6 Types of Motorcycle Helmet [Pros and Cons] (2025)

We like to refer to a lot of motorcycle gear as “life-saving,” but in the case of helmets, it’s literally true. In fact, it’s estimated that helmets saved some 1,870 lives in 2017.

They lower the risk of head injury by 69% and the risk of death by 42%.

With this in mind, not to mention the many state laws requiring them, it seems that getting a good motorcycle helmet is a no-brainer. But which type is best for you?

The 6 Main Motorcycle Helmet Types

Full Face

6 Types of Motorcycle Helmet [Pros and Cons] (1)

Full-face helmets are those that cover the entire head and include an eye shield or visor that protects the face.

Because full-face helmets cover your whole head, they provide the most protection of all types. Most importantly, the hard shell of the helmet wraps around the face and over the chin. The chin is what usually hits first in an accident, so a full-face helmet can save your handsome jawline.

The biggest complaint with these helmets is that they can feel suffocating and uncomfortable. Luckily, modern models usually include ventilation, not to mention other advanced features like Bluetooth speakers.

Read more about our picks for:

  • Best full-face helmet
  • Best-ventilated helmet
  • Best Bluetooth helmet


  • Protects the entire head including chin
  • Room for features like headsets and speakers
  • Built-in visor


  • Can feel suffocating
  • More material adds to price
  • Can’t eat, drink or talk with helmet on

Open Face

6 Types of Motorcycle Helmet [Pros and Cons] (2)

Sometimes called three-quarter helmets, these models resemble full-face helmets but lack the chin bar. In other words, they still have a liftable eye shield and protection for your big brain but less so for your pretty face.

Cruisers pair well with open-face helmets because you still get that wind-on-your-skin feeling with a high amount of security. Plus, you can talk to companions or grab a bite to eat during a quick stop without having to take off your helmet.

Read more about our picks for the best three-quarter motorcycle helmets.


  • Protects most of the head
  • Feel the wind on your face
  • Can talk or eat with helmet on


  • No chin bar protection
  • Less possibility for extra features


6 Types of Motorcycle Helmet [Pros and Cons] (3)

You might see the modular helmet called a “hybrid” because it’s a mix between a full-face and open-face helmet. It has full-face coverage, but the hard chin bar lifts up along with the eye shield.

This is as close to the best of both worlds as you’ll get. The modular helmet provides protection for your whole head while still allowing you to talk or eat without taking it off. They’re also easier to put on if you wear glasses.

Of course, there’s always a catch. Modular helmets are the most advanced type and, therefore, the most expensive.

Read more about modular vs. full-face helmets.


  • Full-face protection including chin bar
  • Removable/liftable chin bar lets you eat or drink
  • Easy to put on with glasses – see best helmets for glasses


  • Expensive

Read our guide to the best modular motorcycle helmet

Half Face

6 Types of Motorcycle Helmet [Pros and Cons] (4)

Nicknamed “shorty,” the half-face helmet is basically a bowl that goes over the top of your head, secured by a chin strap. It provides some protection for the top of the skull but little else. In many jurisdictions, these helmets provide the absolute bare minimum protection required by law.

Many old-school bikers like half-face helmets, not just for the wind on their faces but also for the style. They’re often designed to look like old racing or military helmets. Additionally, they have no eye shield, leaving eye protection totally up to the style preferences of the rider.


  • Antique style
  • Flexibility, especially with eye protection
  • Max wind on your face


  • Very little protection
  • No eye shield

Read our guide to the best half-face motorcycle helmet


6 Types of Motorcycle Helmet [Pros and Cons] (5)

Motocross helmets resemble full-face helmets in that they have a chin bar and wrap around your entire head. However, the chin bar usually juts out along with a large visor on the forehead. This provides maximum protection while allowing for air flow, both to cool the rider and stay aerodynamic while racing.

Keep in mind that these helmets have no eye protection. Off-road athletes usually wear separate goggles.

This type of helmet is designed specifically for the sport of motocross and isn’t ideal for other kinds of riding like commuting, cruising, or touring.


  • Full-face protection, including extended chin bar and visor
  • Aerodynamic
  • Ventilation to keep cool


  • No eye protection
  • Specific to motocross
  • Less comfortable for long periods

Adventure\Dual Sport

6 Types of Motorcycle Helmet [Pros and Cons] (6)

A dual sport helmet is essentially a full-face helmet combined with a motocross helmet. It has an angular, extended chin bar and visor, though usually not as extreme as in a true motocross helmet. Unlike a motocross helmet, it has an eye shield that can usually snap up to allow the use of goggles, too.

Most significantly, dual sport helmets have more padding, and their shape is more comfortable, allowing use for longer periods. As a result, you can use them for both off-roading and everyday use like commuting.

Read more about our picks for the best dual sport helmets.


  • Useful for both motocross and everyday riding
  • Full-face protection, including chin bar
  • Eye shield that snaps up


  • Can still be less comfortable for touring/cruising

Related Reading

  • Do motorcycle helmets expire?
  • How much should a motorcycle helmet cost?
  • Best ventilated motorcycle helmets
  • Best budget motorcycle helmets
  • Motorcycle helmet brands
6 Types of Motorcycle Helmet [Pros and Cons] (2025)


What are the different types of motorcycle helmets? ›

Choosing a Helmet Style
  • Full Face Motorcycle Helmet.
  • Modular Motorcycle Helmet.
  • Dual-Sport Motorcycle Helmet.
  • Off-Road Motorcycle Helmet.
  • Hi-Viz Motorcycle Helmet.
  • Half Helmets and Open-Face Helmets.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of helmet? ›

Why helmet is important: It increases visibility to other road users.
Biking with helmet prosBiking without helmet cons
Can reduce medical expenses in case of an accidentCan lead to higher medical expenses in case of an accident
Can prevent brain damageCan lead to brain damage
5 more rows
Jan 27, 2023

What type of helmet should a rider must use answer? ›

The full-face helmet covers the rider's face and the entire head. It offers the most coverage around your head and neck. Hence, it is considered the safest type of helmet to protect you from adverse injuries. It guards the chin and the jaw from potential impact in case of an accident.

Is ECE or DOT better? ›

In conclusion, both the DOT and ECE standards have their own strengths and weaknesses. While the DOT standard is a good starting point for minimum helmet performance, the ECE standard offers a higher level of protection and ongoing testing to ensure that helmets remain safe to use over time.

What is the safest type of motorcycle helmet? ›

Full-face helmets are the safest type of motorcycle helmet available. They offer complete protection for the head, face, and chin, and are designed to absorb impact energy in the event of a crash.

How many types of helmets are there? ›

Safety helmets are usually of three types- Class A, Class B , and Class C. Class A helmets offer users with impact and penetration resistance apart from limited voltage protection (up to 2200 volts).

What are the disadvantages of motorcycle helmets? ›

A helmet disrupts this mindset, often requiring a minute or two to properly fit and adjust to your head. It is stuffy. Nobody can argue that helmets sometimes get stuffy -- something that may drive away more claustrophobic types.

What is the disadvantage of helmet? ›

There have been studies showing that wearing a helmet makes people take more risks and therefore can lead to accidents. Wearing a helmet won't really protect against life-threatening injuries. Helmets look uncool. Helmets mess up my hair or stop me from wearing the hats that i want to.

Does the type of helmet matter? ›

Bike helmets are a key part of riding safely, but not all of them are made the same. Helmets come in a variety of styles, each designed to work best for different purposes. For example, recreational bike helmets are very different than mountain bike helmets, or those designed for road riding and commuting.

What type of helmet is best? ›

Full-face. A full-face type of motorcycle helmet covers and protects your entire head and provides the best overall protection. They are also the quietest because they reduce wind and road noise. Plus, many offer advanced features such as an internal sun visor that the rider can flip down in the glaring sun.

What are the three types of motorcycle helmets? ›

While visor fasteners are allowed, a spike or other protruding decoration indicates an unapproved helmet. Approved helmets generally come in three basic styles: Full Face, Open Face, and Half Shell.

What type of motorcycle helmet should I get? ›

Choosing the right motorcycle helmet is an important decision that should not be taken lightly. Consider factors like safety, comfort, style, and budget when making your selection. Full Face helmets offer the most protection, while Half Face and Open Face helmets are more lightweight and affordable.

Is Snell better than dot? ›

You should understand that by choosing a DOT helmet, you are giving up 40% to 80% of impact protection comparing with any Snell certified helmets.

Is MIPS better than Snell? ›

While DOT and Snell helmet ratings are geared at high-speed impacts, MIPS' slight pliability can be the difference between a concussion or not in slower-speed accidents.

What is the disadvantage of ECE? ›

Disadvantages of Electronics and Communication Engineering

The competition is quite tough to score a seat in top ECE colleges. If your maths skills are not good, you might face several problems with the core subject. Further, if you lack basic knowledge, the lab practicals will be challenging.

Is ECE or Snell better? ›

ECE certified helmets are only required to be tested once every five years, while SNELL certified helmets must be tested and re-certified every five years. This means that SNELL certified helmets are better equipped to meet the latest safety standards and provide riders with the best protection possible.

What style of motorcycle helmet is best? ›

Full-face. A full-face type of motorcycle helmet covers and protects your entire head and provides the best overall protection. They are also the quietest because they reduce wind and road noise. Plus, many offer advanced features such as an internal sun visor that the rider can flip down in the glaring sun.

What is the difference between helmet and MIPS helmet? ›

A helmet with a MIPS system features a layer between the hard outer shell and the EPS foam liner. Upon a side or angled impact, the MIPS liner allows for 1-1.5 cm of 360-degree movement, significantly reducing the impact forces reaching your brain.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.