A Pet Parent Survival Plan for Dog Dementia (2024)

As our beloved canine companions age, they may start exhibiting behaviors and symptoms that indicate cognitive decline. One of the more concerning conditions that can affect older dogs is dementia, also known as Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD) or canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome. This condition is akin to human Alzheimer's disease and can significantly impact a dog's quality of life. This condition can be distressing for both pets and their owners. It's really important, as a responsible pet owner, to know the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and management of dementia in older dogs to help you better understand and support your aging pet.

A Pet Parent Survival Plan for Dog Dementia (1)

What is Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD)?

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects a dog's brain function, leading to changes in behavior, memory, and learning. Usually, the first sign is a marked increase in repetitive behaviors without apparent reason. As the initial signs are subtle, these can go unnoticed for many years.

What are the predisposing factors for CCD?

It is most common in senior dogs, typically those over the age of 10 are most prone to develop dementia. Thirty percent of dogs eleven and older are affected by the condition, with nearly all dogs being affected after age 14.

Certain breeds may be more predisposed to developing CCD. While research is ongoing, breeds such as the Border Collie, Boxer, and Dachshund are thought to have a higher risk. Genetics play a role in the susceptibility to various diseases, including neurodegenerative conditions.

Inadequate nutrition, particularly diets low in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and other nutrients that support brain health, can contribute to cognitive decline. Proper nutrition is crucial for maintaining mental function as dogs age.

Dogs with chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or kidney disease may have an increased risk of developing CCD. These conditions can affect overall health and exacerbate cognitive decline.

What causes Canine Cognitive Dysfunction?

While the exact cause of dog dementia is not fully understood, it is believed to be related to the buildup of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain, oxidative stress, and neuronal damage. These changes lead to the loss of neurons and a decline in neurotransmitter levels, which affects mental function.

A Pet Parent Survival Plan for Dog Dementia (2)

What are dog dementia symptoms?

Recognizing the symptoms and signs of dementia or cognitive dysfunction syndrome in a senior dog is crucial for early intervention and management. Symptoms can vary in severity and may develop gradually. Common signs to watch for include:

1.) Disorientation

Dogs with CCD may appear confused or lost in familiar environments. They might behave differently. You may notice they wander aimlessly, get stuck in corners, or have difficulty finding their way around the house.

2.) Altered Sleep Patterns

Changes in a dog's sleep habits (sleep wake cycle) are common. An affected senior dog might sleep more during the day and become restless or active at night.

3.) Changes in Social Interaction

Dogs with CCD may become less interested in social interactions, appearing withdrawn or less responsive to their owners and other dogs. Extreme irritability may also become apparent. The opposite can also be sign (see number 6).

4.) House Soiling

Previously house-trained dogs may start having accidents indoors, forgetting their house training or becoming disoriented about where to eliminate. This can be as simple as elimination on the wrong side of a pee pad, for example.

5.) Decreased Activity

A noticeable decline in activity levels, including reduced interest in play and exercise. This can also present as a disinterest in food.

A Pet Parent Survival Plan for Dog Dementia (3)

6.) Anxiety and Agitation

Increased anxiety, restlessness, and agitation can occur, sometimes manifesting as barking, whining, or pacing. Dogs with dementia can develop or exacerbate separation anxiety due to the cognitive diminishment affecting their ability to process their surroundings and experiences appropriately.

7.) Repetitive Behaviors

Dogs may develop repetitive behaviors such as licking, circling, or staring at walls. Other signs, like excessive barking or vocalization and snapping at invisible objects, can also occur.

8.) Memory Loss

Difficulty remembering familiar commands, routines, or previously taught training. Your dog may also have trouble finding their food and water bowl.

How is canine dementia diagnosed in senior dogs?

If you suspect your dog may be suffering from dog dementia, it is essential to consult your vet immediately. Diagnosis typically involves a combination of a thorough physical examination, a detailed history of your dog's behavior changes (any of the above signs mentioned), and ruling out other medical conditions that could mimic dementia symptoms, such as arthritis, vision or hearing loss, or urinary tract infections. Just because your dog is showing signs of dementia, it is not necessarily the case.

A Pet Parent Survival Plan for Dog Dementia (4)

Veterinarians may use a specific diagnostic tool called the Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Rating Scale (CCDRS) or the Canine Dementia Scale (CADES), which assesses various aspects of your dog's behavior and cognitive function. In some cases, advanced imaging techniques like MRI or CT scan may be recommended to rule out other neurological conditions.

How do I manage dementia in dogs?

While there is no cure for dementia in dogs, several strategies can help manage the condition and improve your dog's life. These strategies focus on slowing the progression of symptoms, enhancing mental function, and providing a supportive environment as treatment options.

1.) Diet and Nutrition

A balanced diet rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and medium-chain triglycerides can support brain health. Some commercial and prescription dog foods are specially formulated for senior dogs with cognitive issues.

2.) Medications

Several medications can help manage symptoms and improve cognitive function in your dog. Selegiline (Anipryl) is a common drug used to treat CCD, as it increases dopamine levels in the brain. Your veterinarian may also prescribe your dog anti-anxiety medications if needed.

3.) Environmental Enrichment

Providing mental stimulation through puzzle toys, food puzzles, training exercises, and interactive games can help keep your dog's mind active. Regular walks and exposure to new environments can also be beneficial. Keeping your dog's environment stimulating can help slow disease progression. Regular exercise and playtime are also beneficial. Meat munchies can be special treats and can be an option to stimulate play or hide in puzzle toys or DIY food puzzles.

A Pet Parent Survival Plan for Dog Dementia (5)

4.) Consistency and Routine

Maintaining a consistent daily routine helps reduce confusion and anxiety in dogs with dementia. Try to keep feeding, walking, and bedtime schedules regular as these can create a sense of stability and security. Avoid making sudden changes (keep things in the same place) to their environment or schedule, as this can exacerbate disorientation and stress in your dog.

5.) Supplements

Supplements such as SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine), phosphatidylserine, and vitamin E may support cognitive function. Adding Omega-3 not only in the diet but as a supplement can also be beneficial. Omega Love+ is a fantastic way to add Omegas to your dog's diet. Buddy Guard also can have positive effects on your dog's condition as some of the mushrooms in the product have neuroprotective properties and can help with overall immune health. Consult your veterinarian before adding any supplements to your dog's diet.

6.) Behavioral Therapy

Working with a veterinary behaviorist can provide tailored strategies to address specific behavioral issues in your dog. Techniques such as positive reinforcement can help modify unwanted behaviors and reinforce previously learned training.

7.) Comfort and Safety

Ensure your home environment is safe and comfortable for your aging dog. Provide orthopedic beds for joint support, use baby gates to block off unsafe areas, and consider adding night lights to help with navigation. Ensure your dog’s environment is safe and comfortable. Avoid rearranging furniture, as familiar pathways help prevent confusion. Provide non-slip mats for better traction, especially if your dog has mobility issues. Make sure your dog has a cozy, quiet space where they can retreat and rest undisturbed.

A Pet Parent Survival Plan for Dog Dementia (6)

How do I support my dog with altered cognitive function?

Living with a dog suffering from dementia can be challenging, but with patience and understanding, you can help your dog navigate this difficult time. Here are some tips for providing the best support:

Be Patient: Understand that your dog's changes are due to cognitive diminishment and not intentional. Patience and gentle guidance are essential. Flexibility in house rules may be essential as part of a treatment plan.

Offer Reassurance: Provide plenty of affection and reassurance. Physical touch and a calm voice can help soothe an anxious dog.

Monitor Health: Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial to monitor your dog's condition, as it may gradually worsen, and adjust care plans as needed. Other health problems must also be addressed in conjunction with CCD. Other symptoms, unrelated to CCD, can be overlooked when we focus all our attention on this consuming illness.

Stay Informed: Educate yourself about CCD and stay updated on new treatments and management strategies. Join support groups or online forums for dog owners dealing with similar issues.

What should I keep in mind when our dog's cognitive function declines?

Dementia in senior dogs is a challenging condition that requires a multifaceted approach to management and care. By understanding the initial symptoms and other clinical signs, seeking early diagnosis, and implementing supportive strategies, you can enhance your senior dog's quality of life and ensure they remain happy and unstressed.

Many owners make sure they spend more quality time with their dog. They also make family members aware of their pet's health issues and needs. CCD is the dog equivalent condition related to Alzheimer's disease in humans, comparing the two afflictions to family and friends may help with understanding and facilitate an action plan. Familiar people can help make your dog comfortable within their surroundings. Don’t overlook the importance of emotional support for both your dog and yourself. CCD can be a challenging journey. Seeking support from friends, family, or pet support groups can provide valuable comfort and advice. Caregiver burden is a common affliction in pet parents caring for a chronically ill pet. To take care of a loved one, we first have to take care of ourselves.

Other pets in the household will also need time made for them. Your affected dog's illness will consume much more of your time and energy. It is important that other dogs in the household do not get overlooked in the process.

Ultimately, the goal is to maintain your dog's quality of life for as long as possible. Monitor your dog's enjoyment of activities, appetite, mobility, and overall happiness. There may come a time when difficult decisions need to be made about their care. Discussing these decisions with your veterinarian can help ensure they are made with your dog's best interests in mind.

Remember, your veterinarian is a valuable partner in this journey, providing guidance and support every step of the way and can even prescribe medications for your dog if needed. Make sure you still schedule regular check-ups as other diseases can be missed if you're focused on only common symptoms of CCD. With love, patience, and proper care, you can help your senior dog navigate the challenges of dementia and continue to enjoy their golden years.

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A Pet Parent Survival Plan for Dog Dementia (2024)


A Pet Parent Survival Plan for Dog Dementia? ›

Providing mental stimulation through puzzle toys, food puzzles, training exercises, and interactive games can help keep your dog's mind active. Regular walks and exposure to new environments can also be beneficial. Keeping your dog's environment stimulating can help slow disease progression.

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In addition to antioxidants, research shows that dogs with canine cognitive dysfunction benefit from environmental enrichment like regular exercise, interactive toys and playtime with other dogs.

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For some dogs, going for an extra walk right before bedtime can wear them out, leading to longer, deeper sleep. Melatonin helps some dogs, but there aren't a lot of studies to confirm its effects. Discuss this option with your veterinarian before using it. House soiling due to dementia may be tricky to control.

When to put a dog down with dementia? ›

How do you know when to put a dog with dementia to sleep?
  1. Does your dog still engage with you?
  2. Is there still 'life' in its eyes, or do they just stare at you blankly?
  3. Is the dog constantly living in fear and barking?
  4. Does it have a healthy appetite, good energy levels, is it of good mental condition?

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The disease will progress. However, if CCD is caught early and treated effectively, the dog could live a full life with a normal life span for their breed. Unfortunately, dogs with severe cases of CCD generally have a worse outcome, often being euthanized about two years after signs of CCD appear.

Does anything help dog dementia? ›

While there is no cure, there are several things that you can do at home to help your dog's cognitive functions. Maintaining a healthy and stimulating environment will help slow the progression of cognitive decline. This typically involves imposing a daily routine of exercise, play and mental stimulation.

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Below are the most common symptoms of dog dementia: Disorientation and confusion – Appearing lost or confused in familiar surroundings. Anxiety. Failing to remember routines and previously learned training or house rules.

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In the severe stage, your dog will likely be frequently disoriented. In addition to other symptoms, they might bark for seemingly no reason, pace at night, or fail to respond to their name.

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The best know prescribed medication for canine dementia is Selegiline hydrochloride (a.k.a. L-deprenyl hydrochloride). Selegiline was originally developed for human Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease but is now also used for Canine Cognitive Dysfunction and Cushing's Disease.

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How fast does dog dementia progress? According to research, there are three distinct stages of progression, which level from mild to severe, with symptoms worsening and ramping up as time goes on. This can take from six months to a year between stages worsening.

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Vocalizations, including barking, whining, and crying for no apparent reason, are also common in dogs with senior dementia. This may be an indication of stress, fear, or anxiety due to confusion; they may also show aggression.

Does gabapentin help dogs with dementia? ›

Anti-anxiety drugs can also play a huge role in helping to relieve symptoms. While they won't slow the progression of the disease, they may well improve the quality of your dog's life. Your vet may recommend medications such as gabapentin, fluoxetine, or trazodone to help limit anxiety.

How do you know when your old dog has had enough? ›

This is the most common sign that the dying process has begun. Lying in one spot (oftentimes a quiet spot where they don't usually lie), not interested in toys or walks, barely acknowledging family members — in other words, just not acting like themselves.

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Changes in behavior, including confusion and disorientation, forgetting known commands, increased vocalization, development of repetitive behaviors, changes in sleep patterns, and increased anxiety or fear of familiar people. Notable changes in activity level, which could include both decreased and increased activity.

Can dogs with dementia be left alone? ›

It's common for them to wander out of the back yard or get lost on a walk during these episodes. For these reasons, a dog with dementia should never be left unattended.

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CCD in dogs develops across three general stages: early, moderate and severe. (Note symptoms may present or overlap across different stages.)

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What Can You Do?
  1. Control high blood pressure. ...
  2. Manage blood sugar. ...
  3. Maintain a healthy weight. ...
  4. Eat a healthy diet. ...
  5. Keep physically active. ...
  6. Stay mentally active. ...
  7. Stay connected with family and friends. ...
  8. Treat hearing problems.
Jul 9, 2024

Can dog dementia be prevented? ›

Unfortunately, there is no cure for dog dementia. But there are things you can do to alleviate symptoms for your dog and prolong cognitive function as they age. Environmental Enrichment: Creating a mentally stimulating and enriching environment is crucial for dogs with cognitive dysfunction.

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Dogs may walk around aimlessly because they are less aware of their surroundings, unwell, painful, or feel stressed. However, boredom can also cause them to walk around aimlessly, so check whether this could be the cause before contacting your veterinarian. Why is my old dog panting and pacing?

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