaii cp tnnrm for rent. 14 mile from BILLING clerk or cashier) experienced.

Must be good with figures. Houn 4 e.m. RAYTHEON: Depth-sounder and radia-teleohonet. at areatlv reduced Blrces. N.

Clinton Ave. oner a.m. mr. mhui ml' im nii uibo nr on a Rochester. Walking distonca to stores.

to 3 p.m. Apply Carhart Photo 105 See them this week at Rochester Marine iicenteg. mcnoiii, ll list price $377, sale price $275. Guaranteed perfect. ID 4-3948.

elau shoo; J100pr week gwtoH earning on flat rate basis. Aik for Mr. Stohl ot Soort Cor Sales, 741 Soutli Clinton. BILLPOSTERS: 2 experienced mea Lena end short handle. Good pay.

ijaodv work. Rocheitor Potter Advertltln Co. CH 44660. a. BRICKLAYERS and Wocklavert: Tied work, good pay, good steady etc Adults prettrrea.

11 Kocnester i. College Ave. before li a.m. no prion 534 Store St. Ooen 'til p.m.

WIRING. New, old. Guaranteed. Free Lima, n.t. colls.

GO Kart, MC engine, equipped, ready to Monday ona Tnursoov. estimate. Licensed electrician. Gl TRAILERS, 12' imoll plywood, camping. race, bu e-5ooz.

8-7233. BOOKKEEPER-secretary. Small office. RICHARDSON Sedan Cruiter, 32', recently Only 1100. 127 Lewn sr.

Wholesale distributor, starting salary HARLFY, 1950-74, dean, rebuilt, 2255 Hooting, Plumbing 3 18'. TRAVEL trailer: Self-contained, TEMPORARY HELP WE NEED EXPERIENCED TYPIST KEY PUNCH OPERATORS (Nlohtl) EXTRA HELP $75 up. Please mall complete personal SALESGIRL for toy department. Some ex-nerlonco necessary. dav.

371. hour culver Rd. ho 7-oivg, reoowered, sleeps pnone, tounaer, bottle gas, etc. Excellent condition. $4,200, CO 6-1574, hitch ana extras.

fK -Z55t. records. P.O. bov 1092. HARLEY.

FLH. 1962. Ilk new. HI-FI ELECTRIC tewer cleaning, repairs, Installed, replaced. Outside water lines, TRAVEL trailer, IS1 SportCroft.

Good BOOKKEEPER. Experience or training Blue. Best offer over $1350. 1672 Rush- RUNABOUT, 19', Inboard. Complete with work week.

Salary. Many company benefits, employees discount beginning at once. Nelsner Brothers, 200 E. Main, em licensed. HA 4-1946.

candition. NO 3-4813, in oookxeeoing ana gooa typing are employment, bu i-5ji. Scottsvllle Rd. Rush. hoist.

$795. 51 W. Lake uencseo, essential. 35 hour week. Please apply Boat trailers.

Sales, FURNACES cleaned, repaired. New units 914 F-1Z. ployment office, bastment. CAMPING trailers, rentals, hitches. University of Rochester Ptrsonntl Heckroth's, 1294 10NDAS, BMW, sale and service.

Open Wednesday till 9. Hennen I J47 Court 35 Installed. Chimneyt cleaned and rebuilt. Storm windows. Call anytime.

LI 4-1657 NO FEES 260 Crittenden Blvd, RUNABOUT 14' Century, planked, Evinrude electric. $400. GL 8-8242. Plymouth. HA 6-3418.

BA 53920 STATE ST. HITCHES, frame, axle, air lifts. Distrib GAS water heater repairt; oil, gat units, CABINETMAKER, mlllman, FonrUca mechanic ond opprentlce. Axelrod Wood rqducts. 77 Halsteod St CANVASSERS: An outstanding ooportunity to get with a tmall but very oogrettwo organization in th.

home mprovernent field. Experience essential. $108 week-iv snlorv plus commlition to ttart. Aopiv HONDA, 1962, clean, 1,200 miles, $350. SALESLADIES SAILBOATS: Now at Conesus Lake, with CANDY attendant, over 21, evenlnos.

No phone calls. Monroe Theater, 585 Monroe, WOMAN to operate a nationally known utor, sums, 352 empire. conversions. BU 8-7343. 161 f-ioverton.

mu 2-55vi. over zo soiipoots in stock, inunn, Pohex. Snilfith-Sunflsh. Nippers, Vixens, LIKE new, 48x10, with enclosed screened ZUNDATT, 1959 motor scoottr, excellent ca nay snop in aowmown nurw, excellent solory. commission.

Write 2I5MX, CARE school children for working widow. GAS furnace, 100,000 BTU. Delco, 10 veaf guarantee, will heat iix rooms, Installed, Anun.rnf and others New and used. condition. 174 Grantham Rd.

Live in. CO 6-1310, This Newspaper. Bodts-For-Soll 2515 E. Conesus Lake MOTOR scooter, minor repairs. $25.

527 OPPORTUNITIES available for women 1,000 ft. past state launching ramp. S4y. can anytime, ul s-ytuo, ti HEAT wfth medern g0s. Frt estlmat Quick service.

BU 8-7343. ond stormi oircn. All let up in remieia Trailer Court. Inaulre Sebattian Store, 514 Linden Ave. JULY Clearance! 1 1 150x10 Champion.

155x10 Venus. Space available. Several tent campers tram $495, Janes Mt. Hope Ave, Mk niia nermnnenr oarr mo oiiiDiur- innrMn 472 Carter jf. rDrow' oSWAXX H5Sj: Imorovtmentt and swimming pools.

FI Ooen 9-9. City pnane, pr i ziuo. CASHIER. Air conditioned Itwelrv store. 40 hours.

Exceiitnt solary, permanent. Typing desirable. Good benefits. Rudolph Jewelers. 125 Main E.

Pennv'l ot Pittsford Ploza now taking applications far sales work. If you can work any of the following schedules Dally 10-5, er Permanent employment. Good taiary and gene rout company benefits. Apply In person 10-5 J. u.H.mI WA.Inn Itnnrk.

Wonted Automotive- ment cleonlng offlcet. Excellent working condltlont. Regular housekeeping duties. about, 17" long 49" beam. Boot trailer, PLUMBING remodeling, new work, repairs, prompt service.

Reasonable. Re-copptrlng our specialty. HU 2-8081, otter 1-8060. rucuia For hmnitnl laboratory de 1345 Scottsvllle Rd. KESSLER will pay top dollar tor clean used cart, '55 to Try us tor a Apply in person, izz Norton ev-tween 9-5.

69 Parkwooa ko CARPENTERS yeoo' minimum exeerl- portment; BS or associate degree; 5- -aH luu.1 rAnlnl tmt Penny store, 334 Monroe Ave. I. ence, tools. ond Ironsrwrtotien. Let, eoa price on your cor.

ivvoror. 3AIL9IAX SWI "wi SOMETHING new In a camper, colled Skomper. Sieeot 4. See them at Frank's, dav week, liberal fringe benefits, excel i.nt nnnortunltv. Give education, expert Sea Saleswomen: Fashion Ready to Wear, Manx, off Fairport montn.

Sill wnnro, jonu mini. toot at mgnts. E. Plttston WOMAN, unencumbered, tor cottage oar-ent in ehlldren institution. I doyt tmmy HuIm In rtaulred.

Good estary. rl Rome BA 5-216. ence, martial status. Write 227 MX, This COMPLETE Plumbing repairs ond re-'vjk- BE 57591, Ken- SAILSTAR, sail boats. Several models an 'ASTER'S Motor Sales.

Will poytop dollar for late model Cadillac or Chev- Jewelry, Boy end Glrlt Wear, Lofher Goods, ctilldren'i Book dtportntentt. Per-manont. salary, all comoony benefits. Newspaper. plus complete maintenance, social vocatlen, ether trlngg benlt.

For PLUMBING, hestlna. raet-cuttlna. tewert CLERICAL work, capable tvolst. Aptitude oiets, sro Braao at Brown, lo 2-5wy, display. Sim Marina, sooui roim.

SCOTT: 60 h.p. motor, electric starter, generator ond bailamatle, $475. Terms. Apply ttblev'l employment oftlc. Ith MOBILE home accessories.

Silver tap and Haves awnings; Kool-seol hot water heaters) metal steps; aluminum thtdi, $105.95, etc. Harper. 702 Linden Ave-, LU 4-221. wood, off Edoeweod). I elpet; regulate pressure; new rtmod- girls', xcllnt condition.

111 dttoilt write jtwo, Tnit Nwpoper. tor guret, yrug Ttrminoiuey noimui. Mr, oraioh, BR VliSX fleer. 114 BOttiroom. PAM7I1.

ID e-0454. Naum Bros-t Hit Kiaa tt..

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.